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    Teaching Styles & Methods

    Just as people have individual learning styles, teachers have teaching styles that work the best for them. Teaching styles can be categorized into four categories: formal authority, demonstrator, facilitator, and delegator.¹

    Teachers who have a formal authority teaching style tend to focus on content. The teacher feels responsible for providing and controlling the flow of content. The student, therefore, is expected to receive the content.¹

    Teachers with formal authority are not concerned with building relationships with other students. Students aren't expected to participate much in this style of teaching.¹

    Teachers who have a demonstrator model of teaching tend to run teacher-centered cases with an emphasis on demonstration. The teacher acts as a role model by demonstrating the processes and then acting as a guide to help students develop knowledge. Students are expected to participate and the teacher may use different learning styles.¹ Students are expected to ask for help when they become confused.

    Teachers who are facilitators model their teaching on activities. Student-centered learning is key and there is much more responsibility placed on the student to take initiative to learn and meet the demands of various tasks.¹ Students must be comfortable with independent learning and working with other students. A facilitator will often try to design situations that require student processing and application of course content in creative ways.

    Teachers who have a delegator teaching style place a lot of control and responsibility on individuals or groups of students. Teachers will often give students a choice designing their own complex learning projects and will act in a consultative role. Students work independently or in groups and must keep their own motivation for projects.¹




    1. Colorado State University. What is your teaching style? Retrieved May 14, 2014, from http://www.biz.colostate.edu/mti/tips/pages/WhatisYourTeachingStyle.aspx

    Image sources: Guardian

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