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    Marketing research, strategy and tactics

    Can you please explain the relationship between marketing research and marketing strategy and tactics. Can you please describe the purpose of marketing research and assessing the importance of research in relation to a organization's marketing strategy and tactics.

    Marketing Strategies

    Marketing Spotlight - Microsoft Microsoft was founded in 1975, when Bill Gates left Harvard at age 19 to work with high school friend Paul Allen on a version of the BASIC programming language. After moving the company from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Seattle in 1979, Gates and Allen began writing operating system software. Wh

    Marketing Strategies

    Big Lots: A Premium on Being Cheap During a period of economic slowdown, discount retailers are all the rage. As consumers are forced to become more frugal, stores like Big Lots are attracting more business. Big Lots is known as a closeout retailer. They purchase discontinued or repackaged products and sell them for up to 70%

    Marketing Strategy

    1. You have been asked to give a brief lecture on "Positioning Errors to Avoid" for a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Provide a brief summary of your lecture. In your lecture be sure to give specific examples, other than those indicated in the textbook, of known service companies avoiding or falling prey to "positioning err

    Smoking and Canada

    I have also heard there is a big black market for tobacco products in Canada. A lot of smuggling across the border. I think the Canadian government has taxed tobacco products to the point where it is very difficult to have a habit. I was in Canada for a work project and talking to the people there, they told me that a pack of ci

    Information Dashboards

    Background: Please see attached document. Directions: Design strategic and operating "information dashboards" that will provide the necessary information to monitor - and if necessary, take steps to change - the marketing performance of the product or business. For the operating dashboard, identify what information is t

    Organizational Structure and areas of responsibility

    Background: Please see the attached document. Directions: Prepare an organizational chart comprising the various marketing staff and functions necessary to implement the marketing plan and explain why such a structure is appropriate.

    Marketing questions

    1. The "universal" functions of marketing _____. a. are usually performed in the same way and by the same type of institutions in all macro-marketing systems b. can sometimes be eliminated in very efficient macro-marketing systems c. must be performed in both market directed and planned economic systems d. must a

    Business Strategy

    Background: Please see attached document. Directions: Identify the generic business-level strategy that will be employed. Explain why this strategy makes sense, given the environmental conditions in which the business will operate.


    Background: NEW PRODUCT IDEA (Online cosmetic surgery advice and solutions): We will have one set of cosmetic surgery doctors who will remain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, give online advice to the site visitor. Show them with the help of pictures and videos the improvement that can be made, quote a price for the c

    Forecasting Estimated Potentials

    Please see attached.- If you cannot open I have copied and pasted below but the formatting is off. I need to understand the case study below and define the central issue, select forecasting and estimating tools for consideration, analyze considerations and determine their relative importance; recommend and defend the best tec

    Marketing research Questions

    Background: NEW PRODUCT IDEA (Online cosmetic surgery advice and solutions): We will have one set of cosmetic surgery doctors who will remain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, give online advice to the site visitor. Show them with the help of pictures and videos the improvement that can be made, quote a price for the c

    Marketing Strategy: Step-Wise Approach

    Background: New Product Idea: Online cosmetic surgery advice and solutions. This will have one set of cosmetic surgery doctors who will remain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, give online advise to the site visitor. Show them with the help of pictures and videos the improvement that can be made, quote a price for the c

    Marketing Management I

    DIRECTIONS: Select a new product idea for a new small business; a new product idea for an existing operation; or an existing product that you would like to market to a new segment or in a new way. As you consider your selection, evaluate the amount of information available for the product and market segment that you intend to

    Sales articles are located.

    Can you please help me find an article or information on a current sales management trend in the domestic or global marketplace and summarize the trend in relation to one or more of the following external influences: Cultural differences, Economic changes, Legal and political environment and/or Technological advances.

    Warrants relative

    In relation to warrants define the following terms ? 'conversion ratio' ? issue size ? covered warrant

    Marketing case problem

    Briefly discuss, from a marketing perspective, the advantages and disadvantages for Caron Furniture should it expand regionally (as opposed to nationally) within the U.S. market. Caron has built its reputation on the design and manufacture of wooden office furniture. The case study clearly indicates that metal office furniture

    Marketing 421

    Please provide your view on the ethical issue of consumer awareness vs. the responsibility of business in its marketing strategies and ad campaigns. Be sure to address (not limited to) Ethics Marketing Issues Strategy Issues and Legal Issues

    Differentiation and Positioning Strategy

    What are some specific examples of identifying my new product or service (McDonalds, debit transactions) through differentiation and positioning strategy and explain their relationships.

    Consumer Behaviors

    1. PETA is a great example of using an understanding of consumer behavior to cause desired behavior (or at least desired by PETA). But I am confused at this organization. I understand they are a cause-related group but what behaviors are they looking for? 2. Over the past 5-10 years there has been the increase of Hispanic

    Marketing 421

    2)How does your company differentiate itself from the competition? Please explain and illustrate a) Do you find this to be an effective method? Please explain. b) If you could alter it in any way would you? If yes, how?


    How do you create data collection , measurement instrument, and data preparation design.

    marketing - customer retention

    Please explain how would you keep in touch with customers that have stayed at a location that you are marketing and the location is the sane as before. And with the given information how often should the customer be contacted.

    Marketing 421

    How does Walmart use channels of distribution to support its products or services. Explain the importance of product and place in the development of marketing strategy and tactics in general.

    Segment Criteria for Marketing

    Please provide brief specific examples of how to identify segmentation criteria that impact my target market selection for my new product/service which is McDonalds, and debit transactions? Thanks

    Marketing for Internet Affected Price Consideration

    How has the internet affected price considerations? Please be detailed and relate this question to your own company's experiences or please use another example to illustrate your points and support your ideas.

    Anti-Abortion Commercial: Marketing Variables in an Experiment

    A pro life-group wanted to test the effectiveness of an antiabortion commercial. Two random samples, each of 250 respondents, were recruited in Atlanta, Georgia. One group was shown the antiabortion commercial. Then, attitudes toward abortion were measured for respondents in both groups. What would be the independent and d

    Marketing 421

    Please provide brief examples of how I can approach to develop the marketing strategy and tactics for this new service which is McDonalds, and debit transactions a. Consumer analysis 1) Demographics 2) Psychographics 3) Behaviors (e.g. purchase behaviors) 4) Geographical considerations Thanks alot