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    Marketing research proposal

    Selecting a research topic, defining the problem, and developing the approach. Throughout the course, you will be developing a marketing research proposal. For this unit, complete the following tasks: Select a research topic. Define the research problem. Develop the research approach.

    Major budget forms

    Please help with the following problem. List and briefly identify each of the major budget forms that can be applied to advertising.

    Marketing Forecast

    The shoe company that I was recently hired is working on next year's sales forecast for its line of women's casual shoes. The company has been in the shoe manufacturing and sales business for over 35 years and sells shoes through a chain of stores located throughout three market areas, the Northeast (New England, New York), Upp

    Marketing macroenvironment forces

    I have just been elected chairperson of this summer's community little league. I will be responsible for running the little league baseball season this summer for all the children in my community. The town donates the use of the local park's 5 baseball fields and local businesses usually donate needed equipment or funds. Typical

    Marketing and what it is?

    Marketing is a basic function of all organizations. But what does marketing consist of? I need to explain what marketing is (what does marketing consist of, what are business are trying to accomplish with marketing) by using an example from the normal operation from a company like one that franchises a chain of fast food resta

    Effort of segmenting markets

    Why do companies go through the effort of segmenting their markets? a. This is required by the Internal Revenue Service so that the company can accurately track and estimate annual sales tax payments. b. This allows a company to be able to better manage suppliers. Market segmentation refers to how a company divides up its

    Social-cultural component of the marketing environment

    The social-cultural component of the marketing environment has a significant impact on business primarily because ________. a. It shapes beliefs, values, and norms that significantly define the preferences and tastes of people in an area. b. It defines how the local economy will develop and the strength of the local infr

    Primary Research and Collecting Primary Data

    My operates a chain of 35 family-style restaurants in California. The company is designing a marketing research plan to determine what items on its menu should be revised. The company intends to design a survey of its current customers, to conduct interviews with its suppliers to identify industry trends, and to start randomly m

    Retaining customer loyalty

    What ways are there that allow an executive officer of a bank to retain customer loyalty while his competitors provide online banking to their customers. How would you address this issue/what recommendations would you give? Thank you.

    Marketing-communication strategy and consumer behavior

    Questions 1. What is "copy testing"? Explain its use. 2. What are subliminal stimuli? Give an example. 3. What are transformational advertisements? Give an example. 4. Explain the difference between purposeful learning and incidental learning? 5. Differentiate between "think" and "feel" products. Give an examp

    Facilitating marketing institutions

    1) Define the sorting process and its four steps. Give an example of each step. 2) Facilitating marketing institutions are powerless in the marketing channel. Agree or disagree. Explain. 3) Why should a retailer be concerned about a channel's length and width? After all should not the retailer just care about making a prof

    What is the overall purpose of a marketing plan?

    1. What is the overall purpose of a marketing plan? 2. How do a marketing plan and strategic marketing plan fit together? 3. What are some legal or ethical issues you may need to consider? 4. List and describe the various components of a strategic marketing plan.

    Janet Jackson Wardrobe Malfunction

    A few years back Janet Jackson wardrobe had a malfuntion in the Super Bowl half-time show. 1. Was this a publicity stunt? 2. Why would it have been planned? 3. What benefit would be derived? 4. What was your opinion of the "fallout"? I want to compare your response to my response and the response of others

    Question 5

    There are three major types of vertical marketing systems. Explain each

    GE is an amazingly large company...

    GE is an amazingly large company made up of 11 major divisions that operate in areas as diverse as home appliances, jet engines, security systems, wind turbines, and financial services. The company is so large (2003 revenues of $134 billion) that even if each of its 11 business units were ranked separately, all would be one of

    CRM and channels of distribution, product policy

    The conference has come to an end. Your complete Strategic Marketing Plan is now due. Revise your current draft by applying the critiques from the Group Project in Unit 4, and add the following components to create your final plan: I WILL ADD THE PRICING FROM UNIT FOUR DB AND THE DRAFT CAN YOU GIVE ME THESE BELOW , I HAV

    Public Relations questions

    1. Define Public Relations (PR) 2. Express how PR is integral to the marketing mix. 3. Examine the impact of PR on society. Give an example. 4. Explain PR's role and functions within an organization. 5. Define publics. 6. Explain the impact of effective communications to internal publics. 7. How do you evaluate the n

    Budweiser Lager

    Budweiser Lager was first brewed in 1876 by E. Anheuser & CO., St. Louis. Today, Anheuser -Busch is the larges brewer in the world in terms of volume, and it competes across a diverse range of markets. The company oversees more than 30 different beer brands, including the domestic market leader Budweiser, a number of other alc

    Market Analysis

    Please provide an evaluation of the fundamental economics of marketing/selling Pfizer's product Detrol LA (or a prescription medication in general); including, market demand, market potential, available market, and market share objectives. Thank you


    Target Audience & Competition are the next components to be addressed as part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. To choose an appropriate target market, one must understand how consumers make purchase decisions. In a 5-6 page report to your colleagues, Research then discuss the concepts of

    Marketing Distrubution Channels and Promotion

    What is a distribution channel? What is the relationship between channels of distribution and logistics? How does geographical location affect your selection of distribution channels? What are the similarities and differences between promotional push strategies and promotional pull strategies? What is an example of a situatio

    Concepts of "needs"

    Target Audience & Competition are the next components to be addressed as part of the process of developing a Comprehensive Strategic Marketing Plan. To choose an appropriate target market, one must understand how consumers make purchase decisions. In a 5-6 page report to your colleagues, Research then discuss the concepts o

    Implications for the Disney brand in Japan

    Please assist with ideas for about Marketing and business strategic planning regarding WDIG in Japan using the case study "Walt Disney Internet Group Japan's Dimo Project" by Phillip Sugai. 1. Describe the business environment within which the Walt Disney Internet Group (WDIG) Japan team is offering its mobile content and ser

    AI Brainstorming- CRM

    WEEK FIVE CRM-- Customer Relationship Management . The AI Brainstorming Conference is nearly over. In the closing discussion you will talk about your own personal experiences with companies over the years. Share a scenario of a company that did a great job of satisfying you (as a customer) and a scenario of a company th