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    Criminal Law and Justice

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    Presentence Investigation Report

    Often very controversial within the judicial system, the presentence investigation report provides the judge with an oversight of the defendant. Many believe that because the report is written by a probation or parole officer that it's often one sided in its approach. What are the four basic purposes of a presentence investig

    Mandatory Sentencing Laws

    As our judicial system continues to become an ever evolving system we look for new ways to impose punishment within the scope of the law and in a humane manner. In saying this many states have imposed mandatory sentences for certain crimes against society. How have mandatory sentencing laws affected the PSI?

    Granting of Probation

    The granting of probation through the sentencing process can come in many forms and the judicial system must take into account elements that affect whether or not the person is granted probation. According to Abadinsky (2012), some factors are considered in all cases relative to the granting of probation. In addition to statu

    Three-Strikes You're Out Laws

    One of the most controversial laws perceived by many in our society is that of the three strikes you're out law. The concept of the statutes is that if a person commits three felonies they're automatically committed to a lifetime of imprisonment. Though the law seems harsh to many, it's been effective in nature. What are the

    Why is the American Judicial System Not Systematic?

    The American judicial system is a web of courts, jails, prisons, and law enforcement agencies that are tasked with enforcing laws and ordinances ever day. In saying this, many question why the criminal justice system in the United States is referred to as a system that is not systematic. Why can the criminal justice system in

    Purposes of Sentencing

    The purpose of our judicial system is to increase recidivism and decrease the populations within our prison system. Prosecutors and judges are responsible for imposing sentencing against those based on the severity of their crime with the interest of the community in mind. According to Abadinsky (2012), there are five various pu

    Sentencing and Neoclassicism

    The foundation of the American criminal judicial system is to appropriately impose punishment on an individual based on the crime committed against society or an individual. In saying this, sentencing is deeply rooted in the concept of Neoclassicism. According to Abadinsky (2012). Name and discuss the three areas of Neoclassici

    Classicalism and Social Contract's Influence on Probation and Parole

    Though there have many theories that have impacted our probation and parole system that is currently in effect today, that of classicalism and social contract are said to have one of the biggest impacts. According to Abadinksy (2012), the concept of classicalism. Explain Classicism and Social Contract and how they influence pro

    Crimes by police officers

    Over the course of history we've seen many law enforcement agencies become the focal point of investigations for committing crimes. Discuss whether or not crimes by polices officers are a problem. 280 words with reference.

    Two Types of Supreme Court Decisions

    Discuss the two types of Supreme Court decisions and which one may be preferable over the other. Also, provide a personal opinion to which one is preferred and why.

    Incorporation and the Bill of Rights

    Could you help me with an assignment by writing about this topic and providing me with source for further research?: Summarize the leading views regarding incorporation and whether or not incorporation is running amok. Additionally, review whether or not the Supreme Court should have been more restrictive in terms of incorpor

    Law Enforcement: History of Policing

    Trace the history of policing from the Metropolitan Police Department in England to early American law enforcement. Explain some of the reasons that led to the establishment of organized police departments. Explain how early American departments were influenced by the British Metropolitan Police Department. Explain how ear

    Expenditures in Research

    You work as an analyst for a research agency. You have been asked to make recommendations on the budgets of the three components of criminal justice: the police, corrections, and courts. Discuss the amount of expenditure of each of the three components. Do you agree with the current breakdown of spending, in which the police sp

    Analysis of Different Policing Roles

    You are a sergeant in a police department that employs forty sworn officers and spends most of its time simply responding to calls for service. Your chief asks you to analyze the different roles in policing, including law enforcement, order maintenance, miscellaneous services, and convenience norms. On which of the four roles sh

    Tennessee vs. Reeves Case

    During the case of Tennessee versus Reeves in 1993 the court was faced with a controversial case that involved two middle school students, Reeves and Coffman, and the attempted murder of their homeroom teacher. The Tennessee court had to make a decision to whether or... Discuss the case of Tennessee v. Reeves in 1993. Discuss

    Inchoate Crimes

    In any case where there is more than one person involved in a crime, one of the parties might try to utilize the "wrong place, wrong time" theory as it relates to the crime. However, our judicial system sees this as an inchoate offense and/or parties. Inchoate crimes are also... ? Define and discuss inchoate offences. Discus

    Petition for Second Degree Murder

    The American judicial system is a web of courts that are limited to legislative acts as it relates to an individual's Constitutional right. In saying this, Ann Marie Reynolds filed a petition under RSA 651:20 in 1986 to have her sentence suspended for second degree murder... Discuss Ann Marie Reynolds case when she filed a pe

    Failing to Notify a Sexual Partner of Being HIV-Positive

    The capstone case of People v. Jensen was one of many cases in our judicial history that questions the culpable state of mind for an individual should they fail to notify the other person during sexual intercourse of their HIV-positive state. In your response, discuss the results of this case, why the court made that verdict,

    Politicians and Equal Treatment

    One of the most argumentative subjects among society is whether or not politicians are treated equal if they're found guilty of a criminal act. In saying this, the rule of law is often questioned if whether or not it's truly implemented. The article on Former Illinois Governor George Ryan... Discuss whether or not politicians

    Differences Between Criminal and Civil Cases

    The American judicial system is a spiderweb of courts that deal with criminal and civil cases on a daily basis. In saying this, society must understand how to pursue different routes in order to rectify issues and concerns as it relates to the individual or society at large. Discuss the major differences between criminal and

    Criminal Justice Data Collection

    Discuss the major differences between the various methods that are used to collect criminal justice data? What are these methods and which is the best?

    Forensic Science in 21st-Century Criminal Justice

    Include a discussion of the following questions: - How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach. - How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influe

    Computer Crimes: categories, threats, prevention

    Explain in detail the four (4) common categories of computer crimes and provide at least one (1) example for each. Determine which of these categories of computer crimes presents the greatest overall threat at the present time and why you perceive this to be the case. Address what the U.S. government, court systems, and la

    Types of Team Presentations

    May I please get some help in creating a 3 slide presentation on how the Federal Investigation Bureau benefit or might benefit from adopting the four types team? Using the four team types giving below please be sure to include a Introduction and conclusion slide. Problem-solving teams Self-Managed Work Teams Cross-

    Globalization, Government, Diversity and Communication

    History 1 Discuss the pros and cons of globalization and its impact on the United States. What has helped or hurt America's case for influence around the world? Have you felt that globalization affects you personally in your community or at your workplace? If so how? If not, why not? 2 The United States' general position i

    The American Judicial System

    The American judicial system is based on the foundation of sentencing and rehabilitation of criminals in order to reduce recidivism. In saying this, the corrections system must be able to carry out punishment and rehabilitation sentencing of those involved in the court system. Just as any other industry, the corrections system m

    Presentence Investigation

    Every person on trail by the American judicial system is entitled to a fair trial; regardless of the crime they are being tried for. In saying this, members of the judicial system must ensure that the defendant's rights are carried out based on their Constitutional rights in order to uphold fair treatment. Judges often use prese

    Passport and Justice

    Amanda Knox was an American student in her early 20s studying abroad at a university in Perugia, Italy. In November, 2007 she was arrested, later charged and in 2009 she was found guilty of the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher. This case received exclusive media attention all over the world. Much discussion has been ha