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    Economic and Resource Geography

    Economic geography is the study of the relationship of spatial organizations and geographies with economic activities. Economic geographers are more concerned with the impact of economic processes and activities on spatial structures and institutions whereas geography-interested economists study the effect of spatial arrangements on economics. More importantly, geographers apply a different approach in analyzing the same problems. The economic geographer takes a relatively holistic approach and creates more heterogeneous conceptualizations of various phenomena to suit the vastly different and unique situations one would come across. Economic geography has applied its approach to a wide variety of topics such as transportation, trade patterns, economic development, real estate, urban environments and globalization.

    Resource geography can be considered a sub-topic of economic geography which deals with the way in which natural resources are allocated amongst the world. This field primarily tackles issues of resource management and resource distribution. These resources include anything found in the environment that is put to human use such as water, soil, minerals, vegetation, animals, air and even sunlight. Resource management is how we allocate our resources, but this is different from resource distribution. Resource distribution is the geographic occurrence of the given resource. Resource geography seeks to answer questions of how resource distribution could dictate the way human migration works, economic activities pervade, whether war persists, how trading will grow, etc. Then, in response to these conclusions we would seek ways of manipulating our resource management to create the most ideal situation.  



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