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    Marketing Audit Approach

    Marketing Audit Approach Using the Marketing Audit Overview as a guide, prepare an action plan to include key tasks (what you will do and how you will do it) and due dates. Be sure to include key resources such as people, data, reports, and articles, among others to be used. The key word is Approach. The assignment is asking

    Marketing Audit Approach

    Using the Marketing Audit Overview as a guide, prepare an action plan to include key tasks (what you will do and how you will do it) and due dates. Be sure to include key resources such as people, data, reports, and articles, among others to be used. The key word is Approach. The assignment is asking you to identify how you wil

    Corporate Ethics - K Mart

    K-Mart sends one of it's employees to Wal-Mart to apply for a management position with the intent of researching their satellite-based, "Just-In-Time" merchandise inventory / delivery system. It's not a classified system and is built using off-the-shelf technology that's available to everyone. Is K-Mart ethical? Is it breakin

    Factors influencing business and marketing environment

    In their book Radical Marketing, Sam Hill and Glenn Rifkin lay out a set of guidelines that can help other companies emulate the radical marketers. Review the list, pick three, and explain why you think they've had the most impact on changing the business and marketing environment. 1. The CEO must own the marketing function. C

    What is the Concept of Needs in Consumer Marketing?

    Target Audience & Competition are the next components to be addressed as part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. To choose an appropriate target market, one must understand how consumers make purchase decisions. In a 5-6 page report to your colleagues, Research then discuss the concepts of

    Good corporate marketing or unethical corporation

    1. Given the two scenarios below, discuss if they are examples of good corporate marketing, or unethical corporations taking advantage of the consumer. Fully explain your answer please: A. Pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars researching new drugs to cure disease. Once these drugs are released, the company

    Definition of Marketing

    What is the definition of marketing? What are the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating marketing into the sales function of an organization? Do you think that marketing should be included as part of the sales organization within a company? Why or why not?

    Marketing Industrial Analysis

    I attend a small University in a major city. We compete with 2 larger state Universities. My marketing plan is to do an industrial analysis using the 2 state schools and my small University as their Professional Education Program (PEP) analysis. I am trying to put together a power point presentation of the Industrial Analysis of

    Develop Marketing Strategies for Company's Computing Product Lines

    PROBLEM: You are a member of a team that has been assigned to develop marketing strategies for the company's home office computing product lines: -Desktop PCs -Notebook computers -Handheld minicomputers Choose one of these product lines and describe how you would market the product to any three of the following grou

    Marketing a small college in a big city

    I have been employed as the Professional Education Program (PEP) Advisor for a small college to do an SWOT external analysis for the college. Our advertising budget is limited to $20,000. I need to create ways to get our product (education) out to the community and county so they know we are here and affordable and we have a goo

    Marketing Budget

    A fictional Products yearly income, Cost of Goods sold can be 250, but as I said it is a fictional product, so all of this is made up, so whatever fits in with the amounts given will satisfy the requirements. --- Dr. Scholl's board of directors has determine the percentage of the budget that will go towards the marketing bu

    Developing more Products than can be Marketed

    Question: "One of the scientists working in the Research and Development department told me the other day that he actually has to be involved in developing at least six different products for every one we market. He said they were "precursors," I think it was, of the final product. He even said he didn't know what product we wou

    MS Projects for New Prouct Opportunity assessment

    This product is being targeted at the home consumer, the sales department thinks there is great potential in the commercial market, and it should be pursued. You brought this issue to the project sponsor who, in turn, brought it to executive management. They decided that this opportunity should be investigated as part of your pr

    IMC approach

    In a continuation of the Strategic Marketing Plan document attached, The final component of the Strategic Marketing Plan is the Marketing Mix. The Marketing Mix is the set of decisions about price, communications and promotion, product policy, channels of distribution, and customer relationship management. Only by addressing

    Core strategy includes the value proposition and positioning

    In five to six paragraphs, state the core strategy which includes the value proposition and product positioning for my product --alcohol monitoring system. A.M.S. is an electronic chip and breathalyzer which is built into the seat belt and computer component of the vehicle. Whether the seat belt is buckled or unbuckled, the el

    Marketing Channel Functions

    Discuss the benefits of three marketing channel functions, and how they can contribute to a firm achieving a competitive advantage.

    External Internal influences

    Can you select three external influences and analyze the impact that these influences have on the marketing strategy for operating a day care. Can you select three external influences and analyze the impact that these influences have on the marketing strategy for operating a day care. Can you please write a nice size parag

    SWOT Analysis of White Castle

    1. Swot analysis of White Castle and make 3 recommendations TO offer to white castle to encounter the threats of their business. 2. Does white Castle has a product, promotion, or price problem? Give recommendations to solve the problem?

    Assume you are the VP, Public Relations. Outline a PR action plan.

    Martha Stewart is your client. It has just been made public that she sold shares of her IMClone stock with possible insider trading information. She is going to be charged and possibly face time in prison. Her own stock is sliding. What would you do? List objectives for the PR Campaign Define the publics What is the crisis

    Relationship Marketing

    Questions 1.'A surprising number of corporations place themselves in an adversarial relationship with consumers.' Discuss. 2.What do companies have to learn from old-fashioned service providers? 3.How should companies create a valuable relationship with these customers? 4.Analyze how three organizations that you are

    Pricing strategy

    Please help with the following multiple choice problem. The Mountain Water Company has developed a line of bottle water products to be sold in grocery stores and conveniences stores. The company will introduce them into the US market over the next six months. The company realized that competition is very intense in the gro

    Elastic Demand in Market Pricing

    At the pricing planning meeting, the Marketing Director told all the people working on revising the product prices to remember that the demand for the product was very elastic. So how des this effect pricing? Asked John. What would John be told? a. For our product, customer demand will be very responsive to price changes.

    Marketing intermediaries

    The production manager at my company argued at yesterday's staff meeting that wholesaling intermediaries or "middlemen" simply increase the cost of products and that is whey company sales are lower. What would I tell the Production Manager? Is there any benefit from marketing intermediaries? Where are my choices? a. The mar

    Market logistics

    Market logistics is a critical component of successful marketing strategy and a major cost element for company operations. The goal of market logistics is to provide a targeted level of customer services at the least cost. I need to assume I work for a large department store that operates 275 department stores across the US.