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    Animal Biology

    Animal biology, also classified as zoology, is a field of study which examines the animal kingdom, including both invertebrates and vertebrates. This discipline of animal biology is not limited to focusing solely on living species, but also organisms which have gone extinct.

    Animal biology is a scientific field which is interconnected with many other scientific disciplines. For example, the areas of evolutionary biology, paleontology and molecular biology are closely related fields. Evolutionary biology examines the progression of animal species overtime from primitive organisms to rather complex beings. Paleontology assists evolutionary biologists through the discovery of fossil evidence. Additionally, molecular biology highlights how the genetic mechanisms which underlie different animal species allow them to function.

    More specifically, animal biology focuses on learning the anatomy and physiology of animal species, animal behaviour and the comparative biology between different animal classes, such as fish and insects. In terms of animal anatomy and physiology, this involves comparing and contrasting how systems such as the respiratory and nervous systems function in various species. Animal behaviour is a very broad subject which mainly focuses on the ways in which animals act in their native environments.

    Animal biology is an expansive topic which is very interdisciplinary with other fields of biology. Understanding animal biology is critical in helping society better comprehend the animal world and realize the diversity which exists. Hopefully, through studying animal biology individuals will gain an appreciation for species diversity and be motivated to try and conserve these priceless resources. 

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    BrainMass Categories within Animal Biology

    Animal Behaviour

    Solutions: 4

    Animal behaviour can be defined as the study of how different species act in their natural environment, in terms of interacting with each other, with individuals of different species and the physical actions they exhibit to survive.

    Insect Anatomy and Physiology

    Solutions: 6

    Insects are invertebrates which have an external and internal anatomy which is structured and functions widely differently from vertebrate species.

    Fish Anatomy and Physiology

    Solutions: 4

    Fish are aquatic species which display a large range of diversity due to the vast array of habitats which they can survive in from streams found in high mountains to habitats in the deep ocean.

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