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    Leadership Skills

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    Skills Assessment

    I am taking a Capstone course. My learning team is tasked with creating a consulting firm. each member must incorporate the skills and talent of team members. I need help to write a 250-word paper (skills assessment) that includes: - A summary of skills and strengths based on education and experience.

    Leader's Value System

    Explain how a leader's value system can impact an organization (at least 200 words). Thank you.

    Leadership - Is it better for a leader to be respected than loved?

    Is it better for a leader to be respected than loved? Agree or Disagree. Discuss implications based on Machiavelli's quote "It is better to be feared than loved". In the context of contemporary management. I personally believe that leaders should be respected by employees. Need more input to the question.

    Help entry level supervisors understand the role of a manager.

    You have been asked to head up your company's employee development program. The first step is to help entry-level supervisors understand the role of a manager. Create a document that covers all of the different aspects of management. Explain how it differs, and in some ways has crossover, with the concept of leadership. Us

    Leadership Techniques: How should the leader deal with the situation?

    The leader of your client organization has observed a lack of flexibility and a slow decision-making process in many of the departments. He believes that he is not serving his customers well, and has decided to move to a team environment and to push many of the decisions to the lowest possible levels. In other words, he wants t

    Leadership Characteristics

    Identify examples of true and genuine leadership encountered in organizations. Explain the characteristics that lead you to believe this to be authentic and genuine leadership. Please support the discussion with academic references.

    Business Management & Leadership

    This course has focused on the four elements of the POLC model: Plan, Organize, Lead, Control. prepare a PowerPoint presentation to teach a small group of newly hired manager trainees the fundamentals of POLC, with appropriate examples of each stage of the model. Then address the question of whether or not POLC is truly a cycl

    Leadership & Emotional Intelligence in Managers

    You're on your way to motivating your team from a group perspective, but you're still having trouble connecting with your team as individuals. Your mentor reminds you of the concept of emotional intelligence and how it can enhance your leadership capabilities. To recap, the five components of emotional intelligence, as descr

    Business Management and Leadership

    Read through the Twelve Principles for Managing Change at the following website, http://www.lynco.com/12prin.html. Select the two principles you believe are the most important to follow when managing change and describe why you feel these are essential. Describe some specific techniques that can be used to manage change in

    Business Management and Leadership

    Turning a failing organization around is one of the most interesting activities in management. When organizations see themselves in that downward spiral, their managers may feel that they are unable to stop the pace of negative change. That worry and that downward momentum can be very powerful. At the same time, it sometimes tak


    You have been invited by the human resources manager of a medium-sized company to prepare a "report" on "In Groups and Out Groups." The report will be distributed to departmental VPs and directors. In the report you should: Introduce the concepts of In and Out groups. Describe a situation where you (or someone you kn

    Management Skills


    Business Management and Leadership

    You work in the Human Resources department of your organization. You have been charged with recruiting a manager for a department within the Services division. The Vice-President of the Services division stresses to you that "This department hasn't had a good manager in years. I need someone who can take charge, organize things,

    Business Leadership - Culture, Gender and leadership

    Culture, gender, and leadership can be closely intertwined. In most cultures, even Western cultures, leadership is associated with males. This is even more the case in many Arab Muslim countries where women play a limited role in public and business life. As a leader of a business division, you face the choice of selecting th


    You have been encouraged by a colleague to write a brief article about "upper-echelon leaders" for a management journal. You have decided to compare the leadership styles of three leaders: Staley Wang, Leslie Marks, and Joseph Hadad. (For source material, refer to the three scenarios described in Exercise 9-3 on page 287-288 of

    Leadership - Gender Effects

    You recently attended a management workshop entitled, "Gender and Leadership," during which the workshop leader related the following statement originally expressed by Bill Clinton: "We need not just a new generation of leadership but a new gender of leadership" (as cited in Quote DB, n.d.). Respond to this statement by answe

    Gender and Leadership

    You recently attended a management workshop entitled, "Gender and Leadership," during which the workshop leader related the following statement originally expressed by Bill Clinton: "We need not just a new generation of leadership but a new gender of leadership" (as cited in Quote DB, n.d.). Respond to this statement by answe

    Leadership Report: In-groups and Out-groups

    You have been invited by the human resources manager of a medium-sized company to prepare a "report" on "In-Groups and Out-Groups." The report will be distributed to departmental VPs and directors. In the report you should: Introduce the concepts of In and Out groups. Describe a situation where you (or someone you kn

    Leadership assumptions

    I am looking for someone who can write about these assumptions in an highly intellectual and grammatically correct fashion. Please write from the standpoint of whether these are your assumptions about leadership or not and what do you believe to be true about leadership. Also, write whether these assumptions have credence or not

    What are skills of a good listener?

    Think about a skill that most people do not have but could benefit from mastering. why would people benefit from having this skill? What are the consequences of not having this certain skill. I have come up with a few topics, but don't even know where to begin. I like the first one, but if you can come up with something bett

    Transformational Leadership

    Which source of resistance to change do you think is the most common? Which is the most difficult for management to deal with?


    You have been asked to teach ethics to a group of managers. In one part of this course you will be discussing the "Power Corruption Cycle". Use the Library to find an example of power corruption or ethical lapses by an organization's leadership that you can use in this course. In 3-4 paragraphs, summarize the example and expl


    The CEO of a large company has retained you as a management consultant to look into an area of concern that she has. With all of the recent corporate scandals like Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone, she is wondering how she can avoid these sorts of problems within her company. She has asked you to research and prepare a report