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    Energy and the Environment

    Energy and the environment is a topic discussing the differemt forms of renewable and non-renewable energy sources which exist, and the influences that these sources have on one another. Energy and environmental concerns have become a local, regional and global issue for today’s society, ranging from complications over extraction to the increasing of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Finding a balance between the use of both renewable and non-renewable energy sources is necessary so that energy demands can be met. Unfortunately, in our global economy, the use of energy and the low supply of it, particularly with non-renewable sources being depleted, has led to and continues to lead to many problems. Some of these issues associated with energy and the global environment include the cost of energy, famines, environmental pollution and economic policies, to name a few things. Unfortunately today, the cost of using energy is rising rapidly and this has major consequences for all sectors of society, such as housing, which requires energy to meet daily needs.  

    Furthermore, promoting the use of renewable energy sources is important for reducing the amount of pollution in the environment which has been caused by non-renewable energy sources such as coal. Renewable energy sources include wind energy, solar energy, biomass (wood), tidal energy and geothermal heat. The use of renewable energy sources has increased over the years, but has not developed the ability to replace society’s dependence on non-renewable energy sources. Additionally, biofuels are another renewable energy source, defined as solid, liquid or gaseous fuels derived from biomass, which are continuously being researched today as a possible solution to assist society with today’s current energy crisis. 

    Evidently, energy and the environment is a major topic in environmental studies and is one in which continuous research is crucial to finding a solution to society’s heavy dependence on non-renewable energy sources, especially oil. The implementation of new energy policies and technology will be important in formulating educated decisions regarding society’s future energy decisions.



    Title Image Credit: Armin Kübelbeck at Wikimedia Commons

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