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    Mass Spectrometry

    Mass Spectrometry is the study of the spectra of masses in order to determine not only the elemental composition but also the chemical structures of molecules. The mass spectrometer, the instrument which generates the spectra, is comprised of three components: ionizer, mass analyzer and detector. Generating the mass spectrum of a molecule first involves using the ionizer to ionize the incoming molecules. Then, eventually, the ionized molecules will break apart to form ionized molecular fragments, where the mass analyzer sorts them out based on their mass-to-charge ratio. These fragments are subsequently processed by the detector into a mass spectrum based on the relative abundances of these different ionic molecular fragments. Once the spectrum has been generated by the spectrometer, the individual molecular fragments can then be identified by its specific mass-to-charge ratio and its characteristic fragmentation pattern. When analyzing the spectrum, the peak furthest to the right always represents the ionized molecule which has not broken apart; while, every peak to the left of it represents the fragments it has broken up into. For the molecule n-decane, the peak furthest to the right will have a mass-to-charge ratio of 142. The ions detected to the left of this peak correspond to different fragments that differ by 14 mass units, which are formed by the cleaving of the adjacent CH_2 groups. Thus, understanding how to analyze a mass spectrum is crucial for identifying specific molecules. © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com July 26, 2024, 11:06 am ad1c9bdddf

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    Mass Spectrometer

    A mass spectrometer is a device that uses a magnetic field to sort atoms by mass. In this device, atoms whose masses are to be determined are ionized by stripping off one electron. They are then sent through a velocity selector that selects ions only with specific speed V, and these ions are sent into a region of space filled