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    International Business Management

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    Global Consideration Paper

    The country is Cuba and the company is T-Mobile. We are bring cellular service to Cuba after Castro dies. Prepare a 600 word response in which you explain how you would address the following within the context of your selected country. a. Information Technology (IT) b. Research and Development (R&D)

    Trade Barriers of Employees in the U.S.

    You are an employee of an U.S. firm that produces personal computers in Thailand and then exports them to the U.S. and other countries for sale. The personal computers were originally produced in Thailand to take advantage of relatively low labor costs and a skilled workforce. Other possible locations considered at that time wer

    Global Product

    So a truly global product must have global potential, right? This must necessitate a standardized offering, right? If we're high on standardization, are we correspondingly low on differentiation? Could that ever be a good thing?

    Learning to develop a global perspective

    Thoughts about "learning to develop a global perspective"? Should all firms be "learning organizations" because the global marketplace impacts every firm? and What kinds of things determine whether a firm should pursue a multinational vs. a global perspective? Can a firm somehow do both?

    Global staffing policies

    What are the major staffing policies that Global Organizations should consider? I know there at least three types of staffing policies according to my readings. They are: 1. Ethnocentric: All management positions are filled with employees from the parent company 2. Polycentric: Host country nationals are recruited t

    Environmental Analysis

    What data sources are available to any organization in order to perform an environmental analysis and how reliable is this data? This is in reference to developing a strategic business plan. P.S. Your response should be supported by at least one outside resource (properly credited). Please provide appropriate references for s

    Comprehensive Report on Global Staffing Strategies

    You are the Director of Human Resources for a company whose revised strategy has resulted in the acquisition of another company in a foreign market. The CEO has asked you to prepare a comprehensive staffing strategy for the newly expanded company in preparation for a strategic audit of the HR systems in the acquired company.

    Economic development

    1. What strategies should we use to frame business problems? 2. How can economic development theories impact trade policy? 3. Can the politics of the host country governments intrude upon the business economic aspects of development? 4. Do you think that any given country can have a significant influence on market factors inf

    Global HR Information Systems

    Evaluate the nature of HR information systems and their role in the creation and maintenance of successful global business operations.

    Global Management and Business Leadership

    Read the attached article which applies to the following question; The author states that there are four distinct areas that subsume the competencies for global management. Discuss and elaborate on the four broad areas.

    Global Communications Strategy Documents Clients

    You've started a company, one that translates software into many other languages, such as what Microsoft does. Assume that in the project that you have selected the task is to prepare the communication strategy. Prepare a communication strategy document for both internal and external clients. The internal strategy focuses

    Global Pay

    Analyzing special considerations in global pay systems. Describe how the following considerations impact global pay systems: 1) Compensation parity 2) Expatriate employees 3) Host country employees 4) Third country employees 5) Geographical pay differentials 6) Compensation for repatriated employees

    Global Business

    1. What are the political risks for the countries in Japan? How will my understanding of the cultures of these countries help (or hinder) me from understanding and responding appropriately to these risks? 2. How effectively should someone negotiate with his or her peers in other countries? What do he or she needs to do to be

    Knowledge Management Software

    Research the Internet for knowledge management software and briefly describe the functions of such software. Find at least two organizations that have a public customer service web site (for example, Microsoft's web site provides information related to operating system updates). Consider the following: · Compare and eva

    Global Management

    1. One of the biggest stumbling blocks in effective communication is that intercultural sensitivity is considered necessary only for the international division." What can organizations do to institutionalize intercultural sensitivity throughout the entire organization? What can organizations do to improve communication throughou

    Knowledge Management

    1. Define Knowledge Management. 2. What types of knowledge do companies and employees consider valuable? 3. What methods are companies using to inventory and disseminate KM? 4. What are the key challenges to effective KM? 5. What are popular software packages used for KM? 6. Briefly describe the status of KM in your o

    Entrepreneurship: Global Entrepreneurship

    What advice would you offer an entrepreneur interested in launching a global business effort? Explain the statement "For each benefit gained by regulation, there is a cost."

    Global Management - National Culture

    1. Is it possible to understand and discuss organization culture without understanding the national culture in which the organization operates? Why or why not? 2. What are some of the key challenges involved in creating cooperation within the organization in which you work? How are these challenges affected by differences in

    Professional Communication in Brazil

    You have been asked to prepare a presentation on the cultural behaviors on Brazil as Country. At a minimum each presentation should cover: Common forms of greeting Non-verbal communication ( body language). Concepts of personal Space

    Ways for a Global Business to Protect from Failure

    Name a factor which can contribute to a Global Business Failure of an organization? Explain the ramifications of a Global business failure to an organization. How can a global organization better prepare itself to protect itself against a global business failure?

    Country risk measures and economic indicators

    1. What is the relation between expected returns and country-risk measures? 2. What is the impact of country risk on international bank lending? 3. Which economic indicators identify debt servicing difficulties?

    World of Zero Costs

    In a world of zero transportation costs, no trade barriers, and nontrivial differences between nations with regard to factor conditions, firms must expand internationally if they are to survive. Discuss.

    Global Current Events Analysis

    Please provide some guidance on where to find information on global current events, such as: 1) Politics 2) Economics 3) Finance 4) Social, health, and environmental 5) Terrorism 6) External governance.