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    North American History

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    The War of 1812 was followed by a period of exploration and settlement of the territory in the west. The exploration and settlement led to the development of six states. The main reasons for the westward expansion were the idea of manifest destiny, population growth in eastern states, cheap fertile land, economic opportunities, cheaper and faster transportation, and knowledge of overland trails. New technologies were developed as a result of the westward expansion. Cotton gin of Eli Whitney increased the production of cotton. Steam boats and locomotives were developed during this period. Other important landmarks during the period include removal of Indians, expansion of canals and railroads, Texas Rebellion, and US Mexican War. US won the war and extended its territories upto Pacific ocean. There were many reasons for the development of the west. The introduction of steamboats and railroads led to the development of trade and industry. The expansionist policies of Federal government like Homestead Act of 1862 helped the development of agricultural west. The Native Americans who lived in the west were greatly affected by the westward expansion. The population growth in the west led to the destruction of the environment and depletion of resources. The settlers and army killed the buffaloes to drive out Indians. Some of the tribes resisted the advancement of the whites but the US army defeated them in a series of battles. They were confined to reservations. Andrew Jackson, the President of the United States followed a policy of coercive removal of Indians with the passage of Indian Removal Act. The expansion also led to the destruction of their culture. The westward expansion led to the vast expansion of American land upto the Pacific ocean. Socially, the westward expansion destroyed the culture of the Native Americans. The wars with the tribes killed hundreds of them. The expansion expanded the institution of slavery. The introduction of cotton, steamboats, and railroads greatly improved the face of the west. It led to the development mining, trade, industry and rise of cities. The period after the civil war marked the beginning of economic development and industrialization. The railroads revolutionized the cattle industry. Large scale ranches were developed during this period. Large tracts of land occupied from the natives resulted in the development of agriculture, ranches, farms, and mining. Business of the sub regions were varied. Fur trade was the important business of the pioneers in the Rocky mountains. Mining was the biggest industry in the South West. Agriculture was the main business of the northwest. The discovery of gold led to large scale gold mining in California.

    A) Overview of the expansion into the west. The War of 1812 was followed by a period of exploration and settlement of the territory in the west. There was already a large tract of land received from France as result of Louisiana Agreement. The pioneers between 1816-21 began to explore the unexplored west and settled down in r

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    Farming and the economy

    Details: You are the owner of a successful family farm in the Midwest. Your family has owned this farm for 80 years and 5 generations of your family have lived, worked and died there. It is now the 1930s and you and your family face its biggest challenge. The economy has faltered and now nature herself has turned against you a

    This solution describes about the American life during 1920s and 1930s. The American life was centered on four main elements. They were prohibition, Model T, jazz age, and organized crime. The economic boom and prosperity transformed the life of Americans. They began to show interest in literature, music and film. The corporate and political abuses of the period resulted in the rise of social reform or progressive era. The US congress passed 18th amendment or National Prohibition Act in 1920. It was otherwise known as the Volstead Act. Eventhough, there was support for prohibition; a group of public were against prohibition. They viewed the act as an encroachment in their constitutional rights. The immediate result of the prohibition was gangsterism. The prohibition quickly created bootleggers, speakeasies, moonshiners, bathtub gin, and rum runners. Gangsters like Al Capone exploited the anti-prohibition environment. The prohibition destroyed the brewing industry of the nation. The law enforcement agencies failed to control the illegal distilleries. In 1933, prohibition was repealed by the 21st amendment. The economic boom and rising wages added fuel to consumerism. Consumer goods like cars, refrigerators, radios, cookers etc were produced in large numbers. Henry Ford manufactured Model A cars in 1903. When he found that it was a success, he turned towards the production of Model T cars in large numbers. The cars changed the American life in a greater way that they viewed the life in a different perspective. Foods and crops were able to transport from far and wide via trucks. People also began to settle away from the cities. This led to the development of suburbs. The booming economy and newly found independence resulted in the development of a unique culture known as jazz age. There were jazz artists such as Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. The jazz age also represented the freedom of women in society. The era was also known as the decade of flappers. The women of that period had short hairs and skirts. It was also a period of sexual revolution. The period also witnessed the cultural flowering of the African Americans known as the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance brought great activity in the field of writing, art and music. One of the great poets of the time was Langston Hughes who published "Weary Blues" in 1926. Many of the literary figures of that time wrote against the activities of the lost generation. Prominent among them were F.Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote "This side of paradise" and "The Great Gatsby." Other notable literary figures who wrote in the postwar society were Sinclair Lewis who wrote "Babbitt." Some of the writers disgusted with the American way of life lived in Europe. They were Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. The other important writers include T.S Elliot, Sherwood Anderson, H.L Mencken, and Eugene O'Neill. One of the most important scientific innovations of that period was radio. American began to hear their favorite programs through radio and there was a huge growth of advertisement industry. There was growth of cinema industry. One such example was Hollywood talkies. Glamorous actors had great popularity and dominated the American pop culture

