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    Create an advertising plan for product. Identify quantifiable elements that can be used to evaluate, monitor, and control the effectiveness of your marketing plan.

    Integrated Marketing Strategy

    I am looking for help in finding the raw information for the problem below and some guidelines for approaching this task: MKT460-0603A-01 Integrated Marketing Strategies Task Name: Phase 1 Individual Project Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages Details: Use the Cybrary and the Internet to search and locate a variety of web sit

    Define Roles Of Various Marketing Functions

    Details: Your company has had an outside consultant come in and assess job descriptions and roles, and the way you work together. You have been told that no positions will be eliminated at this time, but some positions may be redefined to reflect better working/partnering practices. For this consultation, you have been a

    Ethical Dilemmas in Sales Promotion

    What ethical dilemmas arise in the use of sales promotions, consumer promotions or business promotions? What specific forms of consumer or business promotions seem most likely to involve or create ethical dilemmas?

    Advertising and sales promotion

    Many marketers argue that consumer sales promotions do not work unless a great deal of time and money are first invested in advertising. What logic might you offer to support this contention? Why would advertising be required to make a sales promotion work?

    Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications

    Why do you think there is a decreasing emphasis on using advertising as a tool in Integrated Marketing Communications? How does a marketer determine the optimal mix of the Integrated Marketing Communications tools? Can you please provide examples of some differences between advertising and message strategies?

    For this Discussion Board Task, submit in a narrative style as if you are delivering a presentation to IPT's owner, Kiana Peterson. Be sure to clearly explain your role and the concept of marketing to Ms. Peterson and the rest of the management and sales staff. Articulate your strategy on how you plan to address marketing for IPT. Consider IPT's current situation and its opportunities, such as the possibility of adding a new line of Pennsylvania Dutch treats, expanding regionally, etc.

    For this Discussion Board Task, submit in a narrative style as if you are delivering a presentation to IPT's owner, Kiana Peterson. Be sure to clearly explain your role and the concept of marketing to Ms. Peterson and the rest of the management and sales staff. Articulate your strategy on how you plan to address marketing for IP

    Marketing Public Relations - Advertising

    Scenario: You are the Marketing Director at a resort development company in the vacation ownership (timeshare) industry, Resorts 123. Resorts 123 is an established, twenty-year- old company recognized internationally. The company was one of the founding originals at the start of the industry's growth. Over the years, Reso

    Create IMC campaign

    Using the internet, sales promotion and public relations, create an IMC campaign which will increase the sale of Dr. Pepper.

    Create IMC campaign

    A clinical research organization found out the by taking aspirin may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Create an IMC campaign to get the word out to all involved stakeholders.


    John and Lisa own a microbrewey and have a $250,000 budget for promotion. John wants to spend all the money on advertsing, Lisa wants to spend it on an IMC campaign. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each point of view, and which one would you go with?

    Impact of technology and ethics on organization

    1. Florida's Department of Citrus and a coalition of consumer groups have launched an attack on your company for "deceptive marketing" because your company markets its "SunShine" drink as fruit juice even though the drink contains less than five percent fruit juice. Marketing "SunShine" drink as a fruit juice leads parents to be

    Marketing - Multiple choice

    1. The marketing research process is a five-step application of the scientific method that includes: a. 0Defining the problem, analyzing the situation, getting problem-specific data, interpreting the data, and solving the problem b. 0Defining the target market, analyzing the customers, getting survey feedback, interpreting t

    Marketing Questions

    1. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics: _____ a. Employment in both the service producing sector and the manufacturing service sector are expected to increase by about 10% between 2000-2010. _____ b. Employment in the service producing sector is expected to double between 2000-2010 while employment in t

    Starbucks: Pricing Strategies and Marketing Audit

    1. What did you learn about pricing that you did not know? (any pricing that works with Starbucks Coffee Shop). 2. How do you plan to incorporate that pricing from question 1, incorporating the new knowledge about pricing into the 'Starbucks Coffee Shop Marketing Audit? Please use a pricing term/model that works with the

    Integrated Marketing Campaign

    Please help me to understand what the impact is of a marketing communication objective on the communication strategy of an Integrated marketing communications campaign

    Pick a service or product that has used price as a lead

    Please identify any product or service of your choice, how much is the product or service, and discuss how the company can approach the marketing of that product or service differently (through an angle other than price). Please use examples and 1 or 2 reliable sources to back up the information.

    Principles of Marketing: Multiple choice questions

    1. Which one of the following statements by a company president best reflects the marketing concepts? Pg 11 or 13 ____a. We have organized our business to make certain that customers get what they want. ____b. We believe that the marketing department must organize to sell what we produce ____c. Our company has organized a

    Marketing Myopia/Public Relations Myopia

    Theodore Levitt (Harvard Business School) once wrote a powerful article about Marketing Myopia. Taking a page from his efforts, how would you describe the term Public Relations Myopia? Give a couple of examples of what you mean.

    Strategic marketing

    The final component of the Strategic Marketing Plan is the Marketing Mix. The Marketing Mix is the set of decisions about price, communications and promotion, product policy, channels of distribution, and customer relationship management. Only by addressing these elements can you actually implement your marketing strategy. This

    Planning and Mind-mapping

    Have you ever used a technique in planning to cover all the bases such as mind-mapping? If so, does it do the job for you? If not, which type of sequential format have you used?

    Marketing, Internet and Competitive Intelligence

    How has the Internet impacted marketing research e.g. time, cost, approaches and validity? What is competitive intelligence? What is the importance of competitive intelligence and analysis in modern-day marketing?