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    Poverty and Homelessness

    Poverty and homelessness are states of welfare which are well below the national economic and social averages. Poverty is usually used to describe an individual who severely lacks monetary funds and material possessions. Homelessness is a term which classifies individuals who do not have a permanent place of habituation. Poverty and homelessness have been classified together in this case because they are very interrelated concepts.

    There are a range of different circumstances which can cause an individual to be homeless and/or live in poverty. Many people who become homeless have been affected by a socio-structural problem. A socio-structural problem can be related to economic restructuring in society, gentrification in neighbourhoods or related to a loss in government funded programs. Evidently, it is inappropriate to make judgements about individuals who are homeless because there are a multitude of reasons as to why they may be in that position.

    Poverty occurs when an individual cannot meet their basic needs and it is an issue which exists in all countries. In the event of economic recessions, poverty becomes an even greater issue as individuals lose their jobs and are no longer able to afford their basic needs and the needs of a family in some cases. Poverty can lead to homelessness and comparatively, when people are dealing with chronic homelessness, they are classified as living in poverty as well.

    Poverty and homelessness are social issues which social advocates, community organizations and global groups try to assist with. Homelessness and poverty are openly seen in many urban cities, whereas in other communities, it may be more of a hidden problem. Poverty and homelessness are deeply embedded issues which will require many long-term efforts in order to be eradicated. 


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