    The American life was centered on four main elements. They were prohibition, Model T, jazz age, and organized crime. The economic boom and prosperity transformed the life of Americans. They began to show interest in literature, music and film. The prohibition was the culmination of the progressive era. Progressive era was t

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    Relationship between Arizona state and local governments.

    The government of the State of Arizona is formed in an organized manner. It has Federal, state and local government laws. The State of Arizona has three branches of administration; legislature, executive and judiciary. Any power the constitution did not give to the Federal government can be exercised by the State government

    Legislative qualifications of Arizona and national level

    The members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Arizona must be 25 years of age, when they take office. The members of the both houses must be residents of the state and complete three years of residency. They must also be residents of the country, one year prior to the election. The members should not be

    The idea of direct democracy was rejected by the founding fathers of the United States. During the time of progressive era (1901-17) the citizens of the state of Arizona called for direct democracy. They believed that the ills of the society can be can be controlled by the direct participation of the citizens in government affairs. They called for three citizen measures; the initiative, referendum and recall. The process of "initiative", helps the citizens to enact legislation. Citizens can block the laws passed by the legislature by a "referendum." "Recall", allow the citizens to remove an official from office. Most of the people of Arizona supported direct citizen measures or direct democracy, but their idea was greatly opposed by President Taft who was a great opponent of direct democracy. President Taft blocked the way of Arizona to become a state because the state constitution permitted recall of judges. Arizona was forced to drop the idea of judicial recall. However, when Arizona attained statehood, it promptly restored the provision of recall of judges. Great changes were initiated in the state as a result of the direct democracy. During the first election of Arizona in 1912, the voters gave voting rights to women. Initiation process led to elimination and restoration of death penalty, limitation of the term of the judges, selection of judges based on merit, creation of citizen redistricting commission, change of the name of Arizona State College to Arizona State University, initiation of state lottery, multiple animal right measures, higher taxes for cigarettes, ban of smoking in public places, increased minimum wage etc. In the same way, as a result of "referendum", series of measures were taken to cancel the laws passed by the legislatures and it prompted the legislature to repeal some laws. The provision of "recall" was not much successful, but the citizens were able to muster enough support to begin recall election process against the Arizona governor in 1988. There are severe criticisms against the direct democracy, but its defenders argue that it helps reform the government, control powerful lobbyists, and equip the powerless group to place their case before the people. It can also provide a path to vibrant and healthy democracy.

    The US constitution was written in 1787. The founding fathers rejected direct democracy as it was not practical. They favored a representative form of government. The whole picture was changed during the time of progressive era. The Progressive Era (1901-1917) was initiated as a response to political and corporate abuses at

    The progressive movement (1901-17) was a response to political and big business abuses at the turn of the twentieth century. When America was industrialized rapidly, there arose political as well big business abuses. A host of reformers government and individuals came forward to reform the society. Jane Adams was great social reformer who founded the settlement house movement known as the Hull House. Margaret Sanger educated the urban poor regarding birth control and family planning. Booker T. Washington tried to develop the skills of the African Americans by giving them education. W.E Dubois, encouragaed the African Americans to study liberal arts. Muckrakers fought against corruption and abuses of the political tycoons. City Reforms: Progressives tried to prevent the urban corruption and it resulted in the reorganization of the local governments State Reforms The reforms of the states were encouraged by governors and Populist Party. Federal Reforms: Federal government passed a series of legislations connected with the environment, past laws, health and tried to reform the capitalist society. Amendments: Series of landmark amendments were passed during the progressive era. These were 16th, 17th, 18th and 19 amendments. Temperance and Women suffrage movements were of utmost importance during this period. Failures of Progressive movement: Inspite of all the above reforms, the progressive era was a dark period in the history of African Americans. There committed atrocities against the black community in the south. Progressives did not address the problems of the blacks in America. Disfranchisement and segregation were some of the notable events of the period. Finally, the progressives had no common goals to solve the ills of the society.

    The progressive movement (1901-17) was a response to political and big business abuses at the turn of the twentieth century. People in different walks of life participated in the reform process and tried to reform the capitalistic society. The American civil war (1861-65) had made United States one of the greatest industrial

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