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    International Business Management

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    Global Communications: Gap Analysis for US Auto

    2. Global Communications Gap Analysis Using the Gap Analysis Template, prepare a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which you complete Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 and perform a gap analysis for Global Communications. Be sure to incorporate appropriate citations from your readings.

    Technological Improvements that Lead to Greater Productivity / Reduced Costs

    OTA, I would like to gain insight and perspective for better understanding. I have observed many industries that have gone through a technological change that has cost workers their jobs. OTA, in your own words, what are your thoughts about technological improvements that lead to greater productivity and reduced costs yet

    Horizon, or continuing Value - Radell Global Operations

    Current and projected free cash flows for Radell Global Operations are shown below. Growth is expected to be constant after 2007. The weighted average cost of capital is 11 percent. What is the horizon, or continuing, value at 2007? Projected ____________________________________________________________________ Actual

    International Management

    Carroll's model of social responsibility includes the social responsibilities categories of _____________, ______________, and ______________ plus those at the discretion of the firm. a. consumerism; discrimination; environment b. ethical responsibilities; discrimination; legal responsibilities c. ethical responsibilities;

    What Should I Do Next? Kim Allred

    Answer, in 200-300 words, the three questions following this incident. What Should I Do Next? Kim Allred is relatively new as a supervisor, having been promoted only two months ago. Before her promotion, she had worked for the company for seven years as a sales specialist in office equipment. There is no doubt that she is

    International Management

    Think of the ways that an idea of context could affect perceptions in cross-cultural interactions. For example, what role could it play in communication? What might be the effect in performance evaluation, in meetings, and for a firms' human resource practice as a whole?

    International Management and Stereotyping

    How can companies and international managers go beyond the "sophisticated stereotyping" that a superficial understanding of cultures might produce? What are some of the challenges or difficulties associated with doing this? Please discuss.

    Risk Crisis and Disaster Management

    I have submitted my essay and it failed. I am studying MSc Risk Crisis and Disaster Management. I now need to submit a 4,000 word essay title "Disasters do not cause effects. Effects are what we call a disaster - Wolf Dombrowski. I need to discuss with reference to two specific disasters and have at least 12 references. I

    High Technology, Incorporated: The International Benefits Problem

    Answers to the below questions is required for the attached case reading. 1. What do you think of Jack Cooke's plan to alleviate the problem of unequal access to benefits by expatriates? If you were Jack, what would you proposed and how does your proposal differ from his?

    Imaginary Crisis

    Short of a terrorist attack or your company being bought up and all your employees laid off, imagine a crisis that might occur at your company (or a company you would like to be employed by). It could be tampering of a specific product, a major chemical spill, an employee death because of faulty machinery, or something else. D

    Global Competition

    How does global competition affect the decision-making process in an organization? Keep in mind, all organizations face global competition even if your company is not global. Explain your answer.

    Internet has enhanced global trade

    List ways of how the Internet has enhanced global trade and list the Internet challenges associated with global trade such as varying infrastructures, taxes, distribution, B2B, etc. Share with the class your observations.

    For Your Comfort (FYC) knowledge management.

    Corporate strategy essentially focuses on achieving the highest top line (profit), reducing the bottom line (expense), increasing margins, differentiating products to match the VoC (Voice of the Customer), and incorporating best practices such as lean manufacturing and zero inventory to gain competitive advantage. You want t

    Subsidizing domestic agriculture

    How does the decision for the U.S. to subsidize domestic agriculture/manufacturing affect global trade? (You could use the tariff on Canadian soft wood imports as a concrete example)

    Global Analysis of Saudi Arabia

    GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW 1. Overview of Country: - Economic Statistics - Population - Religion - Trading Blocs - Political Environment - Legal Environment - Technological Environment - Corruption Perception Index - Any other information you feel relevant 2. Culture: - Influence on National

    Crisis Management Plan Outline

    My company is a toy company ( NPC). I have to write a crisis managment plan for a product recall plus two documents: a press release and another documents to the employees. I have never writen one and I honestly am stumbling over this. Please review the attached word doc for the criteria to follow.

    Staffing of global organizations

    What are the major staffing policies that Global Organizations should consider? How should an organization chose among these staffing policies? How do you assess the impact of implementing a specific staffing policy?

    Crisis management: Proactive or reactive

    Why should an organization develop a crisis management plan? What are some benefits of a crisis management plan? What is the difference between a proactive versus reactive crisis management plan?

    Public Relations

    What does proactive planning mean? When do you need a proactive crisis management plan? When do you utilize reactive crisis management? What role does PR play in reactive crisis management? What are some elements of a PR campaign? What is their relevance to a PR campaign?

    Knowledge Management

    Compare the two approaches to knowledge management and answer the following questions and/or address the following issues (See reference below): Did Frito-Lay and StepTwo (the consulting firm for the RTA case study) have the same definition or concept of knowledge management? Explain your answer. Compare and contrast th