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    Marketing channels

    My company produces variety of snacks foods including potato chips, pretzel, and dried fruits. The company has production facilities in Georgia, Virginia, and Massachusetts. The company uses a variety of package sizes for its products, including large "family packs" and individual size servings. The company has targeted gener

    Database Marketing and Direct Marketing

    1. How can database marketing improve marketing performance? 2. Conduct some Internet research to find examples of companies that employ IT to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 3. What factors have driven the resurgence of direct marketing in recent years? 4. In what way are international Internet privac

    How do you evaluate if certain marketing practices are deceptive or not?

    Florida's Department of Citrus and a coalition of consumer groups have launched an attack on your company for "deceptive marketing" because your company markets its "SunShine" drink as fruit juice even though the drink contains less than five percent fruit juice. Marketing "SunShine" drink as a fruit juice leads parents to belie

    Marketing 421

    1-Within your organization, how is the effectiveness of a marketing campaign or plan determined? Is the marketing discussed within all departments or is strictly a "marketing department" issue? 2-Have you ever switched from one of your favorite products because of a marketing program generated by a competitor? If yes, did

    Target Market,types of retailers,index of retail saturation,

    LO1 -2) What three criteria should be met to target a markes successfully? LO2 - 3) What types of retaiers whould be best suted for a neighborhood shopping center? LO3 - 7) Why do geographical information systems include both physical and cultural geography? Give examples of physical and cultural data that may be incl

    Media Plan

    Please assist with specific feedback with regard to the following questions. 1. Assess the effectiveness of several media channels utilized to communicate a pharmaceutical brand to the target audience (patients and physcians) and which you believe would be the most effective. 2. Evaluate the impact of new technology (Int

    Marketing Communication Efforts

    1. How has the internet affected Marketing communication efforts ? Give some examples. 2. What are the key customer concerns of Online marketing? Give your comments briefly and your recommendations.

    Discussion of the Pattern of Target's Market Selection

    I am doing some research on the Target Store Corporation. I need to describe the pattern of target market selection used and need to comment on this target market selection supports future market growth? If the Corporation has international sales, describe generally how the firm "enters" foreign markets.

    Service differentiating

    In well-developed markets, there is a mature set of players with comparable levels of strengths in terms of product development-hence all product offerings tend towards parity. Consumer tastes are also well defined. Therefore, product offerings need to go beyond satisfying basic needs. 1. Discuss the importance and effectiven

    AI Conference: Objectives for jewelry company

    Company's Name is Jazzy Jewels and the product is costume jewelry. This includes bracelets, necklaces, anklets, and specialty chains. Assignment: As the AI Brainstorming Conference moves into its second week, it is time to begin developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. The first two components of such a plan a

    Concept of Needs: Jazzy Jewels

    My company's Name is Jazzy Jewels and the product is costume jewelry. This includes bracelets, necklaces, anklets, and specialty chains. Assignment: Target Audience & Competition are the next components to be addressed as part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. To choose an appropriate

    Integrated Marketing Communications

    The final component of the Strategic Marketing Plan is the Marketing Mix. The Marketing Mix is the set of decisions about price, communications and promotion, product policy, channels of distribution, and customer relationship management. Only by addressing these elements can you actually implement your marketing strategy. This

    Important Information about Marketing Philosophy and Strategy

    Marketers must understand the tools of their trade. Using both the textbook and Cybrary resources, research the essential marketing tools, then create a report in which you address the following questions: 1. What is the overall purpose of a marketing plan? 2. How do a marketing plan and strategic marketing plan fit tog

    major telephone companies

    Pick an industry- telephone industry. Classify firms according to the four different roles they might play: leader, challenger, follower, or nicher. How would you characterize the nature of competition? Do the firms follow the principles described in marketing?

    Global Marketing & Ethnocentricity

    1. How closely entwined are values and ethnocentricity? 2. How can this relationship hinder global marketing strategy effectiveness? 3. What can be done to limit, constrain, or eliminate the effects of ethnocentricity?

    Marketing Segmentation

    Market segmentation is an important part of the development of a market strategy. Look at a business, perhaps the one you are employed by, and try to determine how they have segmented the market. Do you see additional opportunities in other segments?


    Your team has been hired by a gardening magazine that is interested in improving circulation through editorial improvements which they will announce in a new marketing campaign. They'd like to put a questionnaire on their website to find out why people garden and what information they'd like to have in a magazine. Your team has

    Online Marketing on ticketless travel

    Questions 1.a.How is e-ticketing an example of marketing in the digital age, and what particular marketing issues does it pose to airlines and travel agents? b.Why have European consumers been so slow to adopt e-ticketing, compared to their U.S. or Japanese counterparts? Do you believe the arguments put forward in the case

    Integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach.

    I will appreciate if you can provide guidance and websites that will help me to develop the thefinal component of the Strategic Marketing Plan is the Marketing Mix. I'm providing the background and intofrmation from the sylabus so you can have a better understanding of the information that my Professor want me to develop. Your h

    Public Relations Campaign-Riordan

    "recommend strategies to build media relations and generate publicity for the organization chosen." a. List objectives for the PR Campaign b. Identify the organization's publics c. Write a media release and create a media distribution list for the media release d. Develop a tactical plan utilizing five PR tools. T

    Kodak Marketing

    Explain how Kodak uses IMC to build brand identity in the marketplace, and provide an example of how this approach has influenced your behavior.

    Kodak Marketing

    Evaluate the success of the Kodak and how it is perceived in the marketplace, supporting your position with two examples of personal experiences with the brand.

    Concept of Needs: Target market and competition

    Target Audience & Competition are the next components to be addressed as part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. To choose an appropriate target market, one must understand how consumers make purchase decisions. In a report to your colleagues, 1. Research then discuss the concepts of

    financial planning product

    1. Describe a financial planning product that entered the market over the past two to three years and succeeded. Why did it succeed? Describe a financial planning product or service that failed over the past five years. What factors influenced the failure? How did the positioning of each product contribute to the resultant succ

    POD or POP

    Points-of-differences and points-of-parity are two important concepts of brand development and are driven by two differing strategies-inclusion and differentiation. Devise a list of at least three other products/services that you believe demonstrate points-of-differences and points-of-parity in their brand positioning. You must

    Examination of questionnaire design

    In a meeting with other members of the marketing department (your classmates), the following comment is made. Briefly compose a reasoned response to this statement: Because questionnaire design is an art, it is useless to follow a rigid set of guidelines. Rather, the process should be left entirely to the creativity and inge

    Marketing research: focus groups vs. quantitative research

    In a meeting with other members of the marketing department (your classmates), the following comment is made. Briefly compose a reasoned response to this statement: If a focus group's findings confirm prior expectations, the client or organization can forego any quantitative research. Do you agree with this statement? Wh