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    Java Programming

    Access the monster.java program. Compile and run the program. There are ten lines of code marked (1)..(10) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Submit your work with an explanation of each of the lines of code (1..10), that is, what the code does logically and what it doe

    Write value returning and void Java methods

    You have already written the code for the four loop problems which you will now combine into one program with four distinct methods. For this assignment you will write methods, two value returning methods and two void methods. You may choose which of the four problems are coded into which method. Each method must represent one o

    Java Programming

    Access the Extends Java program. Compile and run the program. There are five lines of code marked (1)..(5) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Submit your work with an explanation of each of the lines of code (1..5), that is, what the code does syntactically and what it

    Need a Java scrolling applet on top of my WEB page

    I need a scrolling applet on my WEB page my black and white photo in widow as watermark, however that is not required Text: The Earth Observatory System is the study of the earth resources. Science information about the air we breath, the water we drink and sail upon to every mineral on the surface of the erath is mo

    Java Programming

    Write a GUI Java program that plays a guessing game with the user. The user will first enter a number between 1-10 OR letters between A-K (uppercase) and your program will generate a random number in the same range OR a letter to compare to the user's input, and declare whether you have matched each other or not. The program

    Differences between Java and other languages

    What are the major differences between Java programming language and any other language? List and discuss three items. How could company utilize PDA technology to improve efficiencies? Would there be a time, cost, or labor savings?

    Encrypt and decrypt the message using the Caesar cipher

    The cipher that Caesar used is simple technique to replace each letter of the alphabet with the another letter further down the alphabet for lowercase and uppercase. Encrypt and decrypt the message using the Caesar cipher with (K=3) in Java.

    Java Programming

    Loop Assignment: Uses a while loop to count down every odd number from 40 to 0, printing each off number down to zero, except the number 3 and 33. Program must use a continue and an if statement. This is what I have so far but I am unable to get the continue statement to work with the program. Please help...Thanks. p

    Java Application to implement Caesar's Cipher Encryption

    Write a Java application to implement the following: The cipher that Caesar used is a simple shift technique to replace each letter of the alphabet with another letter further down the alphabet as shown (similarly for lower case letters). Original letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z Coded letter: D E F

    Data Structure and Algorithms

    Question 1 Implement an array-based abstract data type 'stack' specified in class and do the following: Write a procedure called read_and_evaluate_expression that reads in and evaluates a postfix expression (defined below) and writes out its value. (JAVA) Your procedure must follow the algorithm sketched below, and it must

    Java program

    Write a program that reads a social security number written as contiguous digits (for instance, 509435456), uses the charAt method to obtain each character and then prints each digit on a separate line followed by a colon and the digit printed the number of times equal to its value. Thus the output for 509435456 would be 5:55

    Improving a company through WEB resounces

    In what way could a non WEB based company improve their company through the use of WEB resources like FTP, News Server; what type of business advantages could this bring?

    Programming language

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of programming in each of the following programming languages: Java, Pascal and LISP?

    Best programming language

    The vehicle registration department for the State is becoming decentralized. Each county will now handle its own registration process and will issue its own license plates. However, there needs to be some centralized checking so that counties do not duplicate license plate design yet are still distinguished from other counties.

    Information on SQL characteristics, history, example and uniqueness.

    SQL Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need about page about basic SQL, I am looking for your opinion. a. Characteristics b. Why was it created? c. Is there anything unique about it? d. History e. small sample example of code f. What makes it different

    Comparison between Java and Pascal Programming Language

    The vehicle registration department for the State of Florida is becoming decentralized. Each county will now handle its own registration process and will issue its own license plates. However, there needs to be some centralized checking so that counties do not duplicate license plate design yet are still distinguished from other

    Programming Language comparison for Vehicle Registration process.

    Here is the question: The vehicle registration department for the State of Florida is becoming decentralized. Each county will now handle its own registration process and will issue its own license plates. However, there needs to be some centralized checking so that counties do not duplicate license plate design yet are still

    Java Programming

    Write a simple application which implements the StockWatcher interface (attached file).

    Java: Fraction, Subclass, Number

    From the program attached, perform each of the following experiments. Explain in a word document what happens when you do each operation and why this happens. 1. "Comment out" one of the method declarations for class Fraction. 2. "Comment out" the toString method in class Fraction 3. Remove the comment in front of the line:


    Define the JAVA code necessary to allow only one connection to a server program at a time. After connecting, the server sends a "CLEAR" message and then closes the connection. The process is repeated for clients wanting to connect..

    Using Java Class to Find a String in Another String

    How to use Java classes to find the number of times a string is present in another string? Write a function to count occurrences of a string in another string. Then write a driver program to input a string and then input several lines of text, using the function to count occurrences of the string in the lines of text.

    types of values modules

    What types of values do the following modules/methods return, and what type of arguments do they take? a) addThreeNumbers b) findNameByID c) convertCelsiusToFahrenheit d) averageTwoNumbers What would be objects of the following classes? a) Car b) Movie c) Be

    How do I begin to break down a programming idea into modules?

    My task is to think of a software application that I may be asked to develope, for example, a maintenance tracking application for an apartment complex, a video store application, a gym membership and equipment tracking application, an on-line shopping application, etc. I have to select one, discuss it, then determine how I woul

    Java Programming

    Write a Java program that does the following: 1.Creates a grading program based on a College grading standard (See attach file). 2. Uses a char array to hold the letter grades. 3. Creates two classes 'bill' and 'susan' with private grade attributes and two class methods to manipulate their grades. One method will ra