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    Business Management

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    This post addresses common errors to implementing change.

    Class, common errors that managers and leaders must be conscious to deliberately address early in implementing change pertains to: - Allowing too much complacency or downtime around the change. - Not organizing a powerful, influential change coalition. - Minimizing the power of establishing and communicating a change vision

    Do you think there is an opportunity for police whistle blow

    Do you think there is an opportunity for police whistle blowing in the Trayvon Martin case in Florida? Yes I think there is definitely an opportunity for whistle blowing on and or from the police department involved with the case. It could occur from someone who is... Please download for complete solution!

    Budget Changes, Body Language, External/Internal Environments

    In this current business environment, it is not uncommon for people to lose their jobs. Most of the time, job loss is not the result of poor performance. Therefore, as a way for Capella University to continue to help you further your career, you are to list at least ten signs that indicate you are about to lose your job. Conside

    Discussion Question

    Jack Billingsley is an active and ambitious young OD consultant, and he has been revelling about being in the "big time, for the first time" during his present assignment. He has begun working with several division heads--the first-reports to a CEO--whom he has barely met. One day Jack received a call from the office of the CEO

    Interview Etiquette

    1. Identify five (5) general (common) questions you believe will likely be asked by most interviewers. Prepare a response for each question regarding how you personally would answer each question. 2. Explain and identify what information about the organization you might need to research and be knowledgeable about before the i

    professional development after college; relocation

    1. Should you wait until after you graduate to begin your professional development (resume/CV and cover page writing, interview preparation, etc)? Why or why not? 2. Are you willing to relocate, if need be, to find employment? If so, under what circumstances would you accept relocation? If not, how do you think this choice wi

    This post addresses the case of Jack Billingsley & Fletcher.

    Case: Jack Billingsley is an active and ambitious young OD consultant, and he has been revelling about being in the "big time, for the first time" during his present assignment. He has begun working with several division heads--the first-reports to a CEO--whom he has barely met. One day, Jack received a call from the offi

    Article Analysis: Difference Between Adolescents and Adults

    Steinberg, L., Cauffman, E., Woolard, J., Graham, S. & Banich, M. (2009). Are adolescents less mature than adults?: Minors' access to abortion, the juvenile death penalty, and the alleged APA "flip-flop." American Psychologist. 64(7), 583-594. Retrieved from PsycARTICLES database. http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://searc

    Inherited Disorders

    1.) Should parents have their genitic code analyzed and the probability of their having offspring with congenital defects or high sensitivity to diseases determined? 2.) Since the cost of treating these medical problems may be exorbitant, should people with genetic analysis shows a higher than average probability of having offs

    ratios to measure airline performance

    There are two ratios which are used to measure airline performance. One measures efficiency while the other measures equipment utilization. Is this sufficient? Describe what you think airlines should develop to measure performance. Be sure to describe how this data would be collected.

    Management of public with other types of management strategies

    Public organizations can be categorized into two basic categories: open and closed models of organization. Compose descriptions of two fictional public organizations that are structured around one being open and the other being closed. Briefly describe what services, goods, or activities each organization provides. Then, compare

    Politics in Business Strategies

    In 150-250 words in APA format with at least one reference with intext citation, answer the following: Since politics are so prevalent in organizations today, it is imperative to understand fully how to deal with political situations in order to be successful as a leader within these organizations. This week you learned more abo

    Type of research design: exploratory, descriptive, or causal?

    Which type of research designâ?" exploratory, descriptive, or causalâ?"is appropriate for the following examples? Explain why. -The goal of this research is to discover the real nature of the problem and to suggest new possible solutions or new ideas. -A food manufacturer wants to know the demographics of people who pur

    Methods Section of Proposal

    Complete the following areas of the Methods (Contraceptives taught before High School): 1. Method, Participants, Research Design, Instrumentation, and Data Collection Plans. (Estimated length - two pages). 2. Proposed Analysis of the Data. (Estimated length - one to two pages) -Method/Research Procedure/Methodology: Dete

    Organizing a team

    The problem: Buy the Book was about to re-open its flagship store after many consolidations and acquisitions. There are over 280 employees from 12 different nationalities and each with different bookstore training with different service styles. The bookstore will be operational in 4 weeks and everyone is frantically running a

    internal and external growth strategies

    Please answer the following questions regarding business management. Provide at least 300 words in the solution. What is the difference between internal and external growth strategies? What staffing problems do each of these present?

    MLB or Super Wal-Mart relocating to your town

    I am involved in a debate with two of my friends. One is very excited about the possibility of a MLB team relocating to your town. She says it will give the community a huge economic boost and create many more jobs. My other friend claims that your town would be better off attracting a Super Wal-Mart as that will have more of a

    Provide a Simple Definition of Nonprobability Sampling

    Q1 Provide a simple definition of a nonprobability sampling and provide an example of each type of nonprobability sampling. Q2 Jake and 10 other consumers were invited to participate in a focus group to discuss their experience with using the iPhone. Develop a set of questions the focus group moderator might ask to gain a bet

    Agency Conflicts and Corporate Governance

    The following quotation appeared in the Fortune magazine "I have never asked to serve on a corporate board, never even hinted at wanting to be on one. And I have never asked to be on a compensation committee. I suspect that the reason I've been put on so many is that word gets around that I believe in paying people very, very we

    Hospitality: 3 Gaming Management Questions

    1.) How is running a casino similar to running another business? What aspects of gaming operations are unique to the industry? What specific skills do casino managers need that managers of other businesses might not need? Give specific examples to support your answers. 2.) What would a human resources director need to know to

    Prepare a training you have received in your current organization

    Prepare a 350- to 700-word examination of the various types of training you have received in your current organization as a (Car Dealership). Consider orientation/new-hire, on-going professional development, technology, mentoring, and peer coaching. Discuss the types of training you found the most beneficial and why. Add

    This post addresses issues with training.

    What are the benefits of training? What are the possible ramifications of poor or no training? How can training be used as a motivational tool? What is the most important type of training? Why?

    Fishbone Diagrams

    One tool to use in performance improvement is the fishbone diagram also referred to as an Ishikawa diagram. The name is derived from the fact that it looks like one long spine with various bones branching out. This is a diagram that outlines several main potential causes for a difficulty with the end objective of what your overa

    Managing a portfolio of companies

    What are the challenges in managing a portfolio of companies? Identify an organization that has been consistently successful. What critical success factors have they emphasized?

    BP America, Inc: The Prudhoe Bay Oil Spill and a Commitment to Being Green

    Attached is a case on BP America, Inc. Write an analysis in which the following questions are answered, using no outside research: 1. Regardless of the spill's cause(s), what does this situation do to BP's corporate image? 2. Throughout the events involved in the leak incident, who are the key stakeholders? 3. What