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Child Obesity: Develop a Marketing Research Proposal; create a sampling design

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Developing a marketing research proposal. Complete the following tasks:

Create a sampling design.

Create data collection, measurement instrument(s), and data preparation design for topic 'Reducing Obesity in Children'

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Create a sampling design.

The Medicare data for children between the ages of 5 and 10 should be used. Those children who are classified as overweight will form the sampling frame. First, five states will be selected randomly. From each state one district will be selected randomly and from the selected district a sample of 1000 respondents will be selected randomly.

Create data collection

The data collection will be carried out through an Internet survey and each of the selected respondents (parent) will be sent an e-mail requesting her to fill up the questionnaire on the website mentioned.

Why do we use Internet survey?
Â? Web page surveys are extremely fast. A questionnaire posted on a popular Web site can gather several thousand responses within a few hours. Many people who will respond to an email invitation to take a Web survey will do so the first day, and most will do so within a few days.
Â? There is practically no cost involved once the set up has been completed. Large samples do not cost more than smaller ones (except for any cost to acquire the sample).
Â? You can show pictures. Some Web survey software can also show video and play sound.
Â? Web page questionnaires can use complex question skipping logic, randomizations and other features not possible with paper questionnaires or most email surveys. These features can assure better data.
Â? Web page questionnaires can use colors, fonts and other formatting options not possible in most email surveys.
Â? A significant number of people will give more honest answers to questions about sensitive topics, such as drug use or sex, when giving their answers to a computer, instead of to a person or on paper.
Â? On average, people give longer answers to open-ended questions on Web page questionnaires than they do on other kinds of self-administered surveys.
Â? Some Web survey software, such as The Survey System, can combine the survey answers with pre-existing information you have about individuals

Taking a survey.

Measurement instrument(s),
Questionnaire on Reducing Obesity in Children.

Please rate the level to which you agree or disagree with a given statement. Please tick on the number given below each statement.

1. Exercise is good for your child.
Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 strongly ...

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