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    Leadership Skills

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    Formal Leadership

    What are the major arguments opposed to formal leadership in an organization? Which of these arguments in your mind has the most validity? Why?

    Questions on Leadership

    Leadership definition - What's your definition of leadership? Leadership model - What elements are essential in good leadership? What are the characteristics of a good leader? Leadership principles - What are your core leadership principles that is, what have you learned over the course of your life about what it means to

    Transformation and Leadership

    What are specific ways transformations take place in an organization? Why are transformations critical to leadership and organizational success?

    Management and Leadership

    Prepare a paper in which you examine the roles and responsibilities of organizational managers and leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. In your paper be sure to address the following items: a. Select an organization with which you are familiar. b. Differentiate between managemen

    Leadership Styles of Hitler and Stalin

    Compare and contrast the leadership styles and traits of these two leaders. Why this individual was a leader. Include (with rationale) the person's primary leadership style (s), the leader's source (s) of influence or power and an analysis of the individuals overall leadership prowess and skill. Adolph Hitler Joseph Stalin

    Management Skills

    For the management track that you are developing you need to describe the roles of a manager. You need to specify what skills potential managers need to develop to step into their appropriate rols. You participate in a discussion forum on management roles and styles offered by a professional organization you belong to. You post

    Communication skills for leaders

    Why are effective communication skills a "must" skill for successful leadership? How can responsible supportive communication assist in establishing positive group relationships for the leader?

    Business management and leadership

    Turning a failing organization around is one of the most interesting activities in management. When organizations see themselves in that downward spiral, their managers may feel that they are unable to stop the pace of negative change. That worry and that downward momentum can be very powerful. At the same time, it sometimes tak

    Creativity, Creative Thinking & Effective Leaders

    What are the underlying processes by which creativity-building exercises, such as the forced-association technique and brainstorming for ideas, increase the potential for creative thinking? Why is creative thinking a critical skill for effective leaders?

    How does a leader develop and articulate a compelling vision?

    How does a leader develop and articulate a compelling vision? P.S. Please provide appropriate references for any statements or quotations that are included in your response, at the statements itself. Not just a list of references at the end of your response.

    Organizational Change and Project Type

    What are the key differences between short-term, small scale and long-term, and large scale change projects? How would you determine which might apply?

    Leading Change Paper

    A. Briefly describe Good Sport. What organizational structure is in place at the organization? What type of culture exists? In what ways are the structure and the culture related? Are the two compatible? Explain your answer. b. Briefly describe the power structures and politics that you see in Good Sport. To what

    Management and Leadership

    1. I need information and references so I can differentiate between management and leadership. 2. I need to examine the role and responsibilities of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. 3. I have to make two recommendations to create and maintain a healthy organizational culture. Thank y

    Leadership Skills

    Teams are not effective, as they waste time on procedures and not issues, and further require leadership skills that most managers do not have." After the meeting you began to talk about this statement with some of your co-workers. Debate that statement with your co-workers. Objective: Identify and explain leadership styl

    Strategies for Change / lifelong learning

    Professional Development 1. Of the mental habits that support lifelong learning, which do you feel are the most important? 2. With all of the upcoming changes, where do you see your career in the next five years? Issues to Consider 1. Discuss the importance of lifelong learning. 2. Is it possible to develop any in

    Evaluating a Case Study about Leadership

    Read the case study and answer the following questions: 1. Do you think Richard is an effective leader? Why or why not? What are his strengths and weaknesses? 2. Why is his bid to become CEO in jeopardy? 3. Do you believe Richard should get the job of CEO? Why or why not? 4. What should Richard do to land the

    Team Skills Analysis for Capstone

    I have a word document showing a particular Team skills combined together. Based on this information team skill matrix, discuss the pros and cons of the three types of IT Firms. The discussion of pros and cons is not to be expounded into a long explanation - is it possible to provide a brief explanation of the pros and cons?

    I need five different models or theories identified

    A) I need five different models or theories identified. Including the validity and utility of the models. b) Explain in detail the human implications of major organizational change, focusing in particular changes that result from the implementation of new technology. Analyze the critical success factors for organizational c

    Most Effective Habits of Excellent Leaders: Balance between change and stability

    A former colleague calls you and he sounds very frustrated. Once again, senior leadership has proclaimed itself to be the followers of the latest management fad - he thinks this time it's Most Effective Habits of Excellent Leaders - and expects the entire organization to immediately shift direction. You shake your head. You

    Leadership Development and Models

    Need help answering the following questions. Maybe someone help me write the answers better and or cite some references to support my answers. 1. Should all leadership development models have a scholarly research base? I think they should. I say this because why shouldn't a leadership model be scholarly. Maybe

    Leadership & Management Concepts

    Please help me with the following questions: 1. What are the most important concepts you have learned this week? 2. What would you recommend to your management/leadership based on these concepts? 3. How will these concepts impact you personally and professionally? 4. What is the value added from these concepts,


    Compose an e-mail to your mentor covering the following: *Evaluation of manager on each of the five components of emotional intelligence: 1. Self-Awareness: The ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions. It includes self-confidence, realistic self-assessment, and a sel

    Briefly describe a major corporate scandal in an organization such as Enron, Martha Stewart Omnimedia, WorldCom, etc. Explain how the leader's use of power contributed to the organization's problems. What can organizational leaders learn from these and other similar cases?

    GRAD LEVEL - Briefly describe a major corporate scandal in an organization such as Enron, Martha Stewart Omnimedia, WorldCom, etc. Explain how the leader's use of power contributed to the organization's problems. What can organizational leaders learn from these and other similar cases?

    Don't See Don't Tell corp

    I am writing a required 18 page pager on leadership and need someone who is currently in management to give professional insigt to the following; You are in line for promotion to Director of Operations at" Don't See Don't Tell corp". You are concerned since you would now report to a VP, who, in turn, reports to the CEO. The