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    Political Science

    Political science is defined as “the systematic study of governance, the state, its organs and its institutions¹. The modern discipline has since broadened into a multidisciplinary field that includes the study of all societal and even psychological factors that influence the state. This field includes and is influenced by contributions from psychologists, geographers, historians, economists, sociology and cultural studies.

    Most famous classical political scientists were experts in other fields, applying that expertise to political science. This demonstrates the interdisciplinary nature of political research. These classic thinkers include famous philosopher Thomas Hobbes, Scottish economist Adam Smith, mathematician and philosopher Auguste Comte and French historian Alexis de Tocqueville¹.

    There are an infinite amount of overlapping and interrelated subfields within political science. These include domestic politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public administration, public law and constitutions and public policy.

    The history of many countries is often measured by alongside both the evolution of its state, shifts in governing power and major political events. Studying political science is integral to understanding what led to a nation or community’s current state and in creating policy that will aid in driving it down the path it hopes for. The discipline is important as most modern policy makers are informed through the methodology of political science.

    Consult this section of BrainMass for solutions regarding different forms of governance, voting systems and how governance shapes nations and and the world.

    Image Credit:http://www.politicalcompass.org/


    1. Political Science. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/467721/political-science

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    BrainMass Categories within Political Science

    Political Research

    Solutions: 14

    The methodology behind political research has been instrumental in creating domestic and foreign policy all around the world.