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    Leadership Skills

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    Define the concepts of planning, organizing, controlling, and leading.

    You have been asked by HR to produce a job description for a production line management position in your department. You are happy for this opportunity because you have witnessed several of your coworkers on the line become newly promoted managers, only to fail and return to the production line. In one instance, your friend, Hal

    Discussing Culture, Gender and Leadership

    Culture, gender, and leadership can be closely intertwined. In most cultures, even Western cultures, leadership is associated with males. This is even more the case in many Arab Muslim countries where women play a limited role in public and business life. As a leader of a business division, you face the choice of selecting th

    Leadership and managing change

    General Project Deliverable Guidelines As a management consultant you make a living by providing management advice to senior level managers with regard to management problems that they are experiencing within their organization. Your role is to analyze the situation and then apply your experience, general business knowledge, a


    Discuss the accuracy of the following statement: "Contingency theories don't work because they assume leaders can adjust their style to the situation. In reality, people have a preferred leadership style that they can't easily change."

    Subcultures in organizations affects

    We may know a bit about the culture of an organization by observing it but what about the company's subcultures? Can you give some examples of a subculture that you might find in a manufacturing type of organization? How about a stock brokerage?? Can there be multiple subcultures? Are they good for an organization? Or bad?

    Leadership Analysis

    Part I Choose two contemporary, effective leaders, the first from a large for-profit corporation, and the second from a small for-profit entrepreneurial company. Then explain why each leader is effective, and compare and contrast each one's leadership style. Finally, argue whether each one's style would be as successful in the


    A. Compare and contrast leadership theories that you believe would be most influential and beneficial to an organization's management practices in order to lead change in that organization. b. Explain your rationale for choosing the particular leadership theories. Include why you believe your selected theories would

    Do Managers and Leaders Have Power?

    Do managers have "power"? If so, where does their power come from? If not, why do they not have power? And if they do not have power, do they they have something else other than power? Do leaders have "power"? If so, where does their power come from? If not, why do they not have power? And if they do not have powe

    Leadership impact

    Give an example of your leadership impacting a past or present place of employment. In retrospect, was this an effective style for the situation? Was it (Is it) your normal leadership style? Was the impact positive and has it been sustained?


    You have been invited by the human resources manager of a medium-sized company to prepare a "report" on "In Groups and Out Groups." The report will be distributed to departmental VPs and directors. Introduce the concepts of In and Out groups. Describe a situation where you (or someone you know) were a member of the "In g

    Change Management and Leadership

    1. Review essential elements of leadership in the context of change. 2. Discuss how metrics can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of leadership in the context of change. 3. Identify and discuss some of the best practices in leadership in the context of change.

    Management/Leadership at Microsoft

    Examine the roles and responsibilities of organizational managers and leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. A. Select an organization with which you are familiar. (your choice). B. Differentiate between management and leadership within the selected organization. C. Describe the roles that

    Discusses the Difference between a Leader and Manager

    "Do you have to be in a management role to be a leader?" and explain. If so, and assuming that leaders do not make good managers, does this mean that in order to have good leaders, you must accept bad managers? If this is not so, is it possible to groom good managers from the ranks of non-managers that show good leadership

    Leadership and Organizational Change Concepts Worksheet

    Intersect Investments executives are pointing fingers because of internal problems. Identify business methods that would help resolve their issues. Meanwhile, CrysTel Communications has employee participation concerns and the leadership element needs to connect with them. Identify concepts that CyrsTel should incorporate and why

    Leadership Project

    Leadership Project Please see attachment for more instructions. Interview (in person or by phone) a person who you admire and respect (and someone who is outside of your family) who you see as a leader. Your goal is to learn everything about their perspective on leadership. It is recommended that you tape the interview so

    Global Business Questions

    Thoughts about all operational and sales related activities having to be customized? Doesn't it depend on your perspective (Global, Multinational, Transnational)? AND Expatriate labor staying long enough to train up the workforce, but what about leadership positions in the host country? Do we need expatriate leaders or w

    Manager vs. Leader

    Can a good manager be a good leader? Can a manager be a leader? Can a leader be a manager? What is more important for leading/managing change: being a good leader or being a good manager? What is more important to a business, good managers or good leaders?

    Resolving Conflict in Leaders

    List some of the ways leaders resolve conflict in organizations. Which of these ways have you found to be most effective? Why?

    Organizational Culture and Leadership

    1. How do an organization's leaders impact their organization's culture? 2. Can someone who is a leader not be a manager? Why or why not? Can someone who is a manager not be a leader? Why or why not? 3. What are some skills that leaders need to possess? How can managers develop leadership skills?

    Leadership Challenge: Juggling Cultures

    Culture, gender, and leadership can be closely intertwined. In most cultures, even Western cultures, leadership is associated with males. This is even more the case in many Arab Muslim countries where women play a limited role in public and business life. As a leader of a business division, you face the choice of selecting th

    Evolving Leadership Models

    Recent theoretical developments in leadership paradigms seem more inclined to frame leadership concepts within the context of moral philosophy, interpersonal growth and spiritual values, topics discussed in business leadership models. Some examples include transformational leadership (Burns, 1978; Bass, 1990), Servant-Leadership

    Leadership & Motivation

    Leadership Challenge: Selecting Team Members The leader of your client organization has observed a lack of flexibility and a slow decision-making process in many of the departments. He believes that he is not serving his customers well, and has decided to move to a team environment and to push many of the decisions to the lo