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Critique Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and explain why you either agree or disagree with it

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Critique Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and explain why you either agree or disagree with it.

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This solution of 334 words provides a critique of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and an argument that agrees with the theory. References used are included.

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Critique of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

"Maslow proposed that people are basically good or neutral rather than evil, that there is in everyone an impulse toward growth or the fulfillment of potentials" according to Pervin, John, & Cervone (2005, p. 211). He established a pyramid or hierarchy of needs with the lower needs at the bottom and the higher needs at the top that consists of:

Physiological needs: i.e. hunger, thirst, sleep
Safety needs: i.e. shelter
Belonging needs: i.e. the ...

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