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    Java Programming: Coding Example Problem

    Access the extends3 Java program. Code, compile, and run the program. There are five lines of code marked (1)..(5) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Post to the Answer Forum an explaination of each of the lines of code (1..5), that is, what the code does syntactically

    Java Programming

    Access the emply and emplyC Java program. Code, compile, and run the program. There are five lines of code marked (1)..(5) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Post to the Answer Forum an explaination of each of the lines of code (1..5), that is, what the code does syntac

    Java Programming

    Access the array 4 Java program. Code, compile, and run the program. There are four lines of code marked (1)..(4) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Post to the Answer Forum an explaination of each of the lines of code (1..4), that is, what the code does syntactically a

    Java Programming

    See attach files. I am having a hard time to figure out how to display the output. I was trying to use the my.displayInformation(); clause but wasnt sucessful. Any help would be greatly apperciated. Write a Java program that does the following: 1. Creates a Ball class with attributes for color, hardness, and size and inst

    Java / C# Programming Help

    I have no idea in doing the following: Create new salary object based on the gross salary Store new salary object in array Check if the new gross salary is the new minimum and update accordingly Check if the new gross salary is the new maximum and update accordingly Please see the attachemnts for details.

    Java Programming

    I keep getting this error message java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main Exception in thread "main" . What I am doing wrong? public class PersonTwo { public String name = "John Smith"; public String job = "Doctor"; public void display() { System.out.println("My name is " + name + ", I am a " + job);

    Creating a Java Program

    See Attach Files. Use the modular approach and build the program piece by piece. Use stubs and test each part of the program before combining the error free segments of code at the end. The modular approach really does work!! Write a Java program that does the following: 1. Creates a Ball class with attributes for color,

    Java - Compiler errors

    In Code3 there are (6) numbered items. Do only the first four "compiler errors." Explain why each will produce a compiler error and what you would do to fix the problem. 1. What the JVM will do when you remove the comments. 2. What caused the problem in the first place. 3. What can be done (all the solutions) to fix


    Here is a public class called Student Public class Student { public int studID = 0; public char studGrade = 'F';} Use Notepad to write a test class called testStud.java which will instantiate an object called myStudent. Use the object to write print statments to print the current values of the two attributes. Next,


    ADDED CHANGES NEED FOR PROBLEM AND INCREASED BID TO 15. Also, the program should not except a neg number. 1. Modify the ScheduleDialog.java to have a button panel that will save the output to a file, read and display file content, and clear the text area: Write a class DataIOException.java that implements Throwable;

    Writing Java program from scratch

    Program reads info about students and their scores from a file and output the name of each student w/all his/her scores and the total score, plus the average score of the class, and the name and total score of the students with the highest and lowest total score. 4 files are provided: SavitchIn.java - contains simple input lib


    Modify MortgageDisplayGui.java to implement ActionListener.java ? Associate the current action listener with ? Write the action Performed function to perform the following tasks: o Interrogate the ActionEvent object and determine the source of the action. o Based on the source of the action call one of four functions &#6160


    Please help write a java program using a graphical user interface that accepts user input of the amount of the mortgage, the term of the mortgage and the interest rate of the mortgage and display the payment. Please use attached Mortgagedisplaycalcultor class diagram (must have the same names in the code) as a guide. The disp


    Write a Java program using a graphical user interface accepts user input of the amount of the mortgage, the term of the mortgage, and the interest rate of the mortgage and display the payment Allow the user to loop back and enter new data or quit. Insert comments in the program to document the program.

    JAVA PROBLEM for GUI Mortgage Calculators

    Please help in building a non GUI mortgage calculator that calculates and displays when executed in NETBEAN compiler: Principal = $200,000 Interest Rate = 0.0575 Periods = 360 Monthly Payment = Then scrolls and displays Payment # Principle Monthly Payment Pay Date (15JUL05) Interest Payment Interest Paid Principle Paid Attached

    Wrong output displayed in Java Program

    My output display this: Mortgagecalculator@7ced01 The output should display Years: 30, Loan Amount $200000.00, Interest Rate: .0575, and Monthly Payment: Calculated by Math.POW. Then a list of loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan should scroll off the screen, but need loops to display a pa


    This program does not display the program hard code. Principal = $200,000 Interest Rate = 0.0575 Periods = 360 Output: Monthly Payment = $1167 Please debug using NETBEANS IDE 3.6 Below is my checksheet with both files named mortgage.java and driver.java. 1. Function headers are complete, follow standards and accur

    Building a UML Diagram

    I am using NetBeans IDE 3.6 compiler. I need to files called Calculator.java and Driver.java so I can build a UML diagram. This is the example problem: Write a Java program without a graphical user interface that calculates and displays the mortgage payment amount given the amount of the mortgage, the term of the mortgage, a

    Tic Tac Toe in Java

    Category: Programming > Java Subject: Tic Tac Toe program Details: Tic tac toe is played on a 3x3 grid,Which is initially empty.Each of two players goes in turn.The winner is the person who gets a line of three noughts or three crosses.Games can end in a draw,where niether side has obtained a line.write a program to play the

    Java code for rectangle

    Having problems with part of question beginning: "These classes come with default "constructor methods". Write the Java code for .." through to and including last question from the question below. The Class for a Rectangle is shown below. PlaneRectangle is a specialisation of Rectangle with fields that define the location of

    Java program for contouring images

    Hello! I am trying to write a program in Java that will be able to recognise the contour of an image. An image is a two-dimentional table of boolean values (true=black, false=white), and the contour is the list of points which form the outer edge of the image. Two files are attached. The first is my class Image, and the se


    I need a Java program source code to process a 3-digit palindromic number. A palindromic number is any number which has the same value when read from either direction. The way to solve the problem (by hand) is as follows: · Write down any 3-digit number. · Reverse the digits in the original number and write them under

    Java Program that Processes Palindromic Number

    Write a program in Java to process a 3-digit palindromic number. A palindromic number is any number which has the same value when read from either direction. The way to solve the problem (by hand) is as follows: Object Basics and Simple Data Objects - Write down any 3-digit number. - Reverse the digits in the original numbe

    Problems about binary search tree in Java

    Questions: a. Consider the following binary search tree: (Please see the figure in attached problem file) i. What tree results after you insert the nodes 44, 48, 32, 36, 38, and 49 in that order? You only need to show the final result. ii. Given the original tree, what tree results when you delete the node 43 and then nod

    data structure in Java

    Question: You have a computer where multiplication is an enormously expensive operation compared to addition. Consider an algorithm for computing cubes using only addition (FYI: the first 5 cubes are 13 = 1, 23 = 8, 33 = 27, 43 = 64 and 53 = 125). This computation can be made using a two-pass (i.e. two loop) algorithm:

    Stuck on coding Java IOExceptions

    My problem is an exception class called ChatIOException that extends from IOException that is imported from the java.io package in order to extend IOException. Also, the ChatIOException class is within the package name javatraining.example.multithreads.chat There are 2 constructors that need to be declared for the ChatIO

    Problem with Java

    I am having problems identifing the appropriate class names, attributes and methods for the following objects. I need at least 3 attributes and 3 methods for each class. STUDENT INSTRUCTOR CLASS MAJOR For Example: Class Name Student Attributes socialSecurityNumber; studentName; studentDOB; Methods