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    Secure e-commerce and Wireless networks

    This solution explores the security threats faced by a company when implementing a wireless network. In particular, this solution utilizes a case study to explain the threats faced by the company and extrapolates on how the company can reduce the threats.

    Showing how to print in Java and describing basic HTML

    Please see the attached file. 7. C# writes output to the screen by having the Console object invoke a WriteLine() method, for example, Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); Write the corresponding Java statement. 10. Describe the text on a Web page that results from the HTML statement: <p><center> <font size = 12 c

    Java, FORTRAN, and C++

    1a. What is the output from the following section of FORTRAN code? ISUM = 0 I = 1 20 IF (I .GT. 4) GO TO 30 ISUM = ISUM + I I = I + 1 GO TO 20 30 WRITE (*,*) ISUM b. Write an equivalent section of Java code. 2. What is true after the following statements in a C/C++

    Java Declarations and Statements

    1. Write a Java declaration for one real number quantity called rate, initialized to 5.0. 2. Write a single Java statement to declare two integer quantities called orderOne and orderTwo, each initialized to 0.

    Relational Operators in Java

    Why aren't the relational operator (==) and the .equals method interchangeable? Why isn't the following code correct? String myName = "Ken"; if (myName == "Ken") //do something

    Weekly pay application in Java

    Create a non-GUI based Java application that calculates weekly pay for an employee. The application should display text that requests the user input the name of the employee, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked for that week. The application should then print out the name of the employee and the weekly pay amount. In

    Java applet using JFrame SWING

    See attached ----------------- Activities Listing YES NO Get information about cruises. Make reservations for dinning. Make reservations for golfing. Reserve the Club House. I am trying a SWING GUI program (probably using border layout North, South, East, West) to make this applet. Each button u

    Design a Swing GUI

    Design and code a Swing GUI for a two-player tic-tac-toe game on a 3 by 3 game board. The JFrame should use a BorderLayout with a JLabel in the NORTH region to display messages (e.g. who won the game), and a JPanel in the CENTER region to display the game board. For the game board in the JPanel, use a GridLayout manager with a

    Programming languages type less

    1. Some programming languages are typeless. What are a few of the obvious advantages and disadvantages of having no types in a language. Keep your answer to 1 paragraph or less. 2. Dynamic type binding is closely related to implicit heap-dynamic variables. Explain this relationship. Keep your answer to 1 paragraph or less

    Why is Java so Popular?

    Why do you think that Java is currently a popular programming language? Do you think Java will continue to be as widely received as it has been, or do you think it will experience an eventual decline? Where and how is Java currently used, and do you think it has maxed out its market share? Why or why not?

    Java Inheritance Errors

    There are 18 inheritance errors. -Find (the compiler output will help) and fix these errors so that the program produces the results shown in the comment at the bottom of the file. -Write text document detailing the relationship between the Parent, Son, and Daughter in the program //This program contains inheritance err

    Java GUI: Kilometer To Miles Convertor

    Create an interactive Java GUI program (using JOptionPane's showOptionDialog) that converts miles to kilometers and vice versa, depending on what the user chooses. Your GUI should provide the following: * Choices for converting miles to kilometers OR kilometers to miles * Error checking for inputs other than integ

    Java Program to Demonstrate If-Else and Switch Structures

    Write a Java program that illustrates the use of * Strings * if-else control structures * switch control structures Program must include a method for each element. Write one method containing String manipulations, one that includes if-else statements, and one that includes a switch.

    Westfield Carpet Company: Programs Calculating Price

    The Westfield Carpet Company has asked you to write an application that calculates the price of carpeting for rectangular rooms. To calculate the price, you multiply the area of the floor(width times length) by the price per square foot of carpet. For example, the area of floor that is 12 feet long and 10 feet wide is 120 squar

    Statements Evaluation

    Show what is printed by each of the following statements. If a statement is incorrect, indicate why. a) System.out.printf("%-10dn",10000); b) System.out.printf("%cn", "this is a string"); c) System.out.printf("%8.3fn",1024.987654); d) System.out.printf("%#on%#xn",17,17); e) System.out.printf("%dn%+dn",1000000, 1000000);

    Java and Identification of Prime Number

    I have to write a Java program that meets the following requirements: Declare a method to determine whether an integer is a prime number Use the following method declarations: public static Boolean isPrime (int num) An integer greater than 1 is a prime number if its only divisor is 1 or itself. For example, isPrime (

    Java: Reading Integers, and Computing Totals and Averages

    Write a Java program that will read integers and find the total and average of the input values, not counting zeros. My program must end with the input zero. I have to display the average as a floating point number. The program must also find the largest and smallest value. It also must find the count of how many ent

    Java Reader Program: int Values

    Write a program that will search a text file of strings representing numbers of type int and will write the largest and the smallest numbers to the screen. The file contains nothing but strings representing numbers of type int one per line. Your solution can use either the BufferedReader class or the Scanner class. To read a

    Java Programing: Non-Zero Denominations

    Write a Java program that displays the non-zero denominations only. Display singular words for single units like 1 dollar and 1 penny, and display plural words for more than one unit like 2 dollars and 3 pennies. (Use 23.67 to test your programs.) If the user enters zero or a negative amount, my program should exit properly a

    Java Program for Integer Check

    I have to write a Java program that reads an integer and checks whether it is even. If my input is 25, my output should be: Is 25 even? false If my input is 2000, my output should be: Is 2000 even? true Also, the program must check if the number the user entered is between 1 and 1000. If my input is 25

    Programing in Java: Fahrenheit to Celsius

    I have to write a Java program that converts fahrenheit to celsius. The formula is: celsius = (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32) The program read a Fahrenheit degree in double from the input dialog box then converts it to Celsius and displays the result in a message dialog box. In Java, 5 / 9 is 0, so I need to write 5.0 / 9

    Writing Java Codes

    1. Write a Java code that will change the value of myary[4] to 100: 2. Write the code for a char array that will hold the letter grade for the entire online grading scheme. 3. What is the value of x after x = myary.length? 4. Write a code to declare a 2D integer array myary1 which has 3 columns and 4 rows. 5. Write

    Declaring and initializing Java arrays

    1. Write Java syntax which declares a 1D integer array myary that holds 5 values. 2. Instantiate and initialize the array from Q#1 with values: 5, 3, 5, 7,

    Interactive Java GUI Program Requesting Two Numbers

    Write a complete interactive Java GUI program that requests two numbers from the user. The first number is the row dimension and the second number is the column dimension. Print to the user a rectangle of stars based on the input. The program must do the following: a. Print the rectangle of stars. b. Error check for bad inpu

    Java Application that Reads a Five-Letter Word

    Write an application that reads a five-letter word from the user and produces every possible three-letter string that can be derived from the letters of the five-letter word. For example, the three letter words produced from the word "bathe" include "ate" "bat" "bet" "tab" "hat" "the" and "tea".

    Java Script for a Specific Age Calculation

    Create a simple age calculator to determine if a user is allowed to purchase a particular restricted product. Model an abstract class to represent the generic restricted product and concrete classes to represent alcohol, tobacco, R-rated movies, PG-13 rated movies and video games. Each of these products have a different minimum

    Java - Lines of Code

    Explain the ten lines of code marked (1)..(10) after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output.Explanation each of the lines of code (1..10), that is, what the code does logically and what it does in the program.

    Benefits of programming knowledge in IT

    How does knowledge of programming concepts benefits individuals working in almost any IT position? Include at least one specific example of how java programming knowledge benefits nonprogramming working in IT.