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    Criminal Law and Justice

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    The Internet: Criminal Activity

    1. Provide three (3) specific examples of how the Internet has aided criminal activity. 2. Identify the types of crime that traditionally have been non-digital in nature are now best abetted by Internet activity. 3. Describe the role viruses, other malicious code, and phishing attacks play in aiding this criminal activity.

    Criminal Justice- Topic

    In 2-4 paragraphs discuss in detail TWO of the topics listed 1.Briefly compare and contrast life course and latent trait theories. 2.Discuss the factors that comprise problem behavior syndrome (PBS) and the association between PBS and crime. 3.What are the three pathways to crime identified by Loeber? Explain each of th

    Communication In The Criminal Justice Field

    You may encounter several different situations and people in the criminal justice field with whom you must communicate, such as the chief, the prosecutor, a citizen who witnessed a crime, a patrol officer, or the captain in charge of the records department. Select at least two different communication scenarios from above and des

    Phishing Attacks: Effects on the Public

    How are phishing attacks used as Internet fraud schemes? How does this form of attack affect individuals? Provide and explain an example of phishing and evaluate its effects on the public

    Criminal Justice Administration Ethical Standards

    I have choosen to do my essay on criminal justice administration ethical standards. I must come up with a thesis statement for the title and it has to be a debatable thesis statement can I please get some help on this? I had a few ideals but they were sent back to me saying they were facts or opinion and not debatable.

    Stresses In Police Work

    Write a summary that educates future police officers about stress that is common in police work. Describe stress and the types of stress that are common in police work. In addition, describe some of the sources and effects of police stress.

    Office of Justice Programs

    Write paper on a leadership model you feel should be implemented into a criminal justice agency administration. This model can be one that is currently discussed in literature or one you have personally created.

    Criminal Justice in Post Secondary Environment

    Some authorities propose that all law enforcement (e.g., police officers) and corrections officers (e.g. guards) should be required to have a four-year college degree in criminal justice. Others disagree and feel that the necessary skills and training can be obtained outside an academic environment and that individuals with libe

    Role of Correctional Systems

    Role of Correctional Systems Are correctional institutions the last step in the total criminal justice system? Are their roles sufficiently established that rehabilitated individuals return to society? Discuss within the context of the infamous Canadian Homolka case. Have the goals of "justice" been achieved? Additional mater

    Behavioral profiling

    Take the role of an investigator conducting behavioral profiling Prepare case assessment guidebook that identifies and describes specific components you would use in building a criminal profile for use with a type of or series of crimes for presenting in court. Develop your guidebook in a prioritized order for categories o

    Special probation programs for substance abusers

    Discuss special probation/parole client and programs that have been established to address this problem client. Focus on 1 type of special needs offender (substance abusers, sex offenders, gang-affiliated, DWI offenders, those with HIV/AIDS, or those with mental disabilities). Provide examples of programs that have been creat

    Prostitution Policy: Victimless Crime?

    Opinions surrounding the effectiveness of targeting prostitution differ, with critics contending that arresting prostitutes and johns has not affected the problem. Others contend that prostitution is a victimless crime and should be treated as a moral issue rather than a legal one. Do you agree or disagree with the idea that pro

    Driving Tickets: Influencing Factors

    Assume that you are working in traffic patrol and you have just pulled over a driver for driving at a speed of 65 miles per hour in a 55-mile-per-hour zone. As per your department's policy, you have the discretion to ticket the driver or give him or her a warning. Discuss, with a rationale, whether any of the following factors w

    Selection Stages in Hiring

    Briefly give an overview of the following stages in the hiring process: -The written test -The oral interview board -The assessment center

    War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding Analysis

    If you can, could you please help providing details on a paper on the crowding effect the war on drugs has had on correctional organizations in New York. Please include three workable solutions to the situation and substantiate your solutions with appropriate facts and figures. Thank you kindly in advance for your help

    Ad Hoc Plea Bargaining

    Describe the term ad hoc plea bargaining. What is your opinion of ad hoc plea bargaining? Why do you feel this way?

    Elements of a Guilty Plea

    What are the elements of a guilty plea? Should someone be able to contest a guilty plea? Are the methods already in place effective? Why, or why not?

    The Fifth Amendment's Double Jeopardy

    Please help with the following problem: What is the meaning of double jeopardy? Describe when the Fifth Amendment's double jeopardy clause applies and does not apply under the Blockburger Rule.

    Grand Juries in Different States

    Why do you suppose grand juries operate in some states and not others? Should grand juries be the charging mechanism of choice across the country? Why, or why not?

    The Case of Ernesto Miranda

    What is your opinion of the Supreme Court's decision in Miranda? Is Miranda necessary? Why do you feel this way? Explain and support your position.

    The Use of Diversion

    One definition of diversion is "the halting or suspension before conviction of formal criminal proceedings against a person, conditioned on some form of counter performance by the defendant" (George, 1984). There are several reasons for the use of diversion. - List 3 reasons with an explanation for the use of diversion, and

    Cyber-Victimization and Computer Crimes

    What is cyber-victimization? Why has cyber-victimization become a growing issue in computer crimes? List and describe three examples of cyber-victimization and the influence of the crimes?

    The Stop and Frisk Law

    The U.S. Supreme Court has expanded the stop and frisk law in recent years based on landmark cases that impacted the categories listed in the course textbook. Some may feel that it hinders the scope of law enforcement officers, yet they may not understand that it expands. Do you believe that the Supreme Court has expanded sto

    Drug Courier Profiling

    Explain the concept of ‘drug courier profiling’, including your opinion on this practice. Suggest why the Supreme Court has not made a ruling on whether or not it is constitutional. Explain why (or why not) you think that race should be a factor profiling.

    Warrantless Search and Seizure

    One of the most controversial issues concerning our judicial system and law enforcement is that of search and seizures of automobiles during a traffic stop and/or the overall premise of automobile searches. The historic case of Carroll v. United States (267 U.S. 132, 1925). How can the automobile exception carved out in Carro

    Hot Pursuit

    Concerning hot pursuit, has the Supreme Court decided in favor of police or in favor of suspects? Why do you feel this way?

    Probation and Parole for Sex Offenders

    Devin is a deviant. He has been arrested and convicted of child pornography and attempting to lure little boys into his van that he keeps parked in an abandoned lot next to the park; to take their picture and have tea parties. He claims he would never hurt the little boys, but he just likes hanging out with kids. Devin holds a m