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ODBC using Apache Derby

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The purpose of this 3 page paper is to discuss Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) using Apache Derby Including strengths and weaknesses Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is one of the most popular ways today to code a database application.
Embedded SQL applications tend to lack interoperatiliby. Applications might have to modified to work with other RDBMS ODBC applications do not require the explicit declaration and use of host

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This paper describes Open Database Connectivity using Apache Derby, including the strengths and weaknesses of using Open Database Connectivity.

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The purpose of this 3 page paper is to discuss Open Database Connectivity

(ODBC) using Apache Derby Including strengths and weaknesses


The ODBC support for Apache Derby or IBM Cloudscape is made possible with the DB2 Runtime Client. Distributed relation database architecture (DRDA) is the common protocol used for communication between the client and the server, and is provided by the Runtime Client (Ibm.com, n.d).

IBM had made its Cloudscape database, and is also known as Apache Derby. The current version of IBM Cloudscape 10.1 is Apache Derby 10.1. IBM had done this not just with the intent of promoting Open Source code, but also in order to promote standards based application development.

ODBC using Apache Derby: Strengths

a) Support for .Net and Java:

Apache Derby provides support for Java as well as the .Net platform, which will ultimately give it an edge in the future, although there are several other databases providing this facility, this is the one that is ultimately going to make the difference.

Apache Derby has the support for Java, which in turn allows it to connect to use ODBC through JDBC. Apart from ...

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