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    Children's Web Sites: Advertisements and Marketing

    Visit 5 Web sites that are designed to appeal to children. Examine the types of advertisements and other forms of marketing communications you see there. Are they appropriate for the age group for which the site is targeted? Do you see any advertisements that you think are inappropriate? Does the site comply with COPPA (Children

    Marketing Products and Coupons

    Many marketers put coupons in magazine and newspapers today. Others place tear-coupons in supermarket and other store displays. The latest in couponing is Internet placement. The buyer can just print the coupon out and take it to their local store to use. Provide a detailed answer to the following (remember that active parti

    Contribution Per Unit, Break Even Analysis - Zig Microwaves

    Please see the attachment for the details. I am seeking the right formulas and some help in answering these 6 questions. I have search the internet for examples and coming up with no luck. I appreciate your help in attaining the solutions to these questions. As the Marketing Manager for the Zig brand of microwave ovens in a l

    Marketing Research

    What sites have free market research information regarding such items as: demographics, industry.. like the consumer electronic industry for Best Buy Stores?

    Important information about Environmental Protection

    Discuss the roles of government, business, and the consumer in environmental protection. Justify your position. To participate fully in this discussion, you can locate information using the Library's web links and article search engines. Here, you will find links about environmental protection. As a group, select a business (

    Uncommon e-commerce company customer value proposition

    Select an uncommon (avoid well-known) e-commerce company. Visit its Website and describe its business model based on the information you find there. Identify its customer value proposition, its revenue model, the marketplace it operates in, who its main competitors are, any market strategy appears to be. Also try to locate infor

    Analyzing Marketing Opportunities

    Consumer behavior is influenced by both internal and external factors. Internal factors, also called the personal factors, are things like motivation, learning, and perception. External, or social, factors include things like social norms, family roles, and cultural values. Trends in the external environment can have major impac

    The Three Dimensions of the Customer Satisfaction Index

    The three dimensions of CSI are: 1. Overall customer satisfaction 2. Likelihood of repeat business 3. Likelihood to recommend the company to others What could be the 4th dimension? Assume that the product and the brand you are looking at is Nike Sneakers. For each dimensions defined in CSI, design at least an item t

    Analyzing Marketing Opportunities

    America is a fat nation in which almost 2/3rds of all Americans are overweight. This national weight problem is causing a variety of severe health problems in both adults and children. For example, four percent of adolescents now have Type II diabetes (which typically never effects youths). Among the reasons for this problem

    Metcalfe & Moore

    Visit dpreview.com. This is a "mom and pop" site based in the UK that can help site vistors learn everything they ever wanted to know about digital photography and equipment. Tour the site and pay close attention to site content and features. Identify one site feature that is made possible because of Moore's Law and describe

    Ethics Issues - Airport VIP Service

    1) I need to figure out what ethics issues might arise when marketing an airport VIP service. 2) I also need to find the importance of being ethical and socially responsible when marketing this service. References would help me also.

    McDonald's and Competitive Markets

    The questions are: Does McDonald's operate as a monopoly? Does it compete in an oligopolistic competition? Is it in a perfectly competitive market? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages being in this type of competitive market?

    Conducting an Information Interview

    Conduct an information interview using the instructions in the above reading. Try to identify an information broker or superconductor (explained in Uzzi & Dunlap article) and conduct an information interview with her or him. If you are interested in changing your job or advancing, this is a wonderful opportunity. If you aren't i

    Pay-per-Click Search Engine Industry

    Investigate the pay-per-click search engine industry. Examine companies such as Overture.com (the originator of the pay per click search engine) and its competitors. How do consumers benefit from pay-per click search engines? Be sure to visit http://www.payperclickanalyst.com/.

    Bank of America Marketing Tools and Customer Service

    Please provide a list of Marketing Tools for Bank of America. If possible please provide examples on any type of marketing tools that Bank of America utilizes today in the present. Whether if its on the web, mailers ect. and also need a few paragraphs on "Evaluation of Customer Service provided by Bank of America".

    Help-Wanted Ad for Toy Designers

    You have been asked to write a recruiting ad for toy designers in Starkville, MS. You think the best designers will be coming from the university. Decide what qualifications would be important for a toy designer on the gaming team, which is in the middle of a project for creating an election game to teach high school students ab

    Budget of 26,000 to Spend on a PR Campaign

    I need help with a PR Campaign, My PR Team have decided that we are going to manufacturing facilities to another country to maximize labor cost reductions. The team has decided that we are to open up a restaurant called Ocean City Gourmet dining. The team decided to open up the business in the Bahamas. Since the beginning of 2