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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Requirements for Case Management

    The monitoring of services to a client is important for many reasons. What are some of the reasons that the state and federal government require monitoring of services? What do you, as a clinician, see as a good reason to monitor services and keep case notes?

    Remaining Objective and Ethical in Research

    What advice would you give to a researcher to put personal beliefs aside and remain objective and ethical? Example: A researcher has a younger brother serving in the Army in Iraq, and the family is extremely proud of the brother's patriotism. Sadly, the brother was recently killed when the army vehicle he was in was bombed. A

    Inappropriate Statements in Sexuality Counseling

    Can you give me an example of a statement that a sexuality counselor could make in a counseling session that a client might interpret as inappropriate or offensive and explain why? Then explain when, if ever, it might be appropriate to use slang in sexuality counseling sessions.

    Research a disorder by using the manual DSM.

    The treatment of mental illness is to define a particular disorder. In 1952, the APA published DSM. This manual attempted to classify disorders based on a standardized set of symptoms. Over the years, the manual has been revised with the DSM-IV-TR (text revision, 2000) being the latest one. The purpose of a classification system

    Multiple Baseline Design

    Can you explain the features of Multiple Baseline Design and situations in which the design would be effective or ineffective?

    Compare and Contrast Validity and Reliability

    Can you help me understand the importance of reliability and validity in psychological assessment and compare and contrast the difference between validity and reliability in standardized testing? Please also give me an example of internal validity, external validity, and reliability. Also, why are they both important in standard

    Lifespan Development in Psychology

    What are two theories of lifespan development and how do they relate to psychology? How does the environment and heredity relate to lifespan development and how do they interact to produce individual differences in development?

    Treatment Through Behavior Modification

    I am having issues understanding this problem. Jackie has been afraid of dogs since she was a toddler. When she was three years old, she was playing in her front yard when a neighbor's dog came up to her and bit her hand. The bite required a trip to the pediatrician and several stitches. Twenty years later, she can remember e

    Psychology Questions about Relationships, Health Issues, etc.

    B) You have been seeing a client in therapy for about one year to deal with issues having to do with relationships. The client has had difficulty with relationships in the past. During the course of your therapy with her, the client meets someone, falls in love, and is planning a wedding. She comes into her session very exci

    Research Mindset and Skills

    Can you provide me an example of a response in which you identify and self-assess your current research mindset and skills?

    Defining the Terms "Conscious" and "Nonconscious"

    Define the terms "conscious" and "nonconscious" and explain in your own words what you think the statement, "conscious awareness is the processing of thought through language. How does language/literacy impact learning in the brain? How does language/literacy support the process of learning. Give an example of what you mean.

    Freud's structural theory of the mind

    Please help with the following problem. Provide a reference to go along with the solution. Critique Freud's structural theory of the mind (i.e. id, ego, superego), and explain how these concepts influence motivation.

    Interviewing vs. Testing

    The warden at a prison where you work has discovered that parole decisions made by a panel of interviewers often turn out to be wrong, with released prisoners often committing crimes and retained prisoners often demonstrating model behavior. The warden asks the prison psychologist to make a recommendation regarding whether parol

    Identifying a Research Plan

    Attached to this post is a Research Plan Overview. After reading the Research Plan Overview, locate a published research study (either quantitative or qualitative). Please state the name of the study. While reading your chosen study, locate the elements in the study that correlate with a standard research plan that is attached t

    Role of drugs

    The role of drugs as part of youth culture and what are the system linkages between the juvenile justice and adolescent treatment system? What clinical and programmatic issues are involved in the planning for substance abuse treatment of juvenile offenders? And what factors are involved in engaging hard to reach and hard to reac

    Challenges and Issues in Group Counselling

    -What are some challenges that may arise in group counseling? -How will these create anxiety to a new therapist? and -What group counseling approaches or techniques provide the most help in dealing with these challenges?


    Could you please do an "objective" conversational response toward this person discussion on neobehaviorsm. This person will explain how Hull's and Tolman's views amended previous S-R theory resulting in neobehaviorsm. In their own words, they will summarize a research study that supports the neobehaviorism approach. 1) Do

    Cultural Influence and Adolescent Substance Abuse

    What is the cultural influence on substances abuse among adolescents? What may be some dimensions of cultural impact among adolescent treatment and prevention of substance abuse? What types of cultural groups can adolescents belong to that may influence their attitudes and behavior towards substance use? How can the explana

    Marcia's Four Statuses of Identity

    How would one define 'Identity' and what is the significance of it during the early stages of adulthood? Describe Marcia's Four Statuses of Identify.

    Sample Dialouge: Counseling following the TTM Model

    Create a dialogue of your own that illustrates how you might counsel a client who is in different stages of change according to the transtheoretical model (TTM) for career development (e.g., Precontemplation) and dealing with drug addiction (e.g., Action). Apply the four principles of Motivational Interviewing in your scenari