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    Relevant Market Survey; Difference in Salary Ranges & Pay Bands

    Questions of human resources, Compensation Course. Please do not use the compensation book author Milkovich, because is text that I using and do not use plagiarism from the website use the ideas and develop the answer with your own words. 1-What is a market survey? What factors determine the relevant market for a survey? Why

    Calculate Profit-Maximizing Amount, Optimal Price, and Profits

    The second largest public utility in the nation is the sole provider of electricity in 32 counties of southern Florida. To meet monthly demand for electricity in these counties, which is represented by the inverse demand function, P = 1000 - 5 Q, the utility company has set up two electric generating facilities: Q � kilowat

    Gantt Chart Lab: Construct two Gantt charts

    Power Tools (PT) has just received an order for 70 PT band saws, to be shipped at the beginning of Week 9. The saw assembly information is shown in the attached document. The problem is to construct two Gantt charts from this information: (a) one using front schedule logic (b) one using back schedule logic

    Rolls Royce a Venerable Brand

    Rolls-Royce (RR) was established in 1906 and founded by Charles Stewart Rolls and Frederick Henry Royce. From the very beginning the company established a standard of quality that's focal concern was dedicated to excellence starting with the model "Silver Ghost" to "Phantom." Rolls-Royce is a venerable brand as a result of its

    Create and Manage a Diversified Workforce

    Write an Introduction and a Purpose statement related to thew following problem statement: Over the last two decades, many companies have realized the importance of creating and managing a broad and diversified workforce in all areas of their business. Hence, the increased attention gained among managers. This problem will co

    Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction

    What factors do you think influence employee job satisfaction? Compare and contrast these factors to the factors that might be most important to a person.

    Internal Evaluation of the United States Postal Service

    Internal Evaluation; this is the "SW" of the SWOT analysis. Every organization has strengths and weaknesses. Give an example of a company you know or read up on who did not really develop their strengths or deal with key weaknesses. Please make the example a United States based company and provide a reference.

    Control and Rewards System

    What kinds of control and reward systems would we be likely to find in (a) a small manufacturing company, (b) a chain store, (c) a high-tech company, and (d) a Big Five accounting firm?

    Concept of Value

    In an ORIGINAL response: Discuss the concept of "value" as it relates to social, environmental, and economic inputs. How is value perceived differently from different stakeholders? When looking at sustainability, why is "value" important?

    non-profit organization presentation

    You are the Executive Director of a national non-profit organization that promotes bicycling and walking to work. You are making a presentation to your Board of Directors based on the "Bicycling and Walking in the US" report. Click here to access the report: http://peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/images/uploads/2010%20Benc

    Compute the average time a student spends in the waiting line.

    Problem 2 During registration at a university, students have their courses approved by the adviser. It takes the adviser an average of 2.8 minutes (exponentially distributed) to approve each schedule, and students arrive at the adviser's office at the rate of 20 per hour (Poisson distributed). You are required to answer the f

    Learning Curves Application

    What is the learning curve and how can it be applied? Would the learning curve be appropriate for your organization?

    Transnational Organization: Challenges, capabilities, knowledge management

    1. What are some of the challenges presented to transnational organizations? How important is it to recognize these challenges before responding to them? 2. What are some of the capabilities needed in a multidimensional and competitive environment? How might an organization develop these capabilities? 3. How might an org

    Factors influence adoption and diffusion of innovations

    1. What factors influence the adoption and diffusion of innovations? The factors that influence the adoption and diffusion of innovations are the type of advantage the innovation provides. The next is the compatibility of the innovation. For instance, if there is a new software, it is compatible with the commonly used operat

    Sustainability Plan: Emotional vs. Factual

    Two vice presidents of a large commercial dairy farm have each developed a different sustainability plan. The overview of the first plan is written in a matter-of-fact tone and contains many facts and figures related to nutrition, finances, and energy efficiency. The overview of the second plan uses more emotional language and c

    Critical Paths of Projects

    Discuss the critical path of a project. How do you determine the critical path of a project? Wouldn't the critical path be the shortest if there is only one path? Please include and references

    Critical assessment of comparative general claim

    Provide a critical assessment of the following comparative general claim: The increase in the number and support of conservative think tanks has been substantial since the mid-1970s. The American Enterprise had twelve resident thinkers when Jimmy Carter was elected; today it has forty-five. The Heritage Foundation has sprung

    Write a bad news MEMO

    Write a bad news MEMO to employees explaining that all employees will have to take 6 unpaid furlough days this year. With the current economic climate, you've decided furlough days are important to ensure a balanced budget at the end of the year.


    You provided an executive summary for FedEx. Can you help me with 5 additional ways Fedex can grow their territory.

    Identify a Different Company for 3 Different Approaches

    In a three page paper, identify a different organization for each of the three specific approaches listed [Differentiation, Cost Leadership, and Response] (see Figure 2.4). Support your position with references to specific actions, policies, or events that demonstrate why your opinion makes sense.

    group of hearing impaired individuals attending your training class

    You have been advised that there will be a group of hearing impaired individuals attending your "Effective Presentations" training class. Discuss how you will design your presentation, the method you will use to deliver the content, and the resources you will need to assist you for an effective training class.

    Free of Constraints

    Is there ever a situation where we are free of constraints? As the previous question asks when either constraints are more important and when the objective function is more important, should we assume both share in importance? Why, why not? Please include references.

    Department Efficiency Review Committee tasks

    Committees can either hinder or help an organization's quest for optimum performance, partially dependent upon the leadership of managers of an organization. This week, our class will assess a case scenario and describe aspects of a committee. You are the CEO of a small, but growing, home health agency. You have decided to se

    Lab Overview: Bottlenecks, Runtime, Setup, Total time Lab

    See attached file. STEP 1: Determine the setup, runtime, and total time for the shaping department. Copy your answer to an MS Word document. STEP 2: Pickling Determine the setup, runtime, and total time for the pickling department. Copy your answer to an MS Word document. STEP 3: Packing Determine the setup, run

    Virtual Organization

    Explain virtual organizations and address the question do networks represent a new hybrid form of organization, combining the benefits of control and flexibility, or simply a transitionary stage from form to market transaction?