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    Substance-Related Disorders

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    Alcohol Abuse Problem

    Mr. Wilko is a 40-year-old salesperson with a wife and three teenage children. He has recently begun to have a beer at lunch and a few drinks after work to reduce his work-related stress. An economic downturn in the housing industry has reduced the need for new home appliances and his income and sales record has been affected. S

    Available Drug Treatment Options

    Discuss what employee assistance programs are and how they can help an employee struggling with drug addiction. Discuss one inpatient treatment program. Discuss one outpatient treatment program. Discuss treatment modalities offered by the programs (e.g., individual therapy, group therapy, psychotherapy). What are som

    Marijuana: Dangers, DSM-IV, Strategies for Intervention

    Cannabis may well be the most hotly debated drug, with some advocating for its legalization, others maintaining that it is a gateway to the so-called hard drugs. Argue the case for marijuana being a dangerous drug on its own merits (regardless of your personal view). Include dangers to the individual or society. Discuss t

    Current Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hallucinogens.

    Search the Internet for current literature that outlines theories, approaches, strategies, and techniques shown to be effective when working with clients using hallucinogens. Write a detailed description of your findings. Cite the sources where you located the information. 300 words or more with scholarly references.

    Concepts of Chemical Dependency

    Please help with the following problem. What aspects of the clinical criteria used to identify an addiction might you change? Explain why and support your position with facts and other evidence.

    Substance Abuse and Teen Pregnancy

    What are the different ways in which the issues of substance abuse and teen pregnancy might be related? Support your statement with facts either from the textbook or outside research.

    Severe Alcohol Dependence

    I need help with this question: A new client describes a 20-year progression of drinking that has culminated in severe alcohol dependence. Your client drinks a case of beer each day and is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking. Your client has an extremely high tolerance for alcohol intake. - Describe how you

    Community Treatment Program Aversion Therapy

    Community Treatment Program Aversion Therapy utilizes conditioning as treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Locate one peer-reviewed article on aversion therapy published within the past five years. The article should describe an original study using aversion therapy to treat alcohol and/or drug abuse. 1. Summarize th

    Theories of Addiction, Treatment, and Prevention

    Briefly describe the main theories regarding the etiology and treatment of addictive disorders, including strategies for prevention. Which of these theories fits most closely with your own ideas and assumptions about addictive disorders?

    Intoxication, Abuse, and Dependence

    Provide a brief definition of addiction. What are the similarities and differences in the levels of involvement in the following substance-related stages of addiction: use, intoxication, abuse, and dependence? Discuss why people continue to use substances, despite negative consequences.

    Principles of Reinforcement and Reinforcement Contingencies

    Locate and Review the Dodd, Glassman, Arthur, Webb, and Miller (2010) article regarding positive and negative consequences of excessive alcohol consumption among underage college students. Dodd, V., Glassman, T., Arthur, A., Webb, M., & Miller, M. (2010). Based on the (Principles of Reinforcement and Reinforcement Continge

    Concepts of use and misuse and abuse

    What is the difference among the concepts of use and misuse and abuse and dependence? Give an example of these concepts. You can use examples of celebrity's behavior or examples from people you know (need at least 200 words and a reference).

    Substance Abuse Case Study

    Steven and Joan are the parents of two children, Jessica (14) and Jeremy (12). Steven and Joan are both recovering substance abusers, and they met while at treatment eighteen years ago. Both had parents who were substance abusers. They attend meetings, and both are active in the recovery community. Steven works as a retail store

    Examine pharmacology.

    Demonstrate your current understanding of stimulant abuse. You may focus on amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, caffeine, or nicotine. Include in your reflection myths you may have held to be true, facts you have learned, and things you might like to see happen in regard to human beings' love affair with stimulants.

    Case Study Jack: Theories of Counseling Related to Addiction Treatment

    Please choose and identify two models and/or theories that would most likely be used for this case, why you chose them, how each of the two models and/or theories you selected apply to the case study, how each might address the issues presented in the case study from a counseling standpoint, then analyze the strengths and weakne

    physical-dependence theory of addiction with positive-incentive

    Compare the physical-dependence theory of addiction with the positive-incentive theory of addiction. Discuss the factors that are hypothesized to maintain early bouts of drug administration and that maintain long-term drug consumption. List references.

    Norm-Referenced Assessment

    An important aspect of using a norm-referenced assessment is the degree to which the norming group is representative of the target population to be assessed. Examine reviews available for the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI-3) in the Mental Measurements Yearbook and evaluate the degree to which it would be appr

    Treatment plan for a case study.

    Treatment Plan. This component will incorporate concepts and approaches along the continuum of care for addiction or compulsive behaviors, as well as the selected treatment modality which is in the attached case study document. Treatment plan will contain the following: Client identifying information and client consent to

    Drug Treatment Options

    -Identify at least one inpatient treatment program and one outpatient treatment program and compare them. I need help with comparing the bullets below within the programs chosen: ï Treatment modalities used by the programs ïi. Populations served I chose two programs for inpatient and two programs for outpatient. The

    Examine substance addiction in terms of consequences

    Discuss the issue of substance addiction in terms of consequences for the individual and society. Explore why relapse prevention and intervention programs have had only limited effectiveness in solving the problem of drug addiction.

    Alcohol Case study

    Briefly summarize the case you selected. Explain your five-axis diagnosis. Provide specific supporting information for each axis. Describe additional information that might be significant to the assessment, treatment, and welfare of the client and intervention. Client brought into the detoxification unit of a local coun

    Behavior change

    I have met countless alcoholics who have been in therapy and AA for years, and really seem to have gotten good insight into the root of their problem, yet their drinking behavior does not change. What do you think about this? Does insight necessarily lead to behavior change?