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    Geography is the science which studies the lands, the features, the inhabitants and the phenomena present on the Earth. Modern geography is an encompassing discipline that seeks to understand the Earth and all of its human and natural complexities. Geography is divided into two main braches, human geography and physical geography.

    Physical geography focuses on geography as an Earth science. It looks to understand the physical problems and the issues associated with the of lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere and global flora and fauna patterns. Human geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human society. It looks at human, political, cultural, social and economic aspects.

    Integrated geography is the branch of geography which describes the spatial aspects of interactions between humans and the natural world. This is the bridge between physical and human geography. Integration geography has emerged as human relations with the environment have changed as a result of globalization and technological change. 



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    BrainMass Categories within Geography

    The Water Cycle

    Solutions: 6

    The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.


    Solutions: 11

    Cartography is the study of map making.

    Economic and Resource Geography

    Solutions: 9

    Economic geography is the study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic activities across the world.


    Solutions: 3

    Hydroclimation is the study of the influence of climate upon the waters of the land.


    Solutions: 1

    Geomorphology is the study of land forms and the processes that shape them.


    Solutions: 0

    Pedology is the study of soils in their natural environment.

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