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    Business Management

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    Tall management and MIS systems

    Some management scholars have argued that the use of MIS systems has reduced the need for tall management structures. Do you agree or disagree with this conclusion?

    Beware the Disconnect

    In their 2005 article, Zahlis and Hansen warn organizations to "Beware the Disconnect". What do they mean by this "disconnect", and in what ways do you think it might apply to the military? Answer is over 600 words, with 3 references.

    Data Presentation

    I need help in presenting my data in one of the appropriate general response types: rating, ranking, categorization, or sorting. I need help in putting the below data in the appropriate measurement scale (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval or Ratio). As the nation's largest health maintenance organization, Kaiser Permanente perfor

    Sales Force Compensation

    In order to motivate the sales force to produce the highest number of clients, describe six (6) features of an effective total rewards program.

    QEMS analysis

    Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive one's emotions and to effectively manage one's behaviors in emotionally charged situations. It is also the ability to factor in the emotions of others as one interacts with them. http://www.summitmagazine.com/Articles_Columns/PDF_Documents/20090701/july2009_03.pdf QEMS is a cu

    Managing Workplace Safety and Health

    Imagine that a growing regional chain of nursing homes with 1,300 total full- and part-time employees on all shifts has hired you as a consultant. They want you to help them develop workplace health and safety programs. What are the top priorities and steps that this organization should focus on as it develops its workplace heal

    Oracle's Hostile Bid for Peoplesoft

    What were the relevant condtions that needed to be considered by the Peoplesoft indepedent boart of directors in determining if the sale of the company was in the best interest of the shareholders?

    Packaging and Material Management

    Identify packaging design and material handling principles as they relate to efficient warehouse management. How do these characteristics affect customer satisfaction?

    Evaluating Learning

    Discuss the elements of evaluation and why they are important. Also, discuss the return on investment (ROI) for the organizations. Is training worth the cost? You may include your personal experiences in your response.

    Cardinal Health

    a) What role did Robert Walter play in shaping Cardinal Health? b) What decisions did he make at key inflection points that accounted for Cardinal's success? c) What impact will his retirement have on the company?

    Case Study: I thought I gave them Everything

    Case Study: I thought I gave them Everything. Henry Gonzales has been the manager of Quality Foods' Seventh Street store for four years. Henry is considered among Quality's top managers for making the once-unprofitable store the sales leader of the company. Henry works hard and expects the same of all store employees. He empha

    Random Sampling

    Explain simple random sampling. Include example in your discussion.

    Pre-Interview Questionnaires

    What are the positives and/or negatives to the pre-interview questionnaire tool? Would you use it in your recruiting program? Why or why not?

    Managing Workplace Safety and Health

    Imagine that a growing regional chain of nursing homes with 1,300 total full- and part-time employees on all shifts has hired you as a consultant. They want you to help them develop workplace health and safety programs. What are the top priorities and steps that this organization should focus on as it develops its workplace hea

    Distinguish Between Correlation, Simple, and Multiple Regression

    See the attached file. 1. Distinguish between correlation, simple, and multiple regression analyses. Provide one example using the six-step hypotheses testing procedure. Start by providing a verbal and numerical description of the null and alternate hypotheses. You do not need to provide calculation. 2. What is a significa

    Organizations and Environments: Synergy and Dependence

    Outline a clear topic sentence and thesis. Environments shape organizations. In turn, organizations also shape the environments in which they interact. Organizations, in part, also choose which environments they enter and exit, choose which coalitions are most desirable, and determine the contexts in which they function. R

    Discussion Questions: Essentials of College Writing

    1. What did you learn about the process of applying the writing strategies and process? Cite specific examples? (least 200 words or more in length each question) * COMM/215 ESSENTIALS OF COLLEGE WRITING - presents the opportunity to review individual and team essays in order to understand and verbalize individual and team pro

    Academic Case Study: Professional E-mail Creation

    Read the scenarios below and select one (1) that is of interest to you. a. You worked very hard on your recent assignment but were not really confident in your final product. However, you did not think it was too bad so submitted it on time. When you checked the grade book for your grade, you were very disappointed and frust

    Extreme Jobs: Advantages and Disadvantages

    Describe an extreme job. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of an extreme job for you? Include proper in-text citations in APA format to cite material from your sources.