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    American Intercontinental Brainstorming Conference

    Discuss a new product you wish to launch and the marketing plan you will develop over the next five weeks. Since nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements have been signed, this venue provides a unique opportunity to share ideas with peers about your product. What product, good, or service will you be working with? Provide

    Marketing Research for JavaJoy's Approach to International Expansion

    Scenario: JavaJoy, Inc. was founded by Hank Sanchez in 1980. His vision was to elevate coffee to the epicurean level of fine wine. Hank's family had been in the coffee bean brokerage business for generations but he knew that even the finest and most carefully roasted coffee beans required an excellent brewing system to achiev

    Functions of Public Relations

    Can you explain in healthy paragraphs the organizational and societal functions of PR. From the following list select at least two (2) functions you consider to be organizational functions of PR and two (2) functions you consider to be societal functions. a. Communications management b. Relationship management c. Media Rela

    Personal Selling & Customer Focus

    You are a salesperson for a small boutique shop, Studio Productions, specializing in print design, web design, motion graphics, DVD production, and presentations. Your company is located in an urban area where there is much competition in a dwindling economy. The company consists of the original 2 owners/partners, 1 office ma

    JavaJoy and Market Research

    Scenario: JavaJoy, Inc. was founded by Hank Sanchez in 1980. His vision was to elevate coffee to the epicurean level of fine wine. Hank's family had been in the coffee bean brokerage business for generations but he knew that even the finest and most carefully roasted coffee beans required an excellent brewing system to achie

    Marketing/International Business Question

    To whom it may concern: The below question will need to be answered with at least 200 to 400 words with at least two references. This is for a research project that I am conducting and I will reference you accordingly. Thank you. Question: What are some of the growth issues in an economy that is being restructured,

    Key component of Placement

    If you have a hot product, your distributors will want to sell your product. However, that doesn't always last over periods of time. How can you keep you distributors engaged and enthused about selling your products?

    Customer Equity Model

    1. What are the advantages of the Customer Equity Model? 2. What are the disadvantages of the Customer Equity Model? 3. What other thoughts do you have about the Customer Equity Model? 4. What can you learned about marketing from this using the Customer Equity Model?

    Marketing Management Concepts: Peoples Bank; channels of distribution

    As mentioned earlier, Peoples Bank, based in Connecticut, uses its web site as a key channel for reaching individuals, business customers, and prospects. Not only can customers e-mail the bank with questions, they can click on a link to have a bank representative call them with further information or choose another link if they

    Advertising Plan ?

    I need help discussing an Advertising Plan. In my class we have a concept for a delivery service for one of the local drug stores. We think that the home delivery of Pharmaceutical prescriptions is a good idea for the stores to promote. One of the last things in the paper is an advertising plan. I know this is short notice b

    Marketing Audit Overview: prepare an action plan with key tasks and due dates.

    See attached file for full problem description. Q. Using the below Marketing Audit Overview as a guide, prepare an action plan to include key tasks (what you will do and how you will do it) and due dates. Be sure to include key resources such as people, data, reports, and articles, among others to be used. The key word is

    Need help with examples

    Can you please give me four examples that will explain the four channels below Channel advantage Channel coordination Channel Conflict Channel Power

    The online market for travel services will reach $63 billion...price sensitivity

    Details: The online market for travel services will reach $63 billion within a few years, and Priceline.com aims to capture a significant share; already, it is high on the top-ten list of travel Web sites. After a brief period of diversification into name-your-price sales of groceries and gasoline, the company has refocused on i

    Action-Cal for Conglom: International Markets

    Action-Cal has been on the market for six months, and it's a runaway success! Not only is it popular with your initial target group, 'tweens, but the newly-launched "light" (low-fat, low-sugar) version is a hit with women in the 18-25 year old age group. Conglom's marketing director presented "The Action-Cal Success Story" a

    Marketing activities prior to product launch

    The beverage unit management has decided to develop a product line of flavored milks targeted toward the 'tween market (ages 9-14). They estimate it will take 12 to 18 months to repurpose manufacturing and packaging equipment. What marketing activities will take place during this time?

    Mike's Market

    Mike, the owner of Mike's Market, which is a convenience store, is concerned about low sales. Over the past year they have gone down. He's not sure how his customer base is changing, but he'd like to be able to monitor that. In addition, he suspects that his store image may be playing a role in losing customers. Draft a questio

    Probablility Sampling, Nonprobability sampling

    1. Which problem would best be addressed using a probability sample? Why? What type of sample would you suggest and why? 2. Which problem would you address using a nonprobability sample? What type of sample would you use and why? What can you gain by such an effort? Problems: Will the restaurant be successful? How should

    Restaurant Survey

    What questions would you ask in an online survey to understand the following topics: Demand Design Operating characteristics Advertising placement location The survey will be given to participants online and will be used in the opening of a new restaurant.

    Sources for Demographic, Product, Market, Information for a beverage unit.

    I am looking for as many websites as I can find that will be useful in gathering market information. I have been given a large assignment. I will be expected to create Marketing Information System Tables, and perform a multitude of other tasks. I am trying to find websites that will give me the type of information that I'm lo

    Microsoft Marketing Strategies for Xbox 360: Best and Worst Example of Success

    Microsoft was founded in 1975, when Bill Gates left Harvard at age 19 to work with high school friend Paul Allen on a version of the BASIC programming language. After moving the company from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Seattle in 1979, Gates and Allen began writing operating system software. What happened to the company since it

    Research Internet market for high-end coffee brewing equipment

    The owner of the company which manufacturers high-end coffee brewing machines has doubts that funds will be available to contract with an external research organization. He asks if you, his Marketing Manager, will be able to perform adequate marketing research by yourself using information on the Internet. Provide an answer f

    Need assistance and thoughts

    America is a fat nation in which almost 2/3rds of all Americans are overweight. This national weight problem is causing a variety of severe health problems in both adults and children. For example, four percent of adolescents now have Type II diabetes (which typically never effects youths). Among the reasons for this proble

    Toyota's Scion: target market and positioning, societal marketing

    Toyota's Scion and it market and positioning. ? How is Scion addressing its target market with regard to positioning and the product itself? Is the product design its own form of positioning? How? ? Scion is aggressively targeting a specific age group. What are the advantages and drawbacks? ? What elements of s

    What are the key elements of Microsoft's marketing strategy for the Xbox 360?

    Marketing Spotlight - Microsoft Microsoft was founded in 1975, when Bill Gates left Harvard at age 19 to work with high school friend Paul Allen on a version of the BASIC programming language. After moving the company from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Seattle in 1979, Gates and Allen began writing operating system software. Wh


    What types of questions would be asked in a focus group for determining what type of promotional material/media should be used to promote the opening of a new restaurant? What is the best type of survey to use for this focus group?