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    How has advertising changed, and how has it remained the same?

    How has advertising changed, and how has it remained the same? Pick a product you saw advertised when you were a child or teen, and discuss how it was advertised then and how it is advertised now. Is there any difference? Why do you think there has been a change? What if anything remains the same about the ads now compared wi


    I wrote that, a marketer should know who the target audience is, before developing a marketing program, which includes decisions about the vehicles used for promotions and advertising. The target audience is made up of a group or groups of common characteristics, such as buying habits, income, age, gender, and level of educatio


    Which strategic marketing assumptions and decisions arguably made Boo.com's failure inevitable? http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20000528_boo.html

    Bad Marketing Survey Questions

    Bad questions prevent or distort communication between the researcher and the respondent. In what ways can a researcher frame "bad questions?" What are some examples of what you would consider bad questions that you have seen or can imagine in a survey?

    Success of advertising campaigns

    Please help with the following problem. You are the leader of an advertising team that has just voted 9 to 3 in favor of beginning an advertising campaign using Facebook. You now need everyone's participation to make the campaign succeed. What problems might arise from the 3 who voted against the campaign, and how do you add

    Retailing and Marketing

    How can a company create an atmosphere on its Web site? Visit the pages of some of your favorite retailers to see if they have been able to re-create the store atmosphere on the Internet.

    Marketing Strategies for Cadillac and Vesicare commercials

    Identify two recent marketing campaigns and explain them in terms of types of appeals, marketing strategies, and executional frameworks. The first I would choose is the campaign for the Cadillac. The marketing targets the up and coming who still have interest in popular TV and some cable shows. It features actors who a

    Advanced Entrepreneurship

    Develop a written proposal outlining a specific product or service idea you have as the product manager for Triangle Solutions. Triangle's company type and product area have been left unspecified in order to allow you creativity in invention of your own product ideas and exploration of areas of interest in the market. You may no

    Product Decisions and Packaging

    Write a paragraph evaluating the distinctive packaging of a carton of soy milk based on the four functions of packaging (containing and protecting products; promoting products; facilitating storage, use, and convenience; and facilitating recycling and reducing environmental damage). Thanks for your help here!!

    Whistle-blowing and loyalty

    Are Duska's accounts of loyalty convincing? What implications might an altered conception of loyalty have on his contention that whistle-blowing does not require moral justification? I am looking on other ideas to Duska's thoughts.

    Marketing: Why is planning important? What are the essential components?

    Assume you are the newly hired marketing manager of a company. As you spend time with other peer marketing managers, you realize that the company does not place an emphasis on planning within the marketing organization. Why is planning important in marketing? Why is planning important in marketing? What are the essential compone

    Positioning and Repositioning Products

    Explain the reason for positioning and repositioning products. Choose a product with which you are familiar, preferably one in your industry, and explain how it might be repositioned. Indicate its current position in the market, a desired position, and how you would manage the repositioning effort.


    The AI Brainstorming Conference topic for this week is pricing strategy: a component of the marketing mix. Consider the Mission, Objectives, Target Market, Competition, Core Strategy, and Communications & Promotions when making a decision on how pricing will be determined. 1.Provide a quick overview of the product or servi

    Qualitative research sufficient without quantitative study

    Is it possible that in some situations qualitative research may be sufficient (in the sense that there may be no need to do a follow-up quantitative study)? If yes, give two examples of situations when this may be true and explain why these situations only require qualitative research. If no, explain why you feel that way.

    Learned Discussion on Marketing Research Question

    Discuss some advantages and some common problems, (including sugging) associated with conducting telephone-administered surveys. Would you recommend a telephone-administered survey for a local restaurant that wants to know why it is losing customers? Why, or why not?

    Strategic recommendation to VP of Marketing for Brite-White

    Question 21 Your company, UNITED INCORPORATED, markets a variety of consumer products similar to that of Colgate-Palmolive (hairspray, shampoo, deodorant, mouthwash). One of your company's products, Brite-White (a whitening toothpaste introduced in 2002), has a 3.4% share of the toothpaste market as of 30 December 2010.

    Marketing Campaigns: Appeals, Strategies, & Execution

    Consider the industry in which you are currently or were formerly employed. Identify at least two recent marketing campaigns from that or similar industries and explain them in terms of types of appeals, marketing strategies, and execution frameworks.

    Advertising Campaigns: Lord & Taylor, Abercrombie, Sears

    In order to develop effective advertising campaigns, retail companies must know their customers. Describe the advertising campaigns of three large retailers: Lord & Taylor, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Sears/Kmart. Compare and contrast the companies' advertising campaigns based on the following aspects: Target market of e

    Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

    Choose a service with which you do a lot of business. Write a memo to the manager explaining the importance of internal marketing and outlining the factors internal marketing includes.

    The product is an recycled green pen range

    The product is an recycled green pen range (different colour packaging) marketed at school children. Section 1: Introduction To refresh the marker's memory, identify the industry you used for the first assignment and briefly summarise the major trends you identified for your firm. I have used the pen industry. Pens is a new