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    Business Management

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    Changes to Business Mission/Vision Statement

    I need assistance in identifying a company that changed its mission/vision statements drastically and the circumstances behind it. Example: IBM as it went from a heavily manufacturing organization to a service one over the years.

    Finding a Dissertation Topic

    The hardest thing for corporations to accept is that someone has come behind them after they have spent millions of dollars in research and innovation, to only have them make more money off the base product they initially produced. This is not illegal; it's really quite helpful in the world of research. One of the most effic

    Gabel Company: Human Capital

    Gabel Company spent money to train its employees so that they can be productive workers. Such expenditures are often referred to as investments in human capital. Required: a. Do you think that Gabel Company's trained employees meet the definition of an asset? Explain. In your answer, discuss the characteristics of an asset

    Negotiation Case Study

    See attachment for Problem. -As "Jim", identify the issues and parties to the conflict/negotiation. -Assess the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) of all parties, including your own. - Identify interests and options. -Include thoughts about standards for evaluating proposals. Consider relationship/percep

    Public-Private Partnerships

    How can public-private partnerships (P3) impact government structures and processes? In your response, include an example of a P3. For more information about P3, refer to the website for The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (i.e., http://ncppp.org/).

    Three Types of Accountants

    Describe the service each type of these accountants provide? Who would be the user of each type? Management accountants Public accountants Government accountants 250-300 words please.

    Discussing Public Administration

    Hi, I need some assistance with the following questions: - Define public administration. How would you describe it to someone that is new to the industry and not familiar with it? - Shafritz, Russell, and Borick (2012) briefly refereed to rational decision making and ad hoc incremental decision making. Assume for a moment t

    Strategic Management Advantages and Risks

    Please help in understanding what Strategic Management is, what some of the advantages & risks associated with strategic management are, and an example of a company that uses strategic management and where you would see a manifestation of it.

    Needs Analysis and the RFP Process

    What is a needs analysis? Why must an organization conduct a needs analysis for an event? How does a needs analysis support the RFP process? I need a 200 word response.

    Budgetary Concerns in Event Planning

    What are some budgetary concerns in planning an event? What is the effect of a needs assessment on the budget? What effect do unplanned expenses have on the budget? How might you anticipate for unplanned expenses?

    Human Capital Development and Unionization

    How might unionization positively and negatively affect personnel management practices in government organizations? Provide specific examples. What challenges may arise between management and unions within government organizations? What happens if these challenges cannot be resolved? Provide an example.

    Functional Areas of Business

    List and explain the functional areas of business that must be integrated into a company's four phases of strategic management that includes thinking, planning, implementation, and feedback. What are the functional areas of a business that are critical during each phase?

    "Questioning the depth of one's questions"

    Describe what the authors (Paul & Elder) mean by "Questioning the depth of one's questions," and then explain a personal experience in which you either failed or succeeded in applying these methods to your own questioning. What was the outcome?

    Types of Questions Examined

    Define three types of questions, and give three examples of each type of question Three types are fact, preference & judgement; I could use assistance with examples of each of these questions.

    Problems Planning and Managing Budgets

    Explain the problems faced by large companies in planning and managing their budgets. In your answer explain how a plan of action is prepared and mention any problems which you would expect management to encounter.

    Coca-Cola Is Everything

    Answer questions and provide references: Visit Coca-Cola's Facebook page. Can you buy Coke products there? What social media tools are present that allow you to communicate with Coca-Cola? Now, visit Pepsi's Facebook page. Compare and contrast it to Coca-Cola's Facebook page. Which has more eye appeal? Which seems to have

    Analytical Hierarchy Process

    Hi, I need some assistance with the following task, I am not too sure how to approach it. Research and find an article related to the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) used in project management. Perform an online search, and locate an online article that is at least two to three pages. Read the article and think about

    PERT/CPM Techniques

    Given: Company A is installing a Web-based customer-feedback system to meet customer needs for quick response when rolling out new products. A new product line is rolling out in 34 weeks and the customer-feedback system must be installed and running in time for the new product launch. Table 1.1 in the attached worksheet "PERT/

    Women and minorities struggle with the Glass Ceiling

    The case study scenario was: Women and minorities often face what is called a glass ceiling. Why would some individuals hinder or block the advancement of people up the management ladder? Have you ever encountered or observed the glass ceiling? One of the key factors in limiting advancement of women and minorities often co

    Upgrading Images

    Sears, JC Penny and Wal Mart tried hard in recent years to upgrade their images and appeal to higher class consumers. How successful have these efforts been? Do you believe this strategy is wise? Have other retailers tried to downgrade their images and appeal to lower class consumers? If so, provide examples and explain.

    Changes in Economy and Consumption

    How have the changes in the economy led to changes in the consumption process? How might these influence the pre-purchase, purchase, and post purchase stages of consumer decision-making?

    Comment on Article - GE Acquiring Engine Supplier

    Please help me comment on the article below: Italy Becomes a Hunting Ground for Multinational reveals how GE and other American firms are taking advantage of the opportunities available in the euro-zone due to the debt crisis. GE is, again, doing what is known to do best: invest in those companies that are weak financially b

    Hoffman versus Caterpillar Court Decision

    What were the 2 legal issues in the Hoffman v Caterpillar case? What did the court decide? For each issue try to write using a brief version of the IRAC (Issue-Rule-Application-Conclusion). There will be two IRAC analyses, one for each issue. Finally, what do you think will be the final outcome of this case? Was it decided fairl