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    Advertisng presentation and notes

    I need your help with the following power points. We are a team of five and we are giving a presentation tonight. I need your help with what I need to say. I am including what our team wrote as well. Power Points: BRINGING BACK THE FANS PROMOS FREE TICKETS MEET THE PLAYERS FREE STUFF RIDE THE ZAMBONI (I don't k

    Explanation of a case study on PUBLIC RELATIONS challenge

    I need your help with a case study public relations problem The case study is: After a labor dispute, there is often an ill effect on fans of sporting events. The NHL has been on strike and missed an entire session. Your challenge is to WIN BACK HOCKEY FANS and try to make them forget all about the strike. (Let's assume th

    Department of Water and Power and Major James K. Hann

    Please help with this article, can you give me your comments on it. Major James K. Hann climbed into a cherry picker for news cameras last year to call attention to one of his successes. City workers, he said, were ridding Los Angeles of an "urban menace" - shoes dangling from utility lines. To arrange the media event, the

    The Six W's of Marketing Research

    I am the marketing manager of Sweet Cookies, Inc. which is planning to launch a new line of cookies to assess the market size. The cookies have a mixed chocolate-pineapple flavor and will be targeted at the premium end of the market. Discuss the six W's of a descriptive research design and how they may be adapted for Sweet Co

    The Various Definitions of Public Relations

    I need your help in defining public relations and can you include your personal definition of PR and I also need your help with definitions from three different sources. Can you help me to compare and contrast these definitions and can you help me answer the follwing question Why do you think there are so many different definit

    Harry potter websie marketing questions

    Looking at trilogies Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Let's look at the Harry Potter phenomenon. The four-book series has sold enormous amounts in more than 200 countries. Each Harry Potter movie premiere has broken box office records world wide. During the production of each movie, marketers keep interest high and the Ha

    Questions about bank business

    Here is a summary of what I need help with... Peoples Bank, based in Connecticut, uses its web site as a key channel for reaching individuals, business customers, and prospects. Not only can customers e-mail the bank with questions, they can click on a link to have a bank representative call them with further information or c

    Insurance Marketing and Distribution

    As mentioned earlier, Peoples Bank, based in Connecticut, uses its web site as a key channel for reaching individuals, business customers, and prospects. Not only can customers e-mail the bank with questions, they can click on a link to have a bank representative call them with further information or choose another link if they


    The online market for travel services will reach $63 billion within a few years, and Priceline.com aims to capture a significant share; already, it is high on the top-ten list of travel Web sites. After a brief period of diversification into name-your-price sales of groceries and gasoline, the company has refocused on its core t

    Positioning Errors to Avoid

    1.I have been asked to give a brief lecture on "Positioning Errors to Avoid" for a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. I need a summary of a lecture. In my lecture I need to give specific examples of known service companies avoiding or falling prey to "positioning errors". 2.Ricketts Heating and Air installs natural gas-fire

    Marketing Strategy is emphasized.

    Background: Market expansion strategy is a business strategy in which a company that is already the market leader tries to expand existing services into new markets. In a fragmented and heterogeneous market, where some segments are less well developed than others, a market expansion strategy may generate substantial additiona

    Growth Extension Strategies

    What market and competitor characteristics distinguish each of the major growth extension strategies (Increased penetration strategy, Extended use strategy and Market expansion strategy)?

    Growth Extension Strategies

    What market and competitor characteristics distinguish each of the major growth extension strategies? Consider the following: Leaders: Fortress/position defense strategy Flanker strategy Confrontation strategy Market expansion Contraction/strategic withdrawal Followers: Frontal attack strategy Leapfrog strategy

    Share Growth Strategy IV

    Identify the following challengers' share-growth strategies exhibited in the scenario and provide a rationale for the response (Encirclement example).

    Share Growth Strategy III

    Identify the following challengers' share-growth strategies exhibited in the scenario and provide a rationale for the response (The introduction of reliable, easy-to-handle digital cameras into the photography market with a promotion campaign that maintains that the benefits of the technology justify switching away from traditio

    Qantas: What is the real definition of market demand?

    I have some questions in relations to the story below (The Australian Financial Review, May 17, 2002.) Qantas has a lot riding on remaining dominant and profitable in the Australian domestic market for air travel and freight, as well as remaining profitable on its overseas routes-particularly the "Kangaroo" route to and fr

    Share Growth Strategy

    Identify the following challengers' share-growth strategies exhibited in the scenario and provide a rationale for the response (The introduction of low-priced, reliable, and fuel-efficient small cars by Japanese auto makers when first entering the U.S. market in the late 1960s and early 1970s).

    Marketing: Performance Dimensions

    Identify and describe the three primary performance dimensions that are important to business unit managers and then compare low-cost defenders with prospectors in terms of these primary performance dimensions.


    Forecasting: Seeking Financial Altitude in a Cloudy Sky LEAD STORY-DATELINE: The Australian Financial Review, May 17, 2002. Qantas has a lot riding on remaining dominant and profitable in the Australian domestic market for air travel and freight, as well as remaining profitable on its overseas routes-particularly th

    Identifying and Understanding Trends in the Marketing Environment

    Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also called the personal factors, are things like motivation, learning, and perception. External, or social, factors include things like social norms, family roles, and cultural values. Trends in the external environment can have major impac

    Ethical issues in Article

    I need help discussing some of the ethical issues brought up by this article below. How about the consumer's responsibility? America is a fat nation in which almost 2/3rds of all Americans are overweight. This national weight problem is causing a variety of severe health problems in both adults and children. For example, fo

    I need help finding an ARTICLE on MARKETING STRATEGY and TACTICS

    I need your help finding an article that discusses the relationship between marketing research and marketing strategy and tactics. And I also need your help in summarising the article and how would i describe the purpose of the marketing reseach and assessing the importance of this research in relation to the organizations ma

    Analyze and ad in terms of strategy, creativity and execution: SECA ULTIMA car

    Hi, I'm looking for a second opinion on analyzing an ad (i posted this yesterday) In my readings it says, the keys to a great ad are: Strategy, Creativity and Execution. Please analyze the attached ad in those terms: To whom is the ad targeted to? Why is the ad there in the first place? Is the ad informing? If so how

    Market Research tools

    Health Canada is trying to reduce teen smoking in Canada. They thus try to find out what teens feel about smoking and what it takes to help them stop smoking. However teens seem to be allergic to traditional market research tools such as focus groups or surveys. Suggest 2 creative ways that may help Health Canada get teens to

    From a marketing standpoint, what is wrong with these questions?

    2) From a marketing standpoint, what is wrong with these questions? What is your husband's favorite brand of golf ball? What TV programs did you watch last Monday? What was the total income you reported in your income tax return last year? Are auto manufacturers making satisfactory progress in controlling auto emissions?