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    What are the organizational and societal functions of Public Relations?

    Can you please explain and give your personal opinion, of what are the organizational and societal functions of Public Relations? Please differentiate between both. How do you categorize organizational and societal functions of P/R? What similarities and differences exist between the both? Please give some scenarios

    Marketing Brand Name

    Overview of the company: Kathon product sales have been disappointing considering the potential market available and the quality and benefit provided to consumers. The product is a metalworking fluid designed to kill microorganisms in metalworking fluids. The factor which has contributed to the poor results was brand recognit

    Mall Development

    You work for a shopping mall development and management company. Your company is considering adding on to each of the malls that it manages. These additions would house a common area for individuals to gather and rest while shopping. This area would include couches, chairs, televisions, video game equipment, books and magazines.

    Mall Development, market research and focus groups

    You work for a shopping mall development and management company. Your company is considering adding on to each of the malls that it manages. These additions would house a common area for individuals to gather and rest while shopping. This area would include couches, chairs, televisions, video game equipment, books and magazines.

    Shopping Mall

    You have been approached by representatives of a downtown shopping mall. They have the following concerns: Business (and revenue) at the shopping mall is declining. Management believes that shops in the mall are losing business because of increased competition from suburban malls, but have no data to "support" their beliefs

    positive and negatives to using the internet service

    Prompt: A large computer parts company has been traditionally doing well by building strong customer relationship and obtaining loyalty in their products. However, they were introduced to an internet service for manufacturers that uses search engines that can cross reference parts from multiple manufacturers based on part numbe

    Marketing Research: Designing a Question Survey for Magazine

    Your team has been hired by a gardening magazine that is interested in improving circulation through editorial improvements which they will announce in a new marketing campaign. They'd like to put a questionnaire on their website to find out why people garden and what information they would like to have in a magazine. Your team

    Trading up and down and the Business Cycle

    Trading up and down are product strategies and are closely related to the business cycle. It seems that firms trade up during periods they are doing well and then trade down during recession. Why do all business seem to follow the same?

    Marketing Positioning for an Increased Trend in Obesity

    Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also called the personal factors, are things like motivation, learning, and perception. External, or social, factors include things like social norms, family roles, and cultural values. Trends in the external environment can have major impac

    Marketing Research/Buyer Behavior

    My research topic is reducing Obesity in Children. I need help getting started. Any help will be appreciated. Throughout the course, you will be developing a marketing research proposal. For this unit, complete the following tasks: ? Select a research topic. ? Define the research problem. ? Develop the research appro

    Identifying and Understanding Trends in the Marketing Environment: Obesity

    Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also called the personal factors, are things like motivation, learning, and perception. External, or social, factors include things like social norms, family roles, and cultural values. Trends in the external environment can have major impac

    Describe how to position products and services compared to the competition. Discuss the implications of the societal marketing concept. Recognize situations that present potential ethical and legal issues and develop solutions for those issues.

    Details: America is a fat nation in which almost 2/3rds of all Americans are overweight. This national weight problem is causing a variety of severe health problems in both adults and children. For example, four percent of adolescents now have Type II diabetes (which typically never effects youths). Among the reasons for this

    Describe how to position products and services compared to the competition.

    Objective: Describe how to position products and services compared to the competition. Discuss the implications of the societal marketing concept. Details: Identifying and Understanding Trends in the Marketing Environment Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also ca

    Identifying and Understanding Trends in the Marketing Environment

    Identifying and Understanding Trends in the Marketing Environment Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also called the personal factors, are things like motivation, learning, and perception. External, or social, factors include things like social norms, family roles, and cul

    Public Relations

    1. I need to understand what Public/Relations mean? I need your personal opinion about what P/R means and three definitions. 2. What does it mean when they say compare and contrast, because I have to compare and contrast these definitions in my paper? 3. Also, why do you think there are so many different definitions of PR

    Public Relations Scenarios

    Assume you are the Corporate Communications Director for the organization when responding.... Part 1- You've just been told your company (a Fortune 100 public company) will miss its quarterly earnings target. How do you announce this and to whom? As you consider your response, keep in mind these key elements- 1. Wha

    I have recently been hired to a new organization...

    I have recently been hired to a new organization and am sitting in to observe a meeting between one of your co-workers, Milhouse and a salesman who is trying to sell an additional part to a machine that your company recently purchased. The salesman is well into his routine, and has already gotten your co-worker to admit that a q

    Mkt 421 Questions

    1. Distinguish between a generic market and a product-market. Provide an example. 2. In your own words, explain several reasons why marketing managers should consider international markets when evaluating possible opportunities. 3. Explain what market segmentation is. 4. Discuss the impact of the new teen cycle on m

    Marketing Research/Buyer Behavior

    In a meeting with other members of the marketing department (your classmates), the following comment is made. Briefly compose a reasoned response to this statement: Due to the number of stakeholders involved, there is a significant chance that ethical dilemmas will arise when marketing research is conducted. Describe a p

    Marketing Research and Buyer Behavior

    You are the marketing manager for Sweet Cookies, Inc. which is planning to launch a new line of cookies and wants to assess the market size. The cookies have a mixed chocolate-pineapple flavor and will be targeted at the premium end of the market. Discuss the six W's of a descriptive research design and how they may be adopted f

    Channels of Distribution

    Channels of Distribution Could you please provide an example of the channels of distribution (place) of a product or service for a specific organization and how the organization's channels of distribution support its product or service?

    Enviornmental Factors that impact an organization's marketing decisions.

    See the attached file. Please give some examples of high level domestic and global environment factors that can impact an organization of marketing decisions? In what forum does technology impacts the marketing decisions? (What do they mean by that)? What is the relevancy of social responsibility and ethics as related