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    Human Anatomy and Physiology

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    Neurophysiology of nerve impulses

    Respond appropriately to each statement below either by completing the statement or by answering the question raised. 1. The cellular unit of the nervous system is the neuron. What is the major function of this cell type? 2 and 3. What characteristics are highly developed to allow the neuron to perform this function? (hin

    Histology of nervous tissue

    Supply an answer and explanation for each of the following: a) How is one-way conduction at synapses ensured? b) what is a mixed nerve c) What is the value of the connective tissue wrappings found in a nerve? d) Which cells of the following are multipolar, unipolar or bipolar: (sensory neuron, motor neuron, and

    Excretory System

    1) How many nephrons are contained in each kidney? about 100 about 1000 less than 100 about a million 2) Which of the following contains the least concentration of glucose plasma nephric filtrate urine 3) What percentage of the glucose in the filtrate is reabsorbed in the nephron? 0%

    Nervous System

    The junction specialized for the transmission between a neuron and another cell is called a (1) _____ ______. Usually, the signal being sent to the receiving cell is carried by chemical messengers called (2) _____. (3) _____ is an example of this type of chemical messenger, which diffuses across the synaptic cleft, combines with

    Nervous System

    Nerve cells that conduct messages are called (1) ____. (2) _____ cells, which support and nurture the activities of neurons, make up less than half the volume of the nervous system. (3) _______ neurons respond to specific kinds of environmental stimuli, (4) ______ connect different neurons in the spinal cord and brain, and (5)


    An immature egg (oocyte) is released from one (1) ____ of a pair. From each ovary, and (2) _____ forms a channel for transport of the immature egg to the (3) ______, a hollow, pear-shaped organ where the embryo grows and develops. The lower narrowed part of the uterus is the (4) _______. The uterus has a thick layer of smooth m

    HUman Biology

    51. The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of a(n) A. artery. B. arteriole. C. vein D. capillary. 52. The spleen A. is the largest lymphatic organ B. it filters the blood. C. it serves as a blood reservoir. D. all of the above 53. The spleen is much like a lymph node except that the

    Human Biology

    1. The alimentary tube is around _____ meters long. A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 9 2. The processes of chewing are referred to as ______ A. churning B. mastication C. peristalsis D. deglutition 3. How many teeth does an average adult have? A. 20 B. 32 C. 30 D. 52 4. The term wisdom tooth refers to the _____ toot

    HUman Biology

    1. Attaches a muscle to a bone. A. Maximus 2. Attaches bones to bones. B. Minimus 3. The attachment of a muscle to C. Antagonist a stationary bone. D. Pronator 4. The attachment of a muscle to E. Supinator a bone that moves. F. Insertion 5. The shortening of a muscle. G. Origin 6. A muscle that cause the main

    Human Biology of Body Parts

    1.The radius is on the (medial, lateral) side of the forearm. 2. The nose is (inferior, superior) to the mouth. 3. The heart is (dorsal, ventral) to the sternum. 4. The carpals are (distal, proximal) to the phalanges. 5. The sternum is (anterior, posterior) to the vertebral column. Directions: Match the following

    HUman Biology

    This structure supports the weight of the vetebral column and helps protect organs. a. sternum b. pectoral girdle c. pelvic girdle d. acetabulum What converts to red marrow and produces new red blood cells when blood loss from the body is severe. a. yellow marrow b. spongy bone c. compact bone d. red marrow Wha

    HUman Biology

    The epidermis is thickest on the : a. mouth b. tongue c. scalp d. soles e. elbow Which of the following is not a function of the Integumentary System ? a. movement b. protection c. temperature regulation d. synthesis of vitamin D e. eliminate waste These skin glands are located only i


    Please could you answer these questions as true or false (also attached): 1. An increase in tissue oncotic pressure contributes to edema. 2. Heart failure is an example of a disease state that causes generalized edema. 3. Hypertonic fluid alterations occur when the osmolality of extracellular fluid is below norma

    Memory Types and Losses

    Match the following: Declarative Memory Nondeclarative Memory Consolidation Amnesia Phylogenetic memory Defs: Skill memory a pathological form of forgetting rote memory the process by which memories are transformed from short -term to long term Species-based evolutionary memory

    Metabolizer phenotype of CYP2D6

    I got 0 out of 15 points for my answer on this problem. I'm thinking I should have received some partial credit. I'm posting the original question, my answer, and the "official" answer. I understand that the given answer is a better method, but won't my proposed method work? I'm looking for some expert, detailed, technical adv

    Mother-Child and the Rh Factor

    Regardless of bloodtype what is the problem if the Mother is Rh- with an Rh+ baby? 1st baby, and subsequent babies if not addressed? What happens and how? Also, this is a very strange question to ask you, I know, and if you can provide me with any info, advice, just let me know and I'll post it as a new problem and let me k

    Change in blood flow

    Indentify other organs and tissues in the given table and comment on the change in blood flow through them when an athlete starts from rest to engage in moderate aerobic exercise then intense anaerobic exercise. I am looking for help and advice in completing this question I have to write about 100 words

    Describe the Integral Physiological Mechanisms in Blood Flow

    Please help write ideas for an essay on the above using the the following figures and desperately need help to do it. Approx. 400 words. Blood flow measurements (ml min-1) through different organs. rest moderate aerobic intense anaerobic exe

    Tetraalkylammonium compounds

    Tetraalkylammonium compounds block non-specific cation channels by sticking into the pore. What would the effect of these toxins be on vertebrate vision? Why? Thank you.

    Intracellular and Extracellular Fluids

    I explain in clear layman's terms the effects of the following on intracellular and extracellular fluids: 1. eating a salty meal 2. hemorrhage 3. intravenous isotonic saline solution.