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    Why would Java advocates support UNIX?

    Hello OTA in two paragraphs. Why would Java advocates support UNIX? I now know that UNIX was written in C language. Software works on one machine but will not run on another machine. All these software were written in machine language. To over come these problems the developers in bell labs laboratories starting working on

    Design a JUnit Test Framework for an ATM machine

    Hi, I need assistance in the following problem: Our project is to design a JUnit (CUnit or CppUnit) test framework. If I am good at C, C++, or Java (I am not good in any of them), I can write the ATM machine itself and Unit test in real source code. However, As I am not good at programming, you can use pseudo-code to write the

    Programming in Java: Magazine

    I've attached the assignment so please download the file. Thanks! Question: Modify the magazine rack program (from the lecture notes) by adding delete and insert operations into the magazine rack class. The insert method should be based on a compareTo() method in the Magazine class that determines if one magazine title comes

    Multiple Choice Questions on Computer Programming and Databases

    1. Which of the following is the same as the mean? a. median b. sum c. arithmetic average d. logarithm 2. The process of reversing the positions of two variables is called ____. a. sorting b. swapping c. selecting d. inserting 3. Which of the following is considered to be a popular coding scheme? a. ASCII b. EBCD

    Payroll Program Modification

    Modify the Payroll Program application so it continues to request employee information until the user enters stop as the employee name. In addition, program the application to check that the hourly rate and number of hours worked are positive numbers. If either the hourly rate or the number of hours worked is not a positive valu

    Potential IT Professions

    Write a 200- to 300-word description of at least two professions in these fields. Computer Systems Analysts Computer Programming

    Operating System and Programming Languages in Workplaces

    1. I need to write a 1-2 page memorandum describing what operating systems are used at your place of employment (if your company is too large, describe a department). Why were those operating systems chosen? 2. I need to write a 1-2 page memorandum descibing what programming languages are used at your place of employment). W

    Java Program - Clock

    I've attached the problems so please download the file. Thanks! Please see attached file for full problem description. Develop and execute programs for this exercise. Submit your results to COL. 1. In the example 1-1, the class Clock was designed to implement the time of day in a program. Certain applications, in additi

    Programming in Java II - Develop a program that plays "Five Card Stud".

    CSC 212 - Homework #6 Develop a program that plays "Five Card Stud". The user plays agains the computer. The program will "deal" five cards to the user and itself. Whoever has the highest hand wins. Inform the user who has won that hand, and ask if the user wants to play again. Interaction is as follows: Your hand is: 2 o

    Java Programming Language

    What are the major differences between Java programming language and any other programming language? List and discuss three items.

    Use pseudo-code to write the ATM machine and then design the test cases

    Read the article: Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests at http://junit.sourceforge.net/doc/testinfected/testing.htm. Now assume that one has to design an ATM machine object using Java (C or C++) with the following functionalities: check balance, deposit cash, and withdraw cash. Our project is to design a JUnit (CUnit or

    Need help with functions in C and C++

    Problem: Write a C function that includes the following sequences of statements: x = 21; int x; x =42; Run program and explain the results. Rewrite the same code in C++ and Java. I understand Java: Looks like this; Java: public int myMethod(int x) { x = 21; x = 42; return x; } It will

    Simple Java Program

    GIVEN THE CODE IN THE ATTACHMENT, develop a test program called CoinCounterTest to test the CoinCounter class. In the test program do the following: 1. Write client code (in the CoinCounterTest.java file) to create a CoinCounter object called counter. 2. Write client code to call the print method of counter. 3.

    ODBC using Apache Derby

    The purpose of this 3 page paper is to discuss Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) using Apache Derby Including strengths and weaknesses Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is one of the most popular ways today to code a database application. Embedded SQL applications tend to lack interoperatiliby. Applications might have to modif

    Airlines Information Management Systems-Requirement for Case Diagrams

    I require assistance in finalizing the requirements model for the Airlines Information Management System (AIMS) project. The requirements model need to include use UML case diagrams for the entire AIM system. This includes all three sub-systems: bookings, fleet management and employee management. I also require assistance in

    Java Program for Printing Employee Details

    I am looking for a java program that allows the user to create a file of employees, address, and phone numbers. Prompt the user to enter the filename, and then prompt the user to enter the employees names and their phone extension numbers. The user should press Control + Z after entering all of the data. The program then display

    application program that prompts the user to enter a number

    Write an application program that prompts the user to enter a number (a number only, error check for numerals only), subtract 50 from that number, and then declare an array using the calculated size. If you attempt to declare an array whose computed size is a negative, the program should throw an exception. Use a catch block to

    Eclipse Based Tools for Apache Derby

    Read the article: Eclipse Based Tools for Apache Derby. You will need to download and install the Cloudscape workbench here. Note the plugins mentioned in this article are already included in the version of Eclipse you installed for the module 1 case assignment. 2. Do all of the tasks discussed in the article above. Document

    Quality Assurance for Web Services

    Carry out a test on www.hi5.com web site. Carry out the test and prepare for the report. You should at least test the following aspect of the web site: 1. Compliance with HTML standards 2. Compliance with CSS standards 3. Web accessibility from different browsers 4. Web accessibility for disabilities 5.


    1. The amount of space between letters can be specified using the __________ property in a style rule. a. letter-kerning b. letter-leading c. letter-spacing d. letter-buffer 2. When a visitor clicks the submit button on a form, the ______ of each form element is sent. a. lab

    A Java Class for Time

    Modify class Time2 of Fig. 8.5 to include a tick method that increments the time stored in a Time2 object by one second. Provide method incrementMinute to increment the minute and method incrementHour to increment the hour. The Time2 object should always remain in a consistent state. Write a program that tests the tick method,

    .java program

    (Rectangle Class) Create a class Rectangle. The class has attributes length and width, each of which defaults to 1. It has methods that calculate the perimeter and the area of the rectangle. It has set and get methods for both length and width. The set methods should verify that length and width are each floating-point numbers l

    Rewriting pseudo code using loop structure

    Rewrite the following pseudo code segment using loop structure Rewrite the following pseudo code segment using loop structure in the specified languages: K-> (j+13) /27 Loop: If k > 10 the goto out K <- k + 1 I <- 3 * k - 1 Goto loop Out:

    Java - How to program a arrays

    If you were explaining an array ti a friend who is learning Java. how would you do so? How would you explain how arrays are used? Provide at least one concrete example.

    Sequence Diagrams for Java

    Draw a sequence diagram showing the following scenario: ? Actor asks TV to turn on ? TV asked Lamp to lower light level ? TV asks Actor which channel to set to ? Actor tells TV to set channel to channel 13