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    North American History

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    Voting trends and polling

    A) Voting during the 2008 presidential primaries and the general election changed dramatically from previous trends. What were these voting trends (NOTE: these are not campaign trends, or candidate characteristics, but increases or decreases in voting by certain demographic groups)? B) Candidates use polls to determine what

    Countercultures of the 60's

    How should the counterculture be viewed by the modern generation? Did they have any real influence on our society (aside from spreading the message to withdraw from Vietnam)? What aspects of our society today can we attribute to the 60s counterculture?

    Did the Civil Rights Movement actual begin in the 1950's?

    At issue, is whether the Civil Rights movement began in the 1950s are not. Yes, there were activists in the past that sought to better the lives and rights of African Americans. W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T Washington, and George Washington Carver are just a few. The NAACP was around for over 5 decades by the time Brown v Board was d

    The Significance of the Oneida Community

    Describe the significance of the Oneida Community. What were the reasons for its formation? What were the big ideas underlying the community, and how and why did it succeed or fail?

    Did "Lend-Lease" end US neutrality in pre WW2? Why?

    Why do you think the switch from the "cash-and-carry" to the "lend-lease" system for providing supplies to other countries represented a retreat from isolationism and neutrality on the part of the United States?


    I'm looking for your input/thoughts/opinions on these questions. I have answered them to the best of my abilities and would like to incorporate your answers with mine and use you as a resource. Thank You. 1. What did Stroyer not know about his family tree? How do you think that made him feel? 2. Develop (not merely lis

    Reconstruction in post Civil War U.S.

    1. Describe President Andrew Johnson's approach to the task of Reconstruction. 2. Explain how Congress reacted to Johnson's measures during Radical Reconstruction. 3. What led to the end of the Reconstruction era? 4. How did Reconstruction affect the lives of African Americans?

    England and the American colonies

    Why did England wait until the colonies took a big intrest to independance to get involved in ways like putting in military control. If it was such a gold mine for resources then why didnt England act like it from the begining?

    What If Louisiana Hadn't Been Purchased?

    If the Jefferson administration didn't acquire the Louisiana territory what would have come of the United States? How would America's history and development been affected? Would our westward expansion have ever happened? What national flag might have been planted west of the Mississippi River? What world events might have been

    Post Civil War:Economies of the North & South

    1. Account for the strength of the North's economy and the weakness of the South's economy after the Civil War. 2. What future consequences did regional economic conditions have for both the North and the South?

    Topics in American Civil War

    1. Characterize the perspectives of the South and the North before the Civil War. 2. Why was the future of the West such an important issue for antebellum Americans? 3. Do you think Congress could have reached another compromise and avoided war? Explain your answer.

    Essay questions on selctions from Jacob Stroyer's "My Life in the South".

    1. What did Stroyer not know about his family tree? How do you think that made him feel? 2. Develop (not merely list) three interpretations for why James Hay did only half his task. 3. What commentaries can you read between the lines of the story of Mr. Usom and Jack? 4. How did Stroyer's parents advise him to deal

    Examine the painting, "Dismissal of School on an October Afternoon."

    1. Use the painting Dismissal of School on an October Afternoon to detect and comment on mid-century realities of social class, gender, and race. 2. Study the picture. In what ways can the picture be viewed as a positive commentary on urban and technological growth? How can it be viewed as a negative commentary? What is

    Reconsideration of women's roles 1820-1830's

    1. Describe the reconsideration of women's roles in the 1820s and 1830s, and explain what led to that reconsideration. 2. What were its roots in the past, and how did it shape the rest of the nineteenth century? 3. Compare and contrast ideas of womanhood in America today with concepts from 1830.

    Identify six elements on each side of the Great Seal on the $1.00 bill

    The young United States wanted to express to the world -- and to its own citizens -- some essential elements of the new nation's identity. Look at both sides of the Great Seal of the United States, which you can find on the back of a one dollar bill (U.S. $1.00). Identify six elements on each side of the seal (for a total of t

    The Petticoat Affair

    Hello, Can you help me with the following essay question? It needs to be at least 250 words. Thanks in advance. Discuss the political implication of the Peggy Eaton Affair(Margaret Eaton, The Petticoat Affair in Andrew Jacksons White House). Make sure that you consider its impact on the parties involved and the nation.

    Discussion on the Indian Removal Act of 1830

    Please address the following inquires: Was the Indian Removal Act of 1830 an act of humanitarianism intended to save the Native American culture and populace from the expansion of white settlers, or was the act intended just to get rid of the Native Americans and destroy their tribal culture? Explain your answer with specific

    Purchase of the Louisiana Territory

    Describe the events leading to the purchase of the Louisiana Territory in 1803. Discuss the terms of the treaty and how Jefferson reconciled his strict interpretation of the Constitution with the acquisition of the territory.

    US History

    Contrast Aztec society with that of Native Americans in what would become British North America. How did each influence the development of the respective European colonial societies in America? Discuss reasons why you think the relationship between the indigenous people and Europeans was characterized more often by conflic

    French and Indian war (174-63) was otherwise known as the Seven Years War was fought between Britain and France for the control of North America. Even though, the British were not able to get much support from the colonies, the colonists fought with them. When the British government tried to tax colonist for the payment of the war, there started friction. British had crushed the powerful Pontiac rebellion. The British parliament passed the Proclamation of 1763 preventing the colonists from settling down in Native American territories. The angry colonists ignored the order and moved towards their goal. Navigation Act of 1764, Sugar Act, currency Act, and especially the Stamp Act created great protest against the British. The colonists protested against taxation without representation. The British parliament was forced to repeal the stamp act, but they had passed the Declaratory Act. Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770 wounded the feelings of the colonists and later it added as a fuel to the American Revolution. On December 16, 1773, when the British ships were in the Boston harbor, the colonists disguised as Native Americans, dumped the cargo of tea into the harbor. The British government became enraged and closed the Boston harbor until the colonists paid for the damages. In January 1774, the British government passed the Intolerable Acts or Coercive Acts. The colonists came together in Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress in 1774. They petitioned the British government to establish cordial relations with them and at the same time continued to boycott the British goods. As a last resort for peace, the colonists submitted the Olive Branch Petition to King George III. The king rejected the petition and the time was ripe for starting the Revolution. The colonists formed the Continental Army under George Washington. On July 2, 1776 Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. Eventhough there were continued tensions between British and the colonists, the time was not ripe for starting a rebellion ten years back. The colonists were not ready physically and mentally to start the rebellion. One of the greatest problems faced by the newly born nation after the Independence was the absence of a centralized government. The government under the Articles of Confederation was very weak. The constitutional convention met in Philadelphia in 1787 to set up a new constitution. A tripartite system of government was formed with legislature, executive and Judiciary.

    There was much interplay between British and the colonists before the revolution. Some of them were following: French and Indian War - French and Indian war (174-63) was otherwise known as the Seven Years War was a world war. It was fought between Britain and France for the control of North America. Even though the Bri

    Declaration of Independance

    Summarize the main point of each of the four sections of the Declaration of Independence. Cite a passage or two to support your summary. The first lines of the sections are: "When in the course . . ." "He has refused . . ." "In every stage . . ." "We, therefore . . ."