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    Environmental Studies

    Environmental studies is a multi-dimensional subject which analyzes the ecological, economic and social facets present in the environment and their influence upon the natural world. This field of study is very interdisciplinary and often overlaps with other scientific disciplines such as biology, ecology and geography.

    A major focus in the field of environmental studies is on the local and global environmental problems which are plaguing the Earth today. Environmental degradation is a paramount issue in the twenty-first century and the need for mitigation techniques is critical. Human civilization has and continues to have an enormous impact on the environment, and thus, subject areas such as environmental policy are important for trying to regulate human behaviour.

    Research is another large component of environmental studies and involves the participation of individuals from an array of disciplines. This includes ecologists, sociologists and mathematicians to name a few examples. Research is critical to analyzing the influence of anthropogenic factors on the environment so that human-induced degradation can be prevented. Natural processes cannot be eliminated and thus, focusing on how to reduce our human footprint is imperative.

    Environmental studies includes a multitude of subjects such as sustainability, conservation, restoration and environmental toxicology, which all aim to improve and protect the environment. In an ideal world, the living and non-living worlds would be in harmony with one another. Unfortunately, this is not the case today. However, hopefully through further research within this field, this environmental harmony will one day be achieved. 



    Title Image Credit: Pixabay. (2014). Globe, Leaves, Green, Environment, Nature. Retrieved from http://pixabay.com/p-109275/

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    BrainMass Categories within Environmental Studies

    Environmental Policy

    Solutions: 46

    Environmental policy deals with the regulations and laws which are related to various environmental issues.

    Conservation and Restoration

    Solutions: 72

    Conservation and restoration is a concept which deals with the preservation of the physical environment, along with improving facets of the natural world.

    Climate Change

    Solutions: 76

    Climate change is a term used to describe a shift in long-term weather patterns which result from both anthropogenic and natural causes.

    Environmental Assessment

    Solutions: 20

    An environmental assessment involves the evaluation of the influence which a potential or proposed project may exhibit upon the environment.

    Environmental Toxicology

    Solutions: 50

    Environmental toxicology is a type of hybrid science which studies the chemical effects that toxins can inflict upon an environment and the organisms which exist within it.

    Agriculture and Global Food Security

    Solutions: 43

    Agriculture and global food security are two interconnected topics, with agriculture focused on the science of farming and food security on the accessibility of food.

    Global Water Issues

    Solutions: 21

    Global water issues is an overarching term used to describe the availability, degradation and uses of this global resource within the world.


    Solutions: 28

    Sustainability is a concept which is founded upon the existence and balance of economic, environmental and social sustainability, which are also known as the “pillars” of sustainability.

    Energy and the Environment

    Solutions: 87

    Energy and the environment is a topic which discusses the various forms of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and the influence each entity has on one another.

    Environmental Ethics

    Solutions: 17

    Environmental ethics is a broad area of study which infringes upon the ideas of law and philosophy and applies them to the interaction between the living and nonliving worlds.

    Environmental History

    Solutions: 9

    Environmental history defines past events and documents the activities of individuals which illustrated the importance of protecting the environment from both natural and anthropogenic influences.

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