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    Terrorism and National Security

    In Canada, National Security Laws refer to a set of laws, acts and legal methods used to influence the country’s response to “national security” threats. These can encompass any event which can inflict harm on a major scale to either human lives or human property. Thus, the spectrum of events can range from epidemic diseases to acts of terrorism.

    National Security Laws can be thematically subdivided into three different categories. The first theme concerns the national security structure. These laws govern the institutional structures of government entities who deal with national security not only at the provincial, but also at the national and international settings. These are set up so that when a threat presents itself, the institutional infrastructure will deal with the issue in the appropriate manner. The second theme concerns the objectives of these government entities, specifically referring to laws or legal instruments related to specific threats which the country seeks to control, such as natural disasters or terrorism. The third and final theme which is usually considered, are the laws which pertain to the actual techniques in dealing with national security threats – these include laws which relate to, but are not limited to,  government surveillance, intelligence sharing, and interrogation practices.

    Thus, it can be seen that laws pertaining to national securities and terrorism are important, not only for those who must face national security issues in their professional life, but also for those who are studying law.

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