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    Favorite commercial feelings

    Please help with the following problem. Your favorite or most memorable commercial. Explain why this particular 30 to 60-second advertisement meant so much to you. Did the advertiser accomplish their purpose? Did you buy their product or service as a result of this commercial?

    Role of marketing in organizations

    Many people regard marketing simply as advertising. Advertising is a part of marketing, but it is not the whole picture. What arguments can you make against the common assumption that marketers only worry about advertising? What are some of the roles that marketers play within an organization?

    Goal Setting and Values

    Identify two goals and describe how each goal is specific, is moderately difficult but not impossible to achieve and aligns to most people's values.


    Your recently submitted a report to the Vice President of Marketing recommending that the company establish a direct-marketing channel for its products. As a result of that report, the VP has decided to promote you and place you in charge of establishing a direct-marketing system where customers can purchase products directly fr

    Benefits of Mastering A Skill

    Think about a skill that most people do not have but could benefit from mastering. Why would people benefit from having this skill and what are the consequences of not having this skill. write an essay to persuade an instructor that all people should master this certain skill

    Informative Email to Committee Member

    Draft an informative email to one person on the committee and a positive email to another person on the committee. In the emails explain the purpose of your presentation. Explain how these emails differ.

    Identify the source(s) of power available to you as the marketing assistant

    Identify the source(s) of power available to you as the marketing assistant. Based upon these sources of power, post your suggested appropriate strategies that you could use to resolve conflict within the project staff team. In addition, choose two of your networking group members' responses, and post an argument for or against

    construct and support an argument

    Construct and support an argument on a decision to pursue an MBA degree to further ones career, start a new career, or achieve a personal goal. Need help answering this question for a better understanding.

    Importance of marketing research

    What are the goals of marketing research? Why is marketing research important? What should you do if you reach conclusions based on marketing research that are not compatible with the viewpoints of senior management?

    Offensive Ads

    Described two advertisements that were in the news because they were perceived to be offensive to cultural sensibilities of certain groups. Explained whether the advertisements were offensive. Provided rationale for the opinion on the ads. Described what can be done to ensure that ads are effective but not offensive.


    Looking at ROI (Return on Investment) which is essentially net profits. What are some other metrics companies should use when analyzing the success of a marketing campaign?

    Marketing issues

    1) What are the benefits of using spreadsheets to analyze marketing research data? What are the drawbacks? What are the benefits of using databases to analyze marketing research data? What are the drawbacks? Is there one preferred at your organization? 2) Assume you are the Director of Marketing for a medium-size corporat

    Verizon is considering introducing a new product/service

    Prepare a 650+ word count paper addressing the following: -Conduct market research concerning the selected scenario using secondary market research resources.- The Scenario: Verizon is considering introducing a new product/service The new product is called the (E-Z phone) which is a combination of the iPhone and a Blackber

    Marketing Opps for Consumer Segments

    Identify any one consumer segment that represents a potential marketing opportunity. Create a PowerPoint presentation describing this segment in terms of its demographics and psychographics. In your presentation, explain your rationale for selecting this consumer segment as a marketing opportunity. Also, discuss the reasons

    How is market segmentation developed and used for marketing products?

    How is market segmentation developed and used for marketing products? For help in answering this question, you might want to look at the Claritas web site (here are a couple of links: http://www.tetrad.com/pcensus/usa/prizmlst.html or http://www.claritas.com and explore the various links on that site). What are your

    Recent purchase- Hybrid Car

    Need help in writing a paper with the following scenrio. You get into a discussion over lunch about a recent purchase you made (e.g., a consumer product such as a car or major appliance). You and your lunch mates discuss the following. Include the below questions in the paper. How did you come to perceive the need for the pr

    Discuss types of scaling: uni-dimensional, nominal, interval; attitudinal study

    1). How do market researchers utilize scales to establish quantifiable measures of subjective and abstract concepts? Discuss each of the general types of scaling, such as uni-dimensional and multidimensional scales, nominal, ordinal scales, interval and ratio scales. Try to use examples from your experience. 2). Bill Benne

    Describe your consumers and the motivating factors for purchasing decisions.

    Based on the product or service you selected for your Marketing Plan: (blackberry storm with video conference option) prepare a paper in which you address the following: Describe the consumers of your organization's product or service and the motivating factors that influence their purchasing decisions. Discuss how these fact

    Cross elastic products

    1. Assume you have a friend who owns a company that manufactures mountain bikes. She considers you to be a savvy marketer and needs your advice. She tells you that her company recently reduced the price of her most popular bike by 10%. In response, sales boomed and she added a second production shift to keep up with demand. At t