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physical-dependence theory of addiction with the positive-incentive theory of addiction

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Compare the physical-dependence theory of addiction with the positive-incentive theory of addiction. Discuss the factors that are hypothesized to maintain early bouts of drug administration and that maintain long-term drug consumption. List references.

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This solution clarifies differences between the physical-dependence theory of addiction with the positive-incentive theory of addiction. References are also infused to validate the findings and to aid in a greater understanding of the question.

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Hello -

I have attached a short summary of the 2 theories and the main references for them.

Hope this helps!

Compare the physical-dependence theory of addiction with the positive-incentive theory of addiction. Discuss the factors that are hypothesized to maintain early bouts of drug administration and that maintain long-term drug consumption. List references

The positive incentive theory of addiction was pioneered by Robinson and Berridge, They state that neuroadaptations resulting from repeated drug exposures ...

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