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    Experimental Design and Methods in Chemistry

    Experimental Designs are used to study, quantify, identify or separate the components of different chemical substances. Experimental designs can be categorized as being classical or instrumental. Classical methods focus more on qualitative analysis, where the odor/color of a chemical compound may be considered, or whether any precipitate forms during a chemical reaction. On the other hand, instrumental methods focus more on quantitative analysis. By using complex instruments, variables such as light absorption or conductivity are considered. These analytical methods are conducted to complement the purely theoretical side of chemistry, in order to either prove a law or apply it. For example, measuring light absorption may be used in the application of Beer-Lambert’s Law, which relates light absorption to concentration of a chemical substance. By finding out the light absorption through instrumental methods, the concentration of the substance can be indirectly determined through this law. Thus, experimental designs in chemistry look at existing and new measuring tools, whether they are quantitative or qualitative, to provide better information regarding the chemical nature of different substances. Such applications are not limited to pure chemists as these methods are also prevalent in other fields, such as forensics and environmental chemistry. © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com June 27, 2024, 3:50 am ad1c9bdddf

    BrainMass Categories within Experimental Design and Methods in Chemistry


    Solutions: 53

    Chromatography refers to a set of physical techniques used for separating or analyzing mixtures.


    Solutions: 34

    Titration is a quantitative analytical procedure used to determine the unknown concentration of an identified pure chemical substance.

    Qualitative Analysis

    Solutions: 3

    Qualitative Analysis is a method used primarily for the detection of a particular compound in a sample substance, without measuring values related to quantity.

    Spectrum Analysis

    Solutions: 23

    Spectrum Analysis is the study of electromagnetic interactions of matter in order to determine its chemical and physical properties.

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