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    Leadership Skills

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    Leadership and Emotional Intelligence (EI)

    You're on your way to motivating your team from a group perspective, but you're still having trouble connecting with your team as individuals. Your mentor reminds you of the concept of emotional intelligence and how it can enhance your leadership capabilities. So, as a first step, to research emotional intelligence. To recap,

    Leadership in Crisis Management

    Address one of four product crises: Nestle- infant formula in the third world; Bridgestone/Firestone- tire shredding; Exxon- Valdez oil spill disaster in Alaska, OR Tylenol- product contamination. During this unit, each team is to research their firm's product crisis and consider alternative solutions (Going with Exxon) Resea

    Business Management and Leadership-Organizing

    Task: Pretend that you have been asked to redesign the business structure of a particular division in the company you are working for. Discuss your vision of the new organizational structure for your division including how you would realign individuals, tasks, processes and functions. Include steps to manage the transition from

    Business Management and Leadership-Organizing

    Read through the Twelve Principles for Managing Change at the following website, http://www.lynco.com/12prin.html Select the two principles you believe are the most important to follow when managing change and describe why you feel these are essential. Describe some specific techniques that can be used to manage change in

    Strategic Leadership and Future Leaders

    P.2 Evolving Leadership Models Recent theoretical developments in leadership paradigms seem more inclined to frame leadership concepts within the context of moral philosophy, interpersonal growth and spiritual values, topics discussed in business leadership models. Some examples include transformational leadership (Burns,

    Participative Management and Change-Oriented Leadership

    P.1 Mini-Course on "Delegation" Your team of management consultants has been retained by a senior manager who is concerned about the effectiveness of his managers. He would like your team to develop a mini-course on delegation. The course should be designed to improve the interest in and the delegation skills of his man

    Leader Traits, Power, and Corruption

    P.2 The Power Corruption Cycle You have been asked to teach ethics to a group of managers. In one part of this course you will be discussing the "Power Corruption Cycle". Find an example of power corruption or ethical lapses by an organization's leadership. In 3-4 paragraphs, summarize the example and explain how the or

    Leaders and managers

    I've been asked to differentiate between leaders and managers. Do they all need the seven foundation competencies which are: managing self; managing communication; managing diversity; managing ethics; managing across culture; managing terms; managing change? If so, how are they different? If not, why not?

    Leading Change Scenario - MBA/520

    You are the manager of a small container repair service (used in large cargo shipping). Your company just bought out your local competitor. The Board of Directors has asked you to combine the two organizations into a single, harmonious working team. But they require you to lay off 30% of the existing staff - which could come

    Business Management and Leadership - Defining the Manager

    You work in the Human Resources department of your organization. You have been charged with recruiting a manager for a department within the Services division. The Vice-President of the Services division stresses to you that "This department hasn't had a good manager in years. I need someone who can take charge, organize things,

    Skill-Centered or Leader-Centered Managers

    From the two groups of candidates described below, who would you select to be your managers and why? The Skill Group: Former and current skilled, experienced craftspersons, engineers, planners - employees who have done the service work in the past. However, none have formal leadership education. None are considered to be ins

    Transformational Leadership (Resistance to Change Scenario)

    Late last year, your CEO had heard that you were developing skills as a transformational leader. Though your service organization (450 people - with 30 managers, spread over two sites and three shifts) was successful in terms of the market, internal organizational culture was in a shambles. When you did your initial research


    (See attached files for full problem description)

    Comparing Leadership Models

    Recent theoretical developments in leadership paradigms seem more inclined to frame leadership concepts within the context of moral philosophy, interpersonal growth and spiritual values, topics discussed in business leadership models. Some examples include transformational leadership (Burns, 1978; Bass, 1990), Servant-Leadership

    MBA/520 Transformational Leadership

    In looking at the four basic elements of organizational structure (span of control, centralization, formalization and departmentalization) how does each impact leadership and organizational culture? Reading material I was reading was "Organizational Behavior: Emerging Realities for the Workplace Revolution." Steve L. McShane,

    Culture and Transformational Leadership

    How does the physical structure, the language, the rituals and ceremonies, stories and legends, beliefs, values and assumptions make up an organization's culture? How does transformational leadership strengthen corporate culture? Describe an actual leader that demonstrates this relationship (one that you know personally or

    How should the leader deal with the situation?

    The leader of your client organization has observed a lack of flexibility and a slow decision-making process in many of the departments. He believes that he is not serving his customers well, and has decided to move to a team environment and to push many of the decisions to the lowest possible levels. In other words, he wants to

    Evolving Leadership Models and Theories

    Recent theoretical developments in leadership paradigms seem more inclined to frame leadership concepts within the context of moral philosophy, interpersonal growth and spiritual values, topics discussed in business leadership models. Some examples include transformational leadership (Burns, 1978; Bass, 1990), Servant-Leadership

    Leadership & managing change

    Important Course Information Course Overview Throughout this course you will assume the role of a management consultant hired by a variety of clients. Each individual or group project you undertake will present a different management or leadership challenge. These projects will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your un

    Leadership Challenge: Change management

    General Project Deliverable Guidelines As a management consultant you make a living by providing management advice to senior level managers with regard to management problems that they are experiencing within their organization. Your role is to analyze the situation and then apply your experience, general business knowledge, a