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    Oceanography studies the world's oceans. It covers a range of topics including marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics. These topics are studied in other academic disciplines including biology, chemistry, geology, meteorology and physics. Often disciplines in oceanography are studied together. The study of oceanography is also linked to understanding global climate changes, the potential of global warming and related biosphere concerns.

    Biological oceanography looks at the ecology of marine organisms in the context of physical, chemical and geological characteristics of the ocean environment. This aspect of oceanography is related to marine biology. Chemical oceanography is the study of the chemistry of the ocean and its chemical interactions with the atmosphere. Geological oceanography is the study of the geology of the ocean floor. This study includes plate tectonics and paleoceanography. Additionally, physical oceanography looks at the ocean’s physical attributes including temperature salinity structures, mixing, waves, internal waves, surface tides, internal tides and currents. 



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    BrainMass Categories within Oceanography


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    Hydrogeology is the study of the movement of groundwater.

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    please help me with at least 200 words thank you in advance

    What do you think is the cause of the "dip" (i.e., decrease) in salinity around the equator? Could it not be argued that higher temperature causes more evaporation from the ocean surface, which, in turn, results in higher salinity content?

    Disposing Radioactive Waste in a Deep Sea Trench

    At one time it was thought that the deep-ocean trenches at subduction zones would be a good place for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Why is this not a good idea? Explain what can happen at a subduction zone and what might occur if the waste were buried there. (Hint: see oceanic-continental convergence)

    Types of convergent plate boundaries

    The book that is being used is The Essentials of Oceanography (5th ed) 4 questions. 1. Compare three types of convergent plate boundaries (oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental, and continental-continental) and describe what happens at each. Provide specific geographic examples. 2. What are the distributions of siliceous o

    Stabilizations of shorelines - temporary or permanent?

    A variety of techniques and efforts are used to stabilize shorelines throughout the world. Discuss these techniques. Are they temporary or permanent? Also, discuss at least two ways in which the development of coastal areas contributes to shoreline erosion? (Hint: Think about rivers and what they contribute to our beaches. Also,

    Different types of seafloor sediments

    What are the different types of seafloor sediments and what are the factors that control the distribution of each major sediment type? Where does each major seafloor sediment type tend to accumulate in greatest quantity? (i.e., Discuss the distribution of these sediments)

    Comparison of Water Balance between Two Sites

    Of course, Berkeley is a west-coast Mediterranean climate (distinct wet and dry seasons), and Terre Haute is a mid-latitude continental climate. How do these 2 locations compare in their surplus, deficit, usage, and recharge characteristics? Describe in detail, how and why these areas have differences in their characteristics.

    Deep vs Shallow Ecology

    Please explain what is Deep Ecology? What are its principles? Are the aspirations of Deep Ecologists achievable? What are the similarities and differences between shallow and Deep Ecological movements?

    Various coastal formations

    Describe the characteristics of waves, beach, current, longshore drift, coastal straightening, and barrier island and how each is related to coastal formation.

    Residence Time Calculation

    Reservoir A has a capacity of 48 000 million litres, drains a catchment area of 263 hectares and receives approximately 1170 mm in available rainfall each year. Problem: Calculate the steady state residence time of water in reservoir A (if water is removed and replenished at the same rate).

    Sea-floor spreading rates

    I need to figure out the mathematical equation to figure out how far away a seamount is from the median valley of the spreading ridge of a mid ocean ridge. I have the distance of one seamount (200km) which is 10 million years old (at a depth of 4km from the ocean surface) and I need to figure out the distance of a seamount tha

    Sea stratigraphy

    I need some help figuring out how the sequence of sediment layers are formed in the ocean in relation to the movement of plate tectonics and plate boundaries. For example if I was to look at a core from a drill site and decide what the sediment type would be on top and the one below it etc. The sediment types that I am working

    Coastal Protection Strategies: Dynamic and Static Armoring

    In dynamic armouring smaller particles are used and they are allowed to adjust by erosion and deposition to the prevailing wave climate, while still protecting the finer particles behind them from being washed away. In static armouring very large stones are placed to lock the shore in place - no movement is anticipated even in t