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    Designing promotional strategies using the tools in your promotion mix

    You are the marketing manager for a major airline. How would you vary the emphasis among the tools in your promotion mix when designing promotional strategies for: Individual travelers who travel for pleasure, and Corporate travel departments that select the airlines to be used by company employees when they travel for


    Which one of the market segmentation criteria is most difficult to identify and measure? Can you please explain the relationship between marketplace diversity and demographics? What are the steps to developing new products and revising established products? What product attributes should be considered when introducing a

    Organization SWOTT Differs From a Product/Service SWOTT

    Can you please help me understand how an organizational SWOTT differ from a product/service SWOTT analysis? What might happen if the marketing plan is in conflict with the organizational strategy? Lastly, how do environmental factors influence an organization's marketing strategy?

    Sample size

    Subject: sample sizing Details: a local bus company recently started a campaign to encourage people to increase car pooling or use of public transportation. To assess the effectiveness of a campaign, management wanted to do a survey to determine the proportion of people who had adopted the reccommended energy-saving measures.

    Chief Method: Retailers

    The chief method revolved around three specific areas, cite each and could you give me an example of a retailer that might fit in each of these categories?

    Product Mix Pricing Strategies

    Could you explain each of the product mix pricing strategies-product line pricing, optical product pricing,captive-product pricing, by-product pricing, product bundle pricing?

    International marketing

    Discuss and explain the various trade restrictions that a company must be prepared to face if it chooses to go into international marketing.

    Online marketing

    Discuss the benefits to consumers and marketers of online markting. could you also cite specific reasons in both areas?

    Broad Form of Objects and Example

    Could you define each broad forms of objectives and give an example of a specific objective that might be accomplished by the advertiser should she choose the general objective form.

    Marketing management

    List and briefly define the four different types of markets that affect pricing decisions. Give an illustration of each type of market.

    What is a good example of a product line?

    Which of the following is the best example of a product line? a. General Motors offers passenger cars, small trucks, and tractor trailers. b. Sony offers DVD players, compact disk players, and video game consoles. c. Kellogs offfers Special K, Raisin Bran, Corn Flakes, and a variety of other cold ready-to-eat cereals. D.

    Marketing question

    Martin Maiers works as a marketing manager at a major manufacturing firm. He recently sent a memo to his boss promoting the idea of producing green products. This means that Martin wants to: a. produce only products that have the potential for high profits. b. establish a new policy that prevents firms from producing produ

    Marketing question

    The last step in the marketing process often includes: a. sending the bill to the customer b. developing a written report to summarize the results of the period's marketing activities c. deciding the best way to distribute the product d. building relationships with customers


    Could you define the consumer market and briefly describe the elements of a simple model of buying behavior.

    Personal selling

    I have data of 2004 forecast sales for each school account and also days allocated that I have to spent at each school. How can I find the solution to this question? "Considering that our product line consists of textbooks for all major course areas, where, if at all, would you consider it advisable to deviate from the days-a

    Discuss a failed attempt at marketing for a global tire manufacturer

    This vignette describes a failed attempt at marketing and the use of operations management data for a global tire manufacturer. United States-based engineers for a global tire manufacturer performed extensive tests on a new tire that the company wished to introduce to a European market. The test results were not informed abou

    Demographic Trends and Marketing in Asia

    Asian countries, in general, have a relatively younger population than more developed countries, say, the U.S. What are the implications of this demographic trend to marketers of products targeted at (a) the younger generation, and (b) the older generation?

    Asian Market Research by Non-Asian company

    What are the difficulties that a non-Asian company has to overcome when conducting marketing research in Asia in the areas of questionnaire development, response elicitation, and data collection? What steps can a marketing researcher in Asia take to minimize/overcome these challenges?