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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Ethical Issues/APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct

    Why does research that uses humans as participants need to be regulated? Think about studies that were conducted prior to the current laws and the long range and devastating effects they had and, in some cases, still have. State an area of ethical issues that you may anticipate and need to address as you may plan a study i

    Ethical Dilemma in Professional Psychology

    Select an ethical dilemma in professional psychology. IN FIRST PERSON: Describe the following ethical dilemma: SCENERIO The defendants attorney is pressuring the forensic psychologist (expert witness) testimony to overstep the bounds of their professional knowledge; e.g., testifying in child abuse cases that the perpetra

    Descriptive Research

    In a perfect world, experimental research methods would be used for every type of research, fulfilling all of the requirements of falsifiability and generalization. However, this is not the case. What are some of the possible reasons that experimental research methods cannot always be used, so less strenuous methods are used

    Trend Article Analysis

    Hi, I need a guide and understanding. I pick about 4 articles and I am not sure if any are good. If they are I will like article 3 or 4 (I only need to choose 1). I am not good in math. Help on this selecting the sample, administering an intervention, collecting the data, analyzing the data. Plus all. I hope you can help.

    Data Analysis

    1) Assume that you conducted the research study that you proposed in the first discussion post #463785 and now have the data. (This problem is connected to brainmass post #463785 that you are assisting me with). 2) Which of the methods used for analyzing survey data would you use and why? 3) Be sure to explain why the app

    Survey Research

    1) For this question choose a research area that you would like to learn more about. One research topic area is whether violence in mass media increases negative behavior in children. 2) Briefly design a study using one of the survey approaches. 3) The research design should include the type of sampling you will use and

    behavior of the human brain

    What neurological damages take place or changes happen to the brain as a result of Autism as well as other behavioral and functional changes.

    Absenteeism Case Study

    Mr. Smith has contacted you for assistance with a problem that he is having at his workplace. Mr. Smith owns a small factory that manufactures custom figure skates. He has 30 employees who work for him. During the past year, he has noticed a very high absenteeism rate among his staff. The high rate of absenteeism has negatively

    Research approach

    What factors predict good marital communication? Explain why you would choose a quantitative approach for this question. Why do some gay men participate in high-risk behaviors? Explain why you would choose a qualitative approach for this question. What do you think of when you think of research? What does it mean to b

    Different types of learning

    Learning occurs in many more ways than just as a result of classical or operant conditioning. One such way is by observing others. Explain observational learning using at least three examples from your own life. Explain why this type of learning is effective.

    Watson's Classical Conditioning Experiment

    Copy and paste the following line in a Google search: Watson J. B., & Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3(1), 1-14. Read the article and answer the following questions in your essay: Explain the initial pairing of the banging bar and the rat in terms of learning thro

    Creativity and critical thinkers' examples

    Consider the following famous thinkers: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, James Cone, Daniel C. Dennett, Peter Singer, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Nelson Mandela. What components of their creativity and critical thinking played a prominent role in their contributions to society or their scientific breakthroughs?

    Five step hypothesis test for two tailed test

    A researcher predicts that watching a film in institutionalization will change students attitudes about chronically mentally ill patients. The researcher randomly selects a class of 36 students, shows them the film, and gives them a questionnaire about their attitudes. The mean score on the questionnaire for these 36 students 7

    Kohlberg's theory is briefly explained.

    Write a summary of Kohlberg's theory, discussing the three (3) levels of "Moral Thought" as they were proposed by Kohlberg, as well as the two (2) stages of "Moral Development" that occur within each of the three levels. How could you apply this to school age children in the classroom?

    Kohlberg's theory's is briefly summarized.

    Write a summary of Kohlberg's theory, discussing the three (3) levels of "Moral Thought" as they were proposed by Kohlberg, as well as the two (2) stages of "Moral Development" that occur within each of the three levels. How could you apply this to school age children in the classroom?

    Directional and nondirectional hypothesis

    Can you provide an example of a directional hypothesis? (the definition and then in a sentence) Can you provide an example of a nondirectional hypothesis? (the definition and then in a sentence)

    Data Description in Research

    There are different methods that can be used to describe data. Could you please discuss why describing data is such an important part of the research process? Why are there different methods that can be used to describe data? Do the methods used to describe data depend on the type of research design that you have utilize

    Case Studies, Descriptive Research and Archival Research

    Briefly discuss the three descriptive designs (case studies, archival research, and observational research). Please be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with each approach. (Case studies, archival research, and observational research). Which of these three approaches do you think is the best descri

    Verbal Learning: Serial, Paired Associate, & Free Recall

    Please assist with ideas on describing the concept of verbal learning, comparing and contrasting serial learning, paired associate learning, and free recall. Please explore the concepts of Mnemonics in the recall of verbal stimuli and include at least 4 references.

    School performance and socioeconomic level.

    Research suggests that school performance and socioeconomic level are related. What are three possible explanations as to why middle to upper-class children perform better in school than some lower-socioeconomic-level students? What solutions would you propose to address this problem?

    Research Project: Literature Review part 4

    Hi Xenia, you did a wonderful job on the last guide. Just to refresh your memory I am sending it again. I need help with this: Design a SIMPLE research study utilizing experimental research methods for the issue that you selected for your Research Project: Literature Review. Could I have both example on IV AND DV PLEASE.

    Divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA)

    One of the common misconceptions regarding psychology is that it deals only with the analysis and treatment of persons who either have been diagnosed with mental illness or are emotionally disturbed. Explain why this assumption is partially incorrect. To support your explanation, identify two subfields of psychology and describe

    Human Development Relevance

    Your assistance would be appreciated two page on human development. Utilize minimum three research journal articles,describe issue,explain relevance of study of human development and the impact of such findings of today's views of human development(with references).

    bonds and relationships

    Briefly discuss the human need to build bonds and relationships. Do we have an innate need to belong? If so, why? How is this need attached to our emotions, our social bonds, and our fear of deprivation?

    Identity Development Phases

    Explore identity development in early, middle, and late adolescence. Focus on one phase and analyze accompanying factors, such as the domains of family, peers, school and work.


    Help, I need a guide please I am lost. I need help. 300 words please. Does mental health play a role in physical health? Using the same research question that you used last week, design a true experiment. Remember, in a true experiment, we manipulate the IV . . . . we do something to one group to make it different